@profile ..\tc.pro @ edit xref.txt @ edit notepad.txt @ .notepad save.txt @ get save.txt @ edit c:\users\ibm_admin\documents\csound\turbo\music\samples.pas l; Song name: Alpine Daisy - Roof of Wind 9-24-16 l; Album Title: Summer l; l; orchestra: l; Baritone guitar, finger piano, harp, vibraphone, tuba, balloon drums, grand piano, English horn, French horn, bassoon, alto flute l; Objectives l; drunkard random walk go forward and backward through the tonality diamond. l; Next: Nearer my god to thee l; l l l @ use the following for writing to a file -G is to create a postscript eps output file of function tables @-G ; for 24 bit resolution use -3 command line option l-W -G -m2 -o erigeron.wav --displays -3 l l l -3 command line option l ; sr = 192000 ; my laptop audio supports this high sample rate, but not the docking station l sr = 44100 l ksmps = 2; any higher than 10 and I hear clicks - use 1 for final take l; typically save 5x processing time by increasing ksmps by 10x l nchnls = 2 l instr 1 l l; p1 is always 1 l; p2 start time l; p3 duration l; p4 velocity, 60-80 works best l; p5 tone - which tone is this note - 1-100 for Partch scale - maxequal in samples.pas 6/15/06 l; p6 Octave l; p7 voice l; p8 stereo - pan from left = 0 to right = 16 l; p9 envelope - one of several function tables for envelopes 1 - 16 l; p10 glissando - one of several function tables to modify pitch l; p11 upsample - use a sample higher (>0) or lower (<256) than n-vel l; p12 envelope for right channel - if blank, use the left channel envelope for both channels l; l ifunc table p7,1 ; find the location of the sample wave tables l ioct = p6+1 l iwavchan table p7,2 ; is it mono (iwavchan = 1) or stereo sample file (iwavchan = 2) l ; or are sustain points in separate table iwavchan=3 l inum = 12*(ioct) + int(p5/6) ; convert from octave/pitch to a MIDI note number to pick ftable (root is 72, 72/12 = 6) l ifno2 table inum, ifunc ; map midi note number to the correct ftable for that note l ifno = ifno2 + (p11 < 128 ? p11 : p11-256) ; up or down sample by parameter 11 modulo 256 l iamp = ampdb(p4) ; velocity input is 60-80 - convert to amplitude l i9 = 298-p9 ; valid envelope table number are 298, 297, 296, 295 etc. - left channel l i12 = 298-p12 ; valid envelope table number are 298, 297, 296, 295 etc. - right channel l i10 = 301+p10 ; valid glissando table number are 301, 302, etc l; kamp_l poscil iamp, 1/p3, i9 ; create a precise long envelope from a function table for left channel l; kamp_r poscil iamp, 1/p3, i12 ; create a precise long envelope from a function table for right channel l kamp_l oscil iamp, 1/p3, i9 ; create an envelope from a function table for left channel l kamp_r oscil iamp, 1/p3, i12 ; create an envelope from a function table for right channel l kpan_l tablei p8/16, 4, 1,0,1 ; pan with a sine wave using f table #4 - 2st value is reduced to max 1, n-velized l kpan_r tablei 1.0 - p8/16, 4, 1,0,1 ; inverse of kpan_l l ibasno table ifno-(3+ifunc), 1 + ifunc ; get midi note number the sample was recorded at l icent table ifno-(3+ifunc), 2 + ifunc ; get cents to flatten each note l iloop table ifno-(3+ifunc), 3 + ifunc ; get loop or not l ibasoct = ibasno/12 ; find the base octave l ibascps = cpsoct(ibasoct+(icent/1200)) l ipitch table p5, 3 ; convert note number 0-71 to oct.fract format - hand made table 3 of fractions l inote = cpspch(ioct + ipitch) ; note plus the decimal fraction of a note from table - how precise is this? l print p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p11,ioct,inum,ifno2,ifunc,ifno,ibasno,ibasoct,ibascps,icent, ipitch,inote,iloop l ;print p5, p6, p10, i10 l kcps = cpspch(ioct + ipitch) ; convert oct.fract to Hz l kcpsm oscili 1, 1/p3, i10 ; create an set of shift multiplicands from table - glissandi l kcps2 = kcps * kcpsm ; shift the frequency by values in glissando table l ; Four choices: Mono looping, stereo looping, mono no-loop, stereo no-loop l if iwavchan = 4 goto akaimono l if iloop = 0 goto noloops l ; Stereo with loop l ; print ifno, ibascps l a3,a4 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps; stereo sample with looping l goto skipstereo l noloops: l ; Stereo without looping l a3,a4 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps,0,1,2 ; stereo sample without looping - note that 1,2 is bogus workaround l goto skipstereo l akaimono: l if iloop = 0 goto noloopm l ; Mono with looping l a3 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps ; mono sampling with loop l a4 = a3 l goto skipstereo l noloopm: l ; Mono without looping l a3 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps,0,1,2 ; mono AIFF sample without loop l a4 = a3 l l skipstereo: l ; start comparison sine wave oscillator for fine tuning adjustment testing l ; ihertz = cpspch(ioct+ipitch) ; what frequency are you trying to make l ; a1 oscili 1, kcps*4, 500 ; sine wave to compare the sample frequency to l ; a5 = a1 ; + a3 ; add the sample to the sine wave right l ; a6 = a4 + a3 ; and left l ; a3 = a5 l ; a4 = a6 l ; end comparison sine wave oscilator l ; start of resonant filter for tuning purposes l ;a1 reson a3,kcps*4,20,2 l ;a2 reson a4,kcps*4,20,2 l a1 = a3 * kamp_l l a2 = a4 * kamp_r l; l outs a1 * kpan_l ,a2 * kpan_r l endin l l; instr 99 l; kamp poscil 1, 1/p3, 1 ; create an envelope from a function table l; a6, a7 soundin "erigeron.wav" l; outs a6 * kamp, a7 * kamp l; endin l l l ; cents for each step in the scale ; just equivalent to 72 EDO @lf3 0 128 -2 0 @l 0.001673 0.003362 0.005327 0.007067 0.008447 0.011173 0.011944 0.013857 0.015064 0.016500 0.018240 @l 0.020391 0.021669 0.023117 0.024774 0.026687 0.028921 0.030185 0.031564 0.034248 0.034741 0.036481 @l 0.038631 0.040011 0.041751 0.043508 0.044927 0.047078 0.051955 0.049804 0.051955 0.053338 0.055132 @l 0.056872 0.058251 0.059022 0.061749 0.063662 0.068045 0.056872 0.065318 0.070196 0.059022 0.073338 @l 0.090587 0.077263 0.078249 0.077263 0.081369 0.076492 0.085259 0.086696 0.088436 0.090587 0.091672 @l 0.093313 0.094970 0.096883 0.098331 0.099609 0.101760 0.103500 0.104936 0.106676 0.108827 0.110105 @l 0.111688 0.113341 0.115123 0.117849 0.115123 0.120000 @; 72 EDO lf3 0 128 -2 l 0 0.0016667 0.0033333 0.0050000 0.0066667 0.0083333 0.0100000 0.0116667 0.0133333 0.0150000 0.0166667 l 0.0183333 0.0200000 0.0216667 0.0233333 0.0250000 0.0266667 0.0283333 0.0300000 0.0316667 0.0333333 l 0.0350000 0.0366667 0.0383333 0.0400000 0.0416667 0.0433333 0.0450000 0.0466667 0.0483333 0.0500000 l 0.0516667 0.0533333 0.0550000 0.0566667 0.0583333 0.0600000 0.0616667 0.0633333 0.0650000 0.0666667 l 0.0683333 0.0700000 0.0716667 0.0733333 0.0750000 0.0766667 0.0783333 0.0800000 0.0816667 0.0833333 l 0.0850000 0.0866667 0.0883333 0.0900000 0.0916667 0.0933333 0.0950000 0.0966667 0.0983333 0.1000000 l 0.1016667 0.1033333 0.1050000 0.1066667 0.1083333 0.1100000 0.1116667 0.1133333 0.1150000 0.1166667 l 0.1183333 0.12 @ 53 EDO @lf3 0 128 -2 @l 0 0.0022642 0.0045283 0.0067925 0.0090566 0.0113208 0.0135849 0.0158491 0.0181132 0.0203774 @l 0.0226415 0.0249057 0.0271698 0.0294340 0.0316981 0.0339623 0.0362264 0.0384906 0.0407547 0.0430189 @l 0.0452830 0.0475472 0.0498113 0.0520755 0.0543396 0.0566038 0.0588679 0.0611321 0.0633962 0.0656604 @l 0.0679245 0.0701887 0.0724528 0.0747170 0.0769811 0.0792453 0.0815094 0.0837736 0.0860377 0.0883019 @l 0.0905660 0.0928302 0.0950943 0.0973585 0.0996226 0.1018868 0.1041509 0.1064151 0.1086792 0.1109434 @l 0.1132075 0.1154717 0.1177358 0.1200000 @ Just tonality diamond @ lf3 0 128 -2 0.0 0.0070672 0.0084467 0.0111731 0.0119443 0.0128298 0.0138573 0.0150637 0.0155140 0.0165004 @ l 0.0182404 0.0203910 0.0231174 0.0247741 0.0266871 0.0289210 0.0315641 0.0347408 0.0359472 0.0378602 @ l 0.0386314 0.0417508 0.0427373 0.0435084 0.0454214 0.0470781 0.0498045 0.0536951 0.0551318 0.0563382 @ l 0.0582512 0.0609776 0.0617488 0.0636618 0.0648682 0.0653185 0.0663049 0.0694243 0.0701955 0.0737652 @ l 0.0745786 0.0764916 0.0772627 0.0782492 0.0813686 0.0840528 0.0849383 0.0852592 0.0857095 0.0884359 @ l 0.0910790 0.0925418 0.0933129 0.0952259 0.0968826 0.0996090 0.1017596 0.1034996 0.1049363 0.1061427 @ l 0.1071702 0.1080557 0.1088269 0.1172736 0.1200000 @ old limited diamond - only notes that are in the diamond @ lf3 0 128 -2 0.0 0.0111731 0.0119443 0.0128298 0.0138573 0.0150637 0.0165004 @ l0.0182404 0.0203910 0.0231174 0.0247741 0.0266871 0.0289210 0.0315641 0.0315641 @ l0.0347408 0.0359472 0.0386314 0.0386314 0.0417508 0.0435084 0.0454214 0.0498045 @ l0.0498045 0.0498045 0.0536951 0.0551318 0.0563382 0.0582512 0.0617488 0.0636618 @ l0.0648682 0.0663049 0.0701955 0.0701955 0.0701955 0.0745786 0.0764916 0.0782492 @ l0.0813686 0.0813686 0.0840528 0.0852592 0.0884359 0.0884359 0.0910790 0.0933129 @ l0.0952259 0.0968826 0.0996090 0.1017596 0.1034996 0.1049363 0.1061427 0.1071702 @ l0.1080557 0.1088269 0.1200000 lf4 0 1025 9 .25 1 0 ;The first quadrant of a sine for panning lf500 0 256 10 1 @lf9 0 1025 9 1 .5 2 .25 3 .125 4 .125 0 ; a sort of sawtooth sine wave ;lf9 0 256 10 1 ; sine wave @lf2 0 256 10 1 ; c4 = 72 = middle C = 60 is MIDI standard number ; g3 = 67 ; something is wrong with function table 300 ; 1st take 2nd take 3rd take 4th take 5th take 6th take sum of takes = size of table ; these are useful for taking a note up or down an octave without moving the sample up or down - built in munchkinization lf301 0 256 -7 1 256 1 ; g0 = no change; lf302 0 256 -7 1.125 256 1.125 ; g1 up 9/8 lf303 0 256 -7 1.25 256 1.25 ; g2 up 5/4 lf304 0 256 -7 1.3333 256 1.3333 ; g3 up 4/3 lf305 0 256 -7 1.5 256 1.5 ; g4 up 3/2 lf306 0 256 -7 .875 256 .875 ; g5 down 7/8 lf307 0 256 -7 .5 256 .5 ; g6 down 1 octave lf308 0 256 -7 .25 256 .25 ; g7 down 2 octaves lf309 0 256 -7 .125 256 .125 ; g8 down 3 octaves @ minor up and down and back (for example, F G-- D++) @ f# t size ty s for e t up a ratio for stay there down to stay there end lf310 0 1024 -7 1 512 1 0 1.125 256 1.125 0 .9000000 256 .9000000 0 ; g9 4 5 3 = A# C Ab lf311 0 1024 -7 1 512 1 0 1.14285714 256 1.14285714 0 .8888889 256 .8888888 0 ; g10 5 6 4 = 11:8 -> 11:7 -> 11:9 @ slide down for gong lf312 0 256 -7 1 256 1.0625; g11 glide up 17/16 lf313 0 256 -7 1 256 .9375; g12 glide down 15/16 ; Glissando up tables min points mid pts max pts mid pts max pts mid pts min mid max mid min mid max ; glide number Ratio lf314 0 256 -7 1 48 1 128 1 80 1 ; 1:1 g13 up 0 @ edit save.txt @ get save.txt lf315 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1 127 1 ; 14 up 0 a lf316 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.09050773266526 127 1.09050773266526 ; 15 up 9 a lf317 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.10105679545314 127 1.10105679545314 ; 16 up 10 a lf318 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.11170790495044 127 1.11170790495044 ; 17 up 11 a lf319 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.12246204830937 127 1.12246204830937 ; 18 up 12 a lf320 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.13332022223144 127 1.13332022223144 ; 19 up 13 a lf321 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.14428343305974 127 1.14428343305974 ; 20 up 14 a lf322 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.15535269687227 127 1.15535269687227 ; 21 up 15 a lf323 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.16652903957612 127 1.16652903957612 ; 22 up 16 a lf324 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.17781349700248 127 1.17781349700248 ; 23 up 17 a lf325 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1.18920711500272 127 1.18920711500272 ; 24 up 18 a lf326 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.832839910703493 127 0.832839910703493 ; 25 up 19 a lf327 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 1 127 1 ; 26 dn 0 a lf328 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.91700404320467 127 0.91700404320467 ; 27 dn 9 a lf329 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.908218362694402 127 0.908218362694402 ; 28 dn 10 a lf330 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.899516856493507 127 0.899516856493507 ; 29 dn 11 a lf331 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.890898718140338 127 0.890898718140338 ; 30 dn 12 a lf332 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.882363148899842 127 0.882363148899842 ; 31 dn 13 a lf333 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.873909357689526 127 0.873909357689526 ; 32 dn 14 a lf334 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.865536561006142 127 0.865536561006142 ; 33 dn 15 a lf335 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.857243982853072 127 0.857243982853072 ; 34 dn 16 a lf336 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.849030854668406 127 0.849030854668406 ; 35 dn 17 a lf337 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.840896415253713 127 0.840896415253713 ; 36 dn 18 a lf338 0 256 -7 1 1 1 128 0.832839910703493 127 0.832839910703493 ; 37 dn 19 a lf339 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1 120 1 ; 38 up 0 b lf340 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.09050773266526 120 1.09050773266526 ; 39 up 9 b lf341 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.10105679545314 120 1.10105679545314 ; 40 up 10 b lf342 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.11170790495044 120 1.11170790495044 ; 41 up 11 b lf343 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.12246204830937 120 1.12246204830937 ; 42 up 12 b lf344 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.13332022223144 120 1.13332022223144 ; 43 up 13 b lf345 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.14428343305974 120 1.14428343305974 ; 44 up 14 b lf346 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.15535269687227 120 1.15535269687227 ; 45 up 15 b lf347 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.16652903957612 120 1.16652903957612 ; 46 up 16 b lf348 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.17781349700248 120 1.17781349700248 ; 47 up 17 b lf349 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.18920711500272 120 1.18920711500272 ; 48 up 18 b lf350 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1.20071094954528 120 1.20071094954528 ; 49 up 19 b lf351 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 1 120 1 ; 50 dn 0 b lf352 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.91700404320467 120 0.91700404320467 ; 51 dn 9 b lf353 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.908218362694402 120 0.908218362694402 ; 52 dn 10 b lf354 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.899516856493507 120 0.899516856493507 ; 53 dn 11 b lf355 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.890898718140338 120 0.890898718140338 ; 54 dn 12 b lf356 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.882363148899842 120 0.882363148899842 ; 55 dn 13 b lf357 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.873909357689526 120 0.873909357689526 ; 56 dn 14 b lf358 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.865536561006142 120 0.865536561006142 ; 57 dn 15 b lf359 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.857243982853072 120 0.857243982853072 ; 58 dn 16 b lf360 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.849030854668406 120 0.849030854668406 ; 59 dn 17 b lf361 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.840896415253713 120 0.840896415253713 ; 60 dn 18 b lf362 0 256 -7 1 16 1 120 0.832839910703493 120 0.832839910703493 ; 61 dn 19 b lf363 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1 112 1 ; 62 up 0 c lf364 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.09050773266526 112 1.09050773266526 ; 63 up 9 c lf365 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.10105679545314 112 1.10105679545314 ; 64 up 10 c lf366 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.11170790495044 112 1.11170790495044 ; 65 up 11 c lf367 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.12246204830937 112 1.12246204830937 ; 66 up 12 c lf368 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.13332022223144 112 1.13332022223144 ; 67 up 13 c lf369 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.14428343305974 112 1.14428343305974 ; 68 up 14 c lf370 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.15535269687227 112 1.15535269687227 ; 69 up 15 c lf371 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.16652903957612 112 1.16652903957612 ; 70 up 16 c lf372 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.17781349700248 112 1.17781349700248 ; 71 up 17 c lf373 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.18920711500272 112 1.18920711500272 ; 72 up 18 c lf374 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1.20071094954528 112 1.20071094954528 ; 73 up 19 c lf375 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 1 112 1 ; 74 dn 0 c lf376 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.91700404320467 112 0.91700404320467 ; 75 dn 9 c lf377 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.908218362694402 112 0.908218362694402 ; 76 dn 10 c lf378 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.899516856493507 112 0.899516856493507 ; 77 dn 11 c lf379 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.890898718140338 112 0.890898718140338 ; 78 dn 12 c lf380 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.882363148899842 112 0.882363148899842 ; 79 dn 13 c lf381 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.873909357689526 112 0.873909357689526 ; 80 dn 14 c lf382 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.865536561006142 112 0.865536561006142 ; 81 dn 15 c lf383 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.857243982853072 112 0.857243982853072 ; 82 dn 16 c lf384 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.849030854668406 112 0.849030854668406 ; 83 dn 17 c lf385 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.840896415253713 112 0.840896415253713 ; 84 dn 18 c lf386 0 256 -7 1 32 1 112 0.832839910703493 112 0.832839910703493 ; 85 dn 19 c lf387 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1 96 1 ; 86 up 0 d lf388 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.09050773266526 96 1.09050773266526 ; 87 up 9 d lf389 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.10105679545314 96 1.10105679545314 ; 88 up 10 d lf390 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.11170790495044 96 1.11170790495044 ; 89 up 11 d lf391 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.12246204830937 96 1.12246204830937 ; 90 up 12 d lf392 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.13332022223144 96 1.13332022223144 ; 91 up 13 d lf393 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.14428343305974 96 1.14428343305974 ; 92 up 14 d lf394 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.15535269687227 96 1.15535269687227 ; 93 up 15 d lf395 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.16652903957612 96 1.16652903957612 ; 94 up 16 d lf396 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.17781349700248 96 1.17781349700248 ; 95 up 17 d lf397 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.18920711500272 96 1.18920711500272 ; 96 up 18 d lf398 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1.20071094954528 96 1.20071094954528 ; 97 up 19 d lf399 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 1 96 1 ; 98 dn 0 d lf400 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.91700404320467 96 0.91700404320467 ; 99 dn 9 d lf401 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.908218362694402 96 0.908218362694402 ; 100 dn 10 d lf402 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.899516856493507 96 0.899516856493507 ; 101 dn 11 d lf403 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.890898718140338 96 0.890898718140338 ; 102 dn 12 d lf404 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.882363148899842 96 0.882363148899842 ; 103 dn 13 d lf405 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.873909357689526 96 0.873909357689526 ; 104 dn 14 d lf406 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.865536561006142 96 0.865536561006142 ; 105 dn 15 d lf407 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.857243982853072 96 0.857243982853072 ; 106 dn 16 d lf408 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.849030854668406 96 0.849030854668406 ; 107 dn 17 d lf409 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.840896415253713 96 0.840896415253713 ; 108 dn 18 d lf410 0 256 -7 1 64 1 96 0.832839910703493 96 0.832839910703493 ; 109 dn 19 d @ edit save.txt @ get save.txt @ ; Vibrato depth: 0.03 ; ftable Points Start Mid Max Mid Min Mid Max Mid Min Mid Max Mid Min Mid Max Mid Min Mid Max Mid Min Mid Max Mid Min lf 446 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0000 16 1.00000 4 0.9850 4 0.9700 4 0.9850 4 1.0000 4 0.9850 4 0.9700 4 0.9850 4 1.0000 4 0.9850 4 0.9700 4 0.9850 4 1.0000 4 0.9850 4 0.9700 4 0.9850 4 1.0000 4 0.9850 4 0.9700 4 0.9850 4 1.0000 4 0.9850 4 0.9700 lf 447 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0453 16 1.09051 4 1.0755 4 1.0605 4 1.0755 4 1.0905 4 1.0755 4 1.0605 4 1.0755 4 1.0905 4 1.0755 4 1.0605 4 1.0755 4 1.0905 4 1.0755 4 1.0605 4 1.0755 4 1.0905 4 1.0755 4 1.0605 4 1.0755 4 1.0905 4 1.0755 4 1.0605 lf 448 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0505 16 1.10106 4 1.0861 4 1.0711 4 1.0861 4 1.1011 4 1.0861 4 1.0711 4 1.0861 4 1.1011 4 1.0861 4 1.0711 4 1.0861 4 1.1011 4 1.0861 4 1.0711 4 1.0861 4 1.1011 4 1.0861 4 1.0711 4 1.0861 4 1.1011 4 1.0861 4 1.0711 lf 449 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0559 16 1.11171 4 1.0967 4 1.0817 4 1.0967 4 1.1117 4 1.0967 4 1.0817 4 1.0967 4 1.1117 4 1.0967 4 1.0817 4 1.0967 4 1.1117 4 1.0967 4 1.0817 4 1.0967 4 1.1117 4 1.0967 4 1.0817 4 1.0967 4 1.1117 4 1.0967 4 1.0817 lf 450 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0612 16 1.12246 4 1.1075 4 1.0925 4 1.1075 4 1.1225 4 1.1075 4 1.0925 4 1.1075 4 1.1225 4 1.1075 4 1.0925 4 1.1075 4 1.1225 4 1.1075 4 1.0925 4 1.1075 4 1.1225 4 1.1075 4 1.0925 4 1.1075 4 1.1225 4 1.1075 4 1.0925 lf 451 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0667 16 1.13332 4 1.1183 4 1.1033 4 1.1183 4 1.1333 4 1.1183 4 1.1033 4 1.1183 4 1.1333 4 1.1183 4 1.1033 4 1.1183 4 1.1333 4 1.1183 4 1.1033 4 1.1183 4 1.1333 4 1.1183 4 1.1033 4 1.1183 4 1.1333 4 1.1183 4 1.1033 lf 452 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0721 16 1.14428 4 1.1293 4 1.1143 4 1.1293 4 1.1443 4 1.1293 4 1.1143 4 1.1293 4 1.1443 4 1.1293 4 1.1143 4 1.1293 4 1.1443 4 1.1293 4 1.1143 4 1.1293 4 1.1443 4 1.1293 4 1.1143 4 1.1293 4 1.1443 4 1.1293 4 1.1143 lf 453 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0777 16 1.15535 4 1.1404 4 1.1254 4 1.1404 4 1.1554 4 1.1404 4 1.1254 4 1.1404 4 1.1554 4 1.1404 4 1.1254 4 1.1404 4 1.1554 4 1.1404 4 1.1254 4 1.1404 4 1.1554 4 1.1404 4 1.1254 4 1.1404 4 1.1554 4 1.1404 4 1.1254 lf 454 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0833 16 1.16653 4 1.1515 4 1.1365 4 1.1515 4 1.1665 4 1.1515 4 1.1365 4 1.1515 4 1.1665 4 1.1515 4 1.1365 4 1.1515 4 1.1665 4 1.1515 4 1.1365 4 1.1515 4 1.1665 4 1.1515 4 1.1365 4 1.1515 4 1.1665 4 1.1515 4 1.1365 lf 455 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0889 16 1.17781 4 1.1628 4 1.1478 4 1.1628 4 1.1778 4 1.1628 4 1.1478 4 1.1628 4 1.1778 4 1.1628 4 1.1478 4 1.1628 4 1.1778 4 1.1628 4 1.1478 4 1.1628 4 1.1778 4 1.1628 4 1.1478 4 1.1628 4 1.1778 4 1.1628 4 1.1478 lf 456 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.0946 16 1.18921 4 1.1742 4 1.1592 4 1.1742 4 1.1892 4 1.1742 4 1.1592 4 1.1742 4 1.1892 4 1.1742 4 1.1592 4 1.1742 4 1.1892 4 1.1742 4 1.1592 4 1.1742 4 1.1892 4 1.1742 4 1.1592 4 1.1742 4 1.1892 4 1.1742 4 1.1592 lf 457 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 1.1004 16 1.20071 4 1.1857 4 1.1707 4 1.1857 4 1.2007 4 1.1857 4 1.1707 4 1.1857 4 1.2007 4 1.1857 4 1.1707 4 1.1857 4 1.2007 4 1.1857 4 1.1707 4 1.1857 4 1.2007 4 1.1857 4 1.1707 4 1.1857 4 1.2007 4 1.1857 4 1.1707 @ @ lf 458 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9585 16 0.91700 4 0.9320 4 0.9470 4 0.9320 4 0.9170 4 0.9320 4 0.9470 4 0.9320 4 0.9170 4 0.9320 4 0.9470 4 0.9320 4 0.9170 4 0.9320 4 0.9470 4 0.9320 4 0.9170 4 0.9320 4 0.9470 4 0.9320 4 0.9170 4 0.9320 4 0.9470 lf 459 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9541 16 0.90822 4 0.9232 4 0.9382 4 0.9232 4 0.9082 4 0.9232 4 0.9382 4 0.9232 4 0.9082 4 0.9232 4 0.9382 4 0.9232 4 0.9082 4 0.9232 4 0.9382 4 0.9232 4 0.9082 4 0.9232 4 0.9382 4 0.9232 4 0.9082 4 0.9232 4 0.9382 lf 460 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9498 16 0.89952 4 0.9145 4 0.9295 4 0.9145 4 0.8995 4 0.9145 4 0.9295 4 0.9145 4 0.8995 4 0.9145 4 0.9295 4 0.9145 4 0.8995 4 0.9145 4 0.9295 4 0.9145 4 0.8995 4 0.9145 4 0.9295 4 0.9145 4 0.8995 4 0.9145 4 0.9295 lf 461 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9454 16 0.89090 4 0.9059 4 0.9209 4 0.9059 4 0.8909 4 0.9059 4 0.9209 4 0.9059 4 0.8909 4 0.9059 4 0.9209 4 0.9059 4 0.8909 4 0.9059 4 0.9209 4 0.9059 4 0.8909 4 0.9059 4 0.9209 4 0.9059 4 0.8909 4 0.9059 4 0.9209 lf 462 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9412 16 0.88236 4 0.8974 4 0.9124 4 0.8974 4 0.8824 4 0.8974 4 0.9124 4 0.8974 4 0.8824 4 0.8974 4 0.9124 4 0.8974 4 0.8824 4 0.8974 4 0.9124 4 0.8974 4 0.8824 4 0.8974 4 0.9124 4 0.8974 4 0.8824 4 0.8974 4 0.9124 lf 463 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9370 16 0.87391 4 0.8889 4 0.9039 4 0.8889 4 0.8739 4 0.8889 4 0.9039 4 0.8889 4 0.8739 4 0.8889 4 0.9039 4 0.8889 4 0.8739 4 0.8889 4 0.9039 4 0.8889 4 0.8739 4 0.8889 4 0.9039 4 0.8889 4 0.8739 4 0.8889 4 0.9039 lf 464 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9328 16 0.86554 4 0.8805 4 0.8955 4 0.8805 4 0.8655 4 0.8805 4 0.8955 4 0.8805 4 0.8655 4 0.8805 4 0.8955 4 0.8805 4 0.8655 4 0.8805 4 0.8955 4 0.8805 4 0.8655 4 0.8805 4 0.8955 4 0.8805 4 0.8655 4 0.8805 4 0.8955 lf 465 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9286 16 0.85724 4 0.8722 4 0.8872 4 0.8722 4 0.8572 4 0.8722 4 0.8872 4 0.8722 4 0.8572 4 0.8722 4 0.8872 4 0.8722 4 0.8572 4 0.8722 4 0.8872 4 0.8722 4 0.8572 4 0.8722 4 0.8872 4 0.8722 4 0.8572 4 0.8722 4 0.8872 lf 466 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9245 16 0.84903 4 0.8640 4 0.8790 4 0.8640 4 0.8490 4 0.8640 4 0.8790 4 0.8640 4 0.8490 4 0.8640 4 0.8790 4 0.8640 4 0.8490 4 0.8640 4 0.8790 4 0.8640 4 0.8490 4 0.8640 4 0.8790 4 0.8640 4 0.8490 4 0.8640 4 0.8790 lf 467 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9204 16 0.84090 4 0.8559 4 0.8709 4 0.8559 4 0.8409 4 0.8559 4 0.8709 4 0.8559 4 0.8409 4 0.8559 4 0.8709 4 0.8559 4 0.8409 4 0.8559 4 0.8709 4 0.8559 4 0.8409 4 0.8559 4 0.8709 4 0.8559 4 0.8409 4 0.8559 4 0.8709 lf 468 0 129 -6 1 4 1 4 1 16 0.9164 16 0.83284 4 0.8478 4 0.8628 4 0.8478 4 0.8328 4 0.8478 4 0.8628 4 0.8478 4 0.8328 4 0.8478 4 0.8628 4 0.8478 4 0.8328 4 0.8478 4 0.8628 4 0.8478 4 0.8328 4 0.8478 4 0.8628 4 0.8478 4 0.8328 4 0.8478 4 0.8628 l;Trills of two steps ending up @ lf411 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.06971185 16 1.06971185 0 1 16 1 0 1.06971185 208 1.06971185 ; 07 110 .trl07c g110 lf412 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.09050773 16 1.09050773 0 1 16 1 0 1.09050773 208 1.09050773 ; 09 111 .trl09c g111 lf413 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.10105680 16 1.10105680 0 1 16 1 0 1.10105680 208 1.10105680 ; 10 112 .trl10c g112 lf414 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.11170790 16 1.11170790 0 1 16 1 0 1.11170790 208 1.11170790 ; 11 113 .trl11c g113 lf415 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.12246205 16 1.12246205 0 1 16 1 0 1.12246205 208 1.12246205 ; 12 114 .trl12c g114 lf416 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.13332022 16 1.13332022 0 1 16 1 0 1.13332022 208 1.13332022 ; 13 115 .trl13c g115 lf417 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.14428343 16 1.14428343 0 1 16 1 0 1.14428343 208 1.14428343 ; 14 116 .trl14c g116 lf418 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.15535270 16 1.15535270 0 1 16 1 0 1.15535270 208 1.15535270 ; 15 117 .trl15c g117 lf419 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 208 1.16652904 ; 16 118 .trl16c g118 lf420 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.17781350 16 1.17781350 0 1 16 1 0 1.17781350 208 1.17781350 ; 17 119 .trl17c g119 lf421 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.18920712 16 1.18920712 0 1 16 1 0 1.18920712 208 1.18920712 ; 18 120 .trl18c g120 l;Trills of two step ending down lf434 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.934831192 16 0.934831192 0 1 16 1 0 0.934831192 208 0.93483119 ; 7 133 .trd7c g133 lf435 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.925874712 16 0.925874712 0 1 16 1 0 0.925874712 208 0.925874712 ; 8 134 .trd8c g134 lf436 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.917004043 16 0.917004043 0 1 16 1 0 0.917004043 208 0.917004043 ; 9 135 .trd9c g135 lf437 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.908218363 16 0.908218363 0 1 16 1 0 0.908218363 208 0.908218363 ; 10 136 .trd10c g136 lf438 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.899516856 16 0.899516856 0 1 16 1 0 0.899516856 208 0.899516856 ; 11 137 .trd11c g137 lf439 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.890898718 16 0.890898718 0 1 16 1 0 0.890898718 208 0.890898718 ; 12 138 .trd12c g138 lf440 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.882363149 16 0.882363149 0 1 16 1 0 0.882363149 208 0.882363149 ; 13 139 .trd13c g139 lf441 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.873909358 16 0.873909358 0 1 16 1 0 0.873909358 208 0.873909358 ; 14 140 .trd14c g140 lf442 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.865536561 16 0.865536561 0 1 16 1 0 0.865536561 208 0.865536561 ; 15 141 .trd15c g141 lf443 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.857243983 16 0.857243983 0 1 16 1 0 0.857243983 208 0.857243983 ; 16 142 .trd16c g142 lf444 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.849030855 16 0.849030855 0 1 16 1 0 0.849030855 208 0.849030855 ; 17 143 .trd17c g143 lf445 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 0.840896415 16 0.840896415 0 1 16 1 0 0.840896415 208 0.840896415 ; 18 144 .trd18c g144 @ get save.txt l; Trills of two step ending down l; Envelopes l; autoscale all following tables to 1 l;#7 0 siz l;#6 0 siz exp min values mid val max vals mid vals min val mid val max lf298 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 496 1 496 1 15 .5 15 0.0 ; e0 - Attack and sustain with a relatively sharp ending lf297 0 1025 6 0 1 .9 1 1 486 1 486 1 25 .5 25 0.0 ; e1 - Attack and sustain with a relatively sharp ending l;#5 0 siz exp start take reach take reach lf296 0 513 5 1024 512 1 ; e2 - exponential - dead piano l;#6 0 siz exp min values mid val max val mid val min val mid val max val mid val min lf295 0 1025 6 0 64 .5 64 1 128 .6 128 .3 128 .5 128 .6 192 .3 193 0 ; e3 big hump, small hump lf294 0 1025 6 0 64 .15 64 .3 128 .25 128 .2 128 .6 128 1 192 .5 193 0 ; e4 small hump, big hump lf293 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 447 .99 447 .98 64 0.5 64 0 ;e5 default woodwind envelope lf292 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 447 0.60 447 0.20 32 0.21 32 0.22 32 0.11 32 0.00 ; e6 moving away slowly lf291 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 128 0.60 128 0.20 256 0.15 254 0.10 128 0.05 128 0.00 ; e7 moving away faster lf290 0 1025 6 0 2 .5 2 1 501 .6 483 .3 18 .15 18 0 ; e8 hit and drop most lf289 0 1025 6 0 1 .3 1 .6 479 .8 479 1 32 .5 32 0 ; e9 Start moderately and build, abrupt end lf288 0 1025 6 0 64 .5 64 1 512 .5 385 0 ; e10 one hump towards the beginning lf287 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 368 .99 368 .98 16 .5 16 0 127 0 127 0 ; e11 hit and sustain 3/4 the n-vel length lf286 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 303 .99 303 .98 16 .5 16 0 192 0 192 0 ; e12 hit and sustain 2/3 the n-vel length lf285 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 255 .99 255 .98 16 .5 16 0 240 0 240 0 ; e13 hit and sustain 1/2 the n-vel length lf284 0 1025 6 0 64 .4 64 1 127 .99 255 .98 16 .5 16 0 240 0 240 0 ; e14 gradual in with 1/2 sustain lf283 0 1025 6 0 384 .5 384 1 128 .5 129 0 ; e15 one hump towards the end lf282 0 1025 6 0 2 .2 2 .4 477 .7 479 1 32 .5 32 0 ; e16 sustain piano sound lf281 0 1025 6 0 1 .1 1 .2 479 .6 479 1 32 .5 32 0 ; e17 sustain guitar sound lf280 0 1025 6 1 64 .7 64 .4 64 .4 64 .4 384 .7 352 1 16 .5 16 0 ; e18 Sharp attack, then less quiet, build to end lf279 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1.0 128 .7 228 .4 128 .4 28 .4 128 .5 128 .6 128 .3 126 0 ; e19 Moderate attack, then slightly quiet, build to end @ 85 170 255 340 425 510 595 680 765 850 935 1024 lf278 0 1025 6 0 85 0.40 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.75 85 1.00 85 0.75 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.8 85 0.4 89 0.0 ; e20 3 humps - biggest in middle lf277 0 1025 6 0 85 0.50 85 1.00 85 0.75 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.8 85 0.4 89 0.0 ; e21 3 humps - biggest early lf276 0 1025 6 0 85 0.40 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.75 85 1.0 85 0.5 89 0.0 ; e22 3 humps - biggest late @ 1 85 169 253 337 421 505 589 673 757 841 1024 lf275 0 1025 6 0 1 0.01 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.75 84 1.00 84 0.75 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.8 84 0.4 183 0.0 ; e23 3 humps - early biggest in middle lf274 0 1025 6 0 1 0.01 84 1.00 84 0.75 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.8 84 0.4 183 0.0 ; e24 3 humps - early biggest early lf273 0 1025 6 0 1 0.01 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.75 84 1.0 84 0.5 183 0.0 ; e25 3 humps - early biggest late l; min pts mid pts max pts mid pts min pts mid pts max pts mid pts min l;p1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ; f; This is the post processor that takes as input a function table with volume points and alters the overall volume f f f-W -G -m2 -o erigerona.wav --displays -3 f f f f sr = 44100 f ksmps = 2; any higher than 10 and I hear clicks - use 1 for final take f; typically save 5x processing time by increasing ksmps by 10x f nchnls = 2 f f instr 99 f kamp poscil 1, 1/p3, 1 ; create a set of volume points from a function table that lasts as long as the input file f a6, a7 soundin "erigeron.wav" f outs a6 * kamp, a7 * kamp f endin f f f @ @ McGill University Master Sample Set @ @ Instruments available @ @ 2 HARP-HARMONC 3 HARP 4 HARPSIC-STOP 5 HARPSI-4 FT 6 HARPSI-4+8FT 7 HARPSI-8 FT @ 8 MARIMBA 9 OBOE-BAROQUE 10 OBOE 11 PIPES-CORNET 12 PIPES-fLUTE 13 PIPE-PEDALS @14 PIPES-PLENUM 16 PIPES-PRINZ 17 PIPES-REEDS 20 GRAND PIANO FF 107 GRAND PIANO MF @21 PEDAL PIANO FF 107 PEDAL PIANO MF 23 PIANO HARMON 24 PLUCKEDPIANO 25 PICCOLO W-VB @26 PICCOLO 27 RECRDER-fLTO 28 RECRDER-BARQ 29 SOP.BRQ.RDRQ 30 BASSINETT 31 BASS RECORDR @32 RECRDR-QUART 33 SOPRANO RCRD 34 SHAWM-ffTO 35 TROMBONE-BS 36 TROMBONE-MTD 37 TROMBONE-ALT @38 TROMBONE-TNR 39 TRUMPET-BACH?? 40 TRUMPET-C 41 TUBA 42 TUBULAR BELL 43 TYMPANI-HARD @45 TYMPANI-SOFT 46 TYMPANI-WOOD 47 VIBRAPHONE 48 BASS VIOL 49 TREBLE VIOL 50 VIOLA-BOWED @51 VIOLA-MARTEL 52 VIOLA-PIZZ 53 VIOLA W-VIB 54 VIOLIN-BOWnovib 55 VIOLIN-HARM 56 VIOLIN-MART @57 VIOLIN-PIZZ 58 VIOLIN W-VIB 60 VIOLIN ENSM 61 VIOL.ENS.HRM 62 VIOL.ENSf.MRT 63 VIOL.ENS.PIZ @65 XYLOPHONE 66 Piano MF 67 Piano FF 68 Oberheim 70 ARCHLUTE 71 BASSOON @72 CELESTA 73 CELLOMARTELE 74 CELLO PIZZ 75 CELLO W-VIB 76 BS. CLARINET 77 B- CLARINET @78 E- CLARINET 79 C. CLARINET 80 CLASS.GTR.HM 81 PONTICEL.GTR 82 SULTASTO GTR 83 CLASSfGUITAR @84 CONTf.BASSOON 85 TRBL.CORNETT 87 CROTALES 88 CRUMHORNS 90 DBL.BS.MRTLE 91 DB-BASS PIZZ @92 DOUBLE BASS 93 ENGLISH HORN 94 A.FLUTE W-VB 95 ALTO FLUTE 96 B.FLUTE W-VB 97 BASS FLUTE @98 FLUTTERFLUTE 99 FLUTE W-VIB 100 FLUTE NO-VIB 101 FR.HORN-MUTE 102 FRENCH HORN 103 GLOCKENSPIEL @104 gongs @ 154 sine wave @ instrument names @ 1 is velocity and tempo purposes only, no sound n1m102 @ finger piano 112 n2m112 @ harp 3 n3m3 @ finger piano 112 n4m180 @ piccolo 26 @ piano 107 n5m107 @ tuba 41 n6m41 @ trombone 38 @ vibraphone 47 n7m47 @ bass finger piano n8m159 @ hand drum n9m155 @ balloon drum 116 n10m116 @ small balloon drum n11m157 @ medium hand drum n12m156 @ french horn 102 n13m102 @ English Horn 93 n14m93 @ bassoon 71 n15m71 @ alto flute 95 n16m95 @ instrument definitions @ n1m .vel c1a1w0v1s8e0g0h0z0r16&all-pva.t0o1&vel-vel*.&tempo*. .fing c2a0u0&sid*.&set-fing. .harp c3a0u0&sid*.&set-harp. .bari c4a0u0&sid*.&set-bari. .pian c5a0u0&sid*.&set-pian. .vibe c7a0u0&sid*.&set-vibe. .tuba c6a0u0&sidm*.&set-tuba. .bfin c8a0u0&sid*.&set-bfin. .dru4 c9a0u0&sid*.&set-dru4. .dru1 c10a0u0&sid*.&set-dru1. .dru2 c11a0u0&sid*.&set-dru2. .dru3 c12a0u0&sid*.&set-dru3. .frnh c13a0u0&sid*.&set-frnh. .engh c14a0u0&sid*.&set-engh. .basn c15a0u0&sid*.&set-basn. .flut c16a0u0&sid*.&set-flut. @ set the init variable .set-fing .init &fing-ran.&fing-vel*.&fing-z*.&fing-oct*.x .set-harp .init &harp-ran.&harp-vel*.&fing-z*.&harp-oct*.x .set-bari .init &bari-ran.&fing-vel*.&fing-z*.&bari-oct*.x .set-pian .init &pian-ran.&pian-vel*.&fing-z*.&pian-oct*.x .set-tuba .init &tuba-ran.&tuba-vel*.&tuba-z*.&tuba-oct*.x .set-vibe .init &vibe-ran.&fing-vel*.&fing-z*.&vibe-oct*.x .set-bfin .init &bfin-ran.&bfin-vel*.&bfin-z*.&bfin-oct*.x .set-dru1 .init &dru1-ran.&dru1-vel*.&dru1-z*.&dru1-oct*.x .set-dru2 .init &dru1-ran.&dru1-vel*.&dru1-z*.&dru2-oct*.x .set-dru3 .init &dru1-ran.&dru1-vel*.&dru1-z*.&dru2-oct*.x .set-dru4 .init &dru1-ran.&dru1-vel*.&dru1-z*.&dru2-oct*.x .set-frnh .init &frnh-ran.&frnh-vel*.&frnh-z*.&frnh-oct*.x .set-engh .init &engh-ran.&engh-vel*.&engh-z*.&engh-oct*.x .set-basn .init &basn-ran.&basn-vel*.&basn-z*.&basn-oct*.x .set-flut .init &flut-ran.&flut-vel*.&flut-z*.&flut-oct*.x .all-vel v76 @ e3 e4 e6 e9 e10 e15 e18 e20 e21 e22 e23 e24 e25 e26 .harp-vel1 &all-vel.v-8 .harp-vel2 &all-vel.v-5 .harp-vel4 &all-vel.v-7 .harp-vel3 &all-vel.v-6 @ ` .pian-vel1 &all-vel.v-3 .pian-vel3 &all-vel.v-2 .pian-vel2 &all-vel.v-1 .pian-vel4 &all-vel. @ .fing-vel1 &all-vel.v-7 .fing-vel3 &all-vel.v-6 .fing-vel2 &all-vel.v-5 .fing-vel4 &all-vel.v-4 .fing-z1 z2 @ - No high octaves with u1 2 3 @ - No low octaves with u255 254 253 .fing-oct42 o4u2 .fing-oct60 o6u0 .fing-oct50 o5u0 .fing-oct40 o4u0 .fing-oct6255 o6u255 @.fing-oct30 o3u0 .fing-oct5255 o5u255 .fing-oct41 o4u1 @ .bari-oct42 o4u2 .bari-oct60 o6u0 .bari-oct50 o5u0 .bari-oct40 o4u0 .bari-oct6255 o6u255 @.bari-oct30 o3u0 .bari-oct5255 o5u255 .bari-oct41 o4u1 @ .harp-oct60 o6u0 .harp-oct50 o5u0 .harp-oct5254 o5u254 .harp-oct40 o4u0 .harp-oct6255 o6u255 @.harp-oct30 o3u0 .harp-oct5255 o5u255 @ .vibe-oct42 o4u2 .vibe-oct60 o6u0 .vibe-oct50 o5u0 .vibe-oct40 o4u0 .vibe-oct6255 o6u255 .vibe-oct5255 o5u255 .vibe-oct41 o4u1 @ .pian-oct70 o7u0 .pian-oct60 o6u0 .pian-oct50 o5u0 .pian-oct40 o4u0 @ @ - No high octaves (5 or 6) with u1 2 3 @ - No low octaves (3 or 4) with u255 254 253 .bfin-vel1 &all-vel.v+3 .bfin-vel3 &all-vel.v+2 .bfin-vel2 &all-vel.v+0 .bfin-vel4 &all-vel.v-1 .bfin-z1 z2 .bfin-oct21 o2u1 .bfin-oct10 o1u0 .bfin-oct22 o2u2 .bfin-oct12 o1u2 .bfin-oct20 o2u0 .bfin-oct11 o1u1 .tuba-vel4 &all-vel.v+2 .tuba-vel3 &all-vel.v-0 .tuba-vel2 &all-vel.v-1 .tuba-vel1 &all-vel.v+1 .tuba-z1 z2 .tuba-oct00 o0u1 .tuba-oct11 o1u1 .tuba-oct20 o2u0 .tuba-oct10 o1u0 .tuba-oct22 o2u1 .dru1-vel1 &all-vel.v-5 .dru1-vel2 &all-vel.v-6 .dru1-vel3 &all-vel.v-4 .dru1-vel4 &all-vel.v-3 .dru1-oct20 o2u0 .dru1-oct30 o3u0 .dru1-oct40 o4u0 .dru2-oct30 o3u0 .dru2-oct40 o4u0 .dru2-oct50 o5u0 .dru1-env16 e1 .dru1-z1 z3 @ - No high octaves (5 or 6) with u1 2 3 @ - No low octaves (3 or 4) with u255 254 253 .basn-vel1 &all-vel.v-8 .basn-vel3 &all-vel.v-5 .basn-vel2 &all-vel.v-6 .basn-vel4 &all-vel.v-7 .basn-z1 z2 .basn-oct41 o4u1 .basn-oct50 o5u0 .basn-oct4255 o4u255 .basn-oct32 o3u2 .basn-oct40 o4u0 .basn-oct31 o3u1 @ - No high octaves (5 or 6) with u1 2 3 @ - No low octaves (3 or 4) with u255 254 253 .frnh-vel1 &all-vel.v-4 .frnh-vel3 &all-vel.v-5 .frnh-vel2 &all-vel.v-6 .frnh-vel4 &all-vel.v-7 .frnh-z1 z2 .frnh-oct41 o4u1 .frnh-oct50 o5u0 .frnh-oct42 o4u2 .frnh-oct52 o5u2 .frnh-oct40 o4u0 .frnh-oct51 o5u1 @ - No high octaves (5 or 6) with u1 2 3 @ - No low octaves (3 or 4) with u255 254 253 .engh-vel1 &all-vel.v-5 .engh-vel3 &all-vel.v-7 .engh-vel2 &all-vel.v-6 .engh-vel4 &all-vel.v-8 .engh-z1 z2 .engh-oct41 o4u1 .engh-oct30 o5u0 .engh-oct4255 o4u255 .engh-oct3255 o3u255 .engh-oct40 o4u0 .engh-oct31 o3u1 @ - No high octaves (5 or 6) with u1 2 3 @ - No low octaves (3 or 4) with u255 254 253 .flut-vel1 &all-vel.v-1 .flut-vel3 &all-vel.v-3 .flut-vel2 &all-vel.v-2 .flut-vel4 &all-vel.v-4 .flut-z1 z2 .flut-oct51 o5u254 .flut-oct40 o4u0 .flut-oct52 o5u255 .flut-oct42 o4u255 .flut-oct50 o5u0 .flut-oct41 o4u1 @ revert .vel-vel4 a180 .vel-vel5 a200 .vel-vel6 a220 .vel-vel7 a240 .vel-vel8 a255 @ @cvdhotrsepgzu @ stereo locations .sido-0 s1 .sidm-10 s10 .sidm-11 s11 .sidm-6 s6 .sido-12 s12 .sido-13 s13 .sido-4 s4 .sido-3 s3 .sido-14 s14 .sidm-8 s8 .sidm-7 s7 .sido-2 s2 .sido-16 s15 .sido-8 s8 @ munchkinization factors @ u3 = most mellow @ u2 = more mellow @ u1 = a little more mellow @ u0 = n-vel sample @ u255 = take a sample designed for a lower note and use it for a higher note - munchkinize it @ u254 = very nasal @ u253 = Most nasal @ - No high octaves with u1 2 3 @ - No low octaves with u255 254 253 @ - can't set it to non-zero if the whole range of a sample is used. @ @ @c/ /@ /*m @ pick a tempo. Pick a slow one for the short segments, and a fast one for the long segments @ could we use the Golden Ratio to set tempi? @ a + b = c @ a:b as c: a @ a = 3 @ b = 1.618033989 @ a + b = c @ get save.txt @ (1 + sqrt ( 5 ))/2 @ golden ratio of tempi @ @ 322 @ 521 @ 843 @ 1,364 @ 2,207 @ @ c/ /@ /m* @ @ trills @ 72 edo steps @ all step sizes 0, 9-18 .trl0c g110 .trl9c g111 .trl10c g112 .trl11c g113 .trl12c g114 .trl13c g115 .trl14c g116 .trl15c g117 .trl16c g118 .trl17c g119 .trl18c g120 @ trill from one step up down to note .trd0c g133 .trd8c g134 .trd9c g135 .trd10c g136 .trd11c g137 .trd12c g138 .trd13c g139 .trd14c g140 .trd15c g141 .trd16c g142 .trd17c g143 .trd18c g144 @ steps in 72 EDO instead of ratios .glup0a g14 .glup9a g15 .glup10a g16 .glup11a g17 .glup12a g18 .glup13a g19 .glup14a g20 .glup15a g21 .glup16a g22 .glup17a g23 .glup18a g24 .glup19a g25 .gldn0a g26 .gldn9a g27 .gldn10a g28 .gldn11a g29 .gldn12a g30 .gldn13a g31 .gldn14a g32 .gldn15a g33 .gldn16a g34 .gldn17a g35 .gldn18a g36 .gldn19a g37 .glup0b g38 .glup9b g39 .glup10b g40 .glup11b g41 .glup12b g42 .glup13b g43 .glup14b g44 .glup15b g45 .glup16b g46 .glup17b g47 .glup18b g48 .glup19b g49 .gldn0b g50 .gldn9b g51 .gldn10b g52 .gldn11b g53 .gldn12b g54 .gldn13b g55 .gldn14b g56 .gldn15b g57 .gldn16b g58 .gldn17b g59 .gldn18b g60 .gldn19b g61 .glup0c g62 .glup9c g63 .glup10c g64 .glup11c g65 .glup12c g66 .glup13c g67 .glup14c g68 .glup15c g69 .glup16c g70 .glup17c g71 .glup18c g72 .glup19c g73 .gldn0c g74 .gldn9c g75 .gldn10c g76 .gldn11c g77 .gldn12c g78 .gldn13c g79 .gldn14c g80 .gldn15c g81 .gldn16c g82 .gldn17c g83 .gldn18c g84 .gldn19c g85 .glup0d g86 .glup9d g87 .glup10d g88 .glup11d g89 .glup12d g90 .glup13d g91 .glup14d g92 .glup15d g93 .glup16d g94 .glup17d g95 .glup18d g96 .glup19d g97 .gldn0d g98 .gldn9d g99 .gldn10d g100 .gldn11d g101 .gldn12d g102 .gldn13d g103 .gldn14d g104 .gldn15d g105 .gldn16d g106 .gldn17d g107 .gldn18d g108 .gldn19d g109 @ glide with vibrato .glvup0 g145 .glvup9 g146 .glvup10 g147 .glvup11 g148 .glvup12 g149 .glvup13 g150 .glvup14 g151 .glvup15 g152 .glvup16 g153 .glvup17 g154 .glvup18 g155 .glvup19 g156 @ .glvdn0 g145 .glvdn9 g157 .glvdn10 g158 .glvdn11 g159 .glvdn12 g160 .glvdn13 g161 .glvdn14 g162 .glvdn15 g163 .glvdn16 g164 .glvdn17 g165 .glvdn18 g166 .glvdn19 g167 @c/ /@ /*m .all-ran r12r0 .fing-ran &all-ran. .harp-ran &all-ran. .bari-ran &all-ran. .pian-ran &all-ran. .vibe-ran &all-ran. .tuba-ran &all-ran. .bfin-ran &all-ran. .dru1-ran &all-ran. .frnh-ran &all-ran. .engh-ran &all-ran.r16 .basn-ran &all-ran. .flut-ran &all-ran.r16 @ choice of how busy to make it .pick-ran16 .all-ran r16x .pick-ran15 .all-ran r15x .pick-ran14 .all-ran r14x .pick-ran13 .all-ran r13x .pick-ran12 .all-ran r12x @ Limit to few instruments - kind of like Castor & Pollux, only in quartets .s-1-ran-a .fing-ran &all-ran.x .s-1-ran-b .harp-ran &all-ran.x .s-1-ran-c .bari-ran r0x .s-1-ran-d .pian-ran r0x .s-1-ran-e .vibe-ran r0x .s-1-ran-f .tuba-ran &all-ran.x .s-1-ran-g .bfin-ran r0x .s-1-ran-h .dru1-ran r0x .s-1-ran-i .frnh-ran r0x .s-1-ran-j .engh-ran r0x .s-1-ran-k .basn-ran &all-ran.x .s-1-ran-l .flut-ran r0x .quartet-1 &s-1-ran-a.&s-1-ran-b.&s-1-ran-c.&s-1-ran-d.&s-1-ran-e.&s-1-ran-f.&s-1-ran-g.&s-1-ran-h.&s-1-ran-i.&s-1-ran-j.&s-1-ran-k.&s-1-ran-l. .s-2-ran-a .fing-ran r0x .s-2-ran-b .harp-ran r0x .s-2-ran-c .bari-ran &all-ran.x .s-2-ran-d .pian-ran r0x .s-2-ran-e .vibe-ran r0x .s-2-ran-f .tuba-ran r0x .s-2-ran-g .bfin-ran &all-ran.x .s-2-ran-h .dru1-ran r0x .s-2-ran-i .frnh-ran r0x .s-2-ran-j .engh-ran &all-ran.x .s-2-ran-k .basn-ran r0x .s-2-ran-l .flut-ran &all-ran.x .quartet-2 &s-2-ran-a.&s-2-ran-b.&s-2-ran-c.&s-2-ran-d.&s-2-ran-e.&s-2-ran-f.&s-2-ran-g.&s-2-ran-h.&s-2-ran-i.&s-2-ran-j.&s-2-ran-k.&s-2-ran-l. .s-3-ran-a .fing-ran r0x .s-3-ran-b .harp-ran r0x .s-3-ran-c .bari-ran r0x .s-3-ran-d .pian-ran &all-ran.x .s-3-ran-e .vibe-ran &all-ran.x .s-3-ran-f .tuba-ran r0x .s-3-ran-g .bfin-ran r0x .s-3-ran-h .dru1-ran &all-ran.x .s-3-ran-i .frnh-ran &all-ran.x .s-3-ran-j .engh-ran r0x .s-3-ran-k .basn-ran r0x .s-3-ran-l .flut-ran r0x .quartet-3 &s-3-ran-a.&s-3-ran-b.&s-3-ran-c.&s-3-ran-d.&s-3-ran-e.&s-3-ran-f.&s-3-ran-g.&s-3-ran-h.&s-3-ran-i.&s-3-ran-j.&s-3-ran-k.&s-3-ran-l. .s-4-ran-a .fing-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-b .harp-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-c .bari-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-d .pian-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-e .vibe-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-f .tuba-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-g .bfin-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-h .dru1-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-i .frnh-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-j .engh-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-k .basn-ran &all-ran.x .s-4-ran-l .flut-ran &all-ran.x .duodecet &s-4-ran-a.&s-4-ran-b.&s-4-ran-c.&s-4-ran-d.&s-4-ran-e.&s-4-ran-f.&s-4-ran-g.&s-4-ran-h.&s-4-ran-i.&s-4-ran-j.&s-4-ran-k.&s-4-ran-l. @ @ whole note d96 @ dotted half d72 @ half note d48 @ Quarter note d24 @ dotted quarter d36 @ eigth note d12 @ 16th note d06 @.notepad save.txt @get save.txt @ copy this row into input file .Cn-maj1-a .n1a g0t0x .Cn-maj2-a .n2a g0t12x .Cn-maj3-a .n3a g0t23x .Cn-maj4-a .n4a g0t33x .Cn-maj5-a .n5a g0t42x .Cn-maj7-a .n7a g0t58x .Cn-maj6-a .n6a g0t50x .Cn-maj8-a .n8a g0t65x .Ab-maj1-a .n1a g0t49x .Ab-maj2-a .n2a g0t61x .Ab-maj3-a .n3a g0t0x .Ab-maj4-a .n4a g0t10x .Ab-maj5-a .n5a g0t19x .Ab-maj6-a .n6a g0t27x .Ab-maj7-a .n7a g0t35x .Ab-maj8-a .n8a g0t42x .Fn-maj1-a .n1a g0t30x .Fn-maj2-a .n2a g0t42x .Fn-maj3-a .n3a g0t53x .Fn-maj4-a .n4a g0t63x .Fn-maj5-a .n5a g0t0x .Fn-maj6-a .n6a g0t8x .Fn-maj7-a .n7a g0t16x .Fn-maj8-a .n8a g0t23x .D+-maj1-a .n1a g0t14x .D+-maj2-a .n2a g0t26x .D+-maj3-a .n3a g0t37x .D+-maj4-a .n4a g0t47x .D+-maj5-a .n5a g0t56x .D+-maj6-a .n6a g0t64x .D+-maj7-a .n7a g0t0x .D+-maj8-a .n8a g0t7x .A+-maj1-a .n1a g0t60x .A+-maj2-a .n2a g0t0x .A+-maj3-a .n3a g0t11x .A+-maj4-a .n4a g0t21x .A+-maj5-a .n5a g0t30x .A+-maj6-a .n6a g0t38x .A+-maj7-a .n7a g0t46x .A+-maj8-a .n8a g0t53x .F+-maj1-a .n1a g0t39x .F+-maj2-a .n2a g0t51x .F+-maj3-a .n3a g0t62x .F+-maj4-a .n4a g0t0x .F+-maj5-a .n5a g0t9x .F+-maj6-a .n6a g0t17x .F+-maj7-a .n7a g0t25x .F+-maj8-a .n8a g0t32x .E--maj1-a .n1a g0t22x .E--maj2-a .n2a g0t34x .E--maj3-a .n3a g0t45x .E--maj4-a .n4a g0t55x .E--maj5-a .n5a g0t64x .E--maj6-a .n6a g0t0x .E--maj7-a .n7a g0t8x .E--maj8-a .n8a g0t15x .Db-maj1-a .n1a g0t7x .Db-maj2-a .n2a g0t19x .Db-maj3-a .n3a g0t30x .Db-maj4-a .n4a g0t40x .Db-maj5-a .n5a g0t49x .Db-maj6-a .n6a g0t57x .Db-maj7-a .n7a g0t65x .Db-maj8-a .n8a g0t0x .Fn-min1-a .n1a g0t30x .Fn-min2-a .n2a g0t39x .Fn-min3-a .n3a g0t49x .Fn-min4-a .n4a g0t60x .Fn-min5-a .n5a g0t0x .Fn-min6-a .n6a g0t7x .Fn-min7-a .n7a g0t14x .Fn-min8-a .n8a g0t22x .A--min1-a .n1a g0t53x .A--min2-a .n2a g0t62x .A--min3-a .n3a g0t0x .A--min4-a .n4a g0t11x .A--min5-a .n5a g0t23x .A--min6-a .n6a g0t30x .A--min7-a .n7a g0t37x .A--min8-a .n8a g0t45x .Cn-min1-a .n1a g0t0x .Cn-min2-a .n2a g0t9x .Cn-min3-a .n3a g0t19x .Cn-min4-a .n4a g0t30x .Cn-min5-a .n5a g0t42x .Cn-min6-a .n6a g0t49x .Cn-min7-a .n7a g0t56x .Cn-min8-a .n8a g0t64x .D+-min1-a .n1a g0t16x .D+-min2-a .n2a g0t25x .D+-min3-a .n3a g0t35x .D+-min4-a .n4a g0t46x .D+-min5-a .n5a g0t58x .D+-min6-a .n6a g0t65x .D+-min7-a .n7a g0t0x .D+-min8-a .n8a g0t8x .Gn-min1-a .n1a g0t42x .Gn-min2-a .n2a g0t51x .Gn-min3-a .n3a g0t61x .Gn-min4-a .n4a g0t0x .Gn-min5-a .n5a g0t12x .Gn-min6-a .n6a g0t19x .Gn-min7-a .n7a g0t26x .Gn-min8-a .n8a g0t34x .B--min1-a .n1a g0t63x .B--min2-a .n2a g0t0x .B--min3-a .n3a g0t10x .B--min4-a .n4a g0t21x .B--min5-a .n5a g0t33x .B--min6-a .n6a g0t40x .B--min7-a .n7a g0t47x .B--min8-a .n8a g0t55x .Db-min1-a .n1a g0t8x .Db-min2-a .n2a g0t17x .Db-min3-a .n3a g0t27x .Db-min4-a .n4a g0t38x .Db-min5-a .n5a g0t50x .Db-min6-a .n6a g0t57x .Db-min7-a .n7a g0t64x .Db-min8-a .n8a g0t0x .Eb-min1-a .n1a g0t23x .Eb-min2-a .n2a g0t32x .Eb-min3-a .n3a g0t42x .Eb-min4-a .n4a g0t53x .Eb-min5-a .n5a g0t65x .Eb-min6-a .n6a g0t0x .Eb-min7-a .n7a g0t7x .Eb-min8-a .n8a g0t15x .Cn-maj1-c .n1c &gldn12*.t12x .Cn-maj2-c .n2c &gldn11*.t23x .Cn-maj3-c .n3c 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.n2f &glvdn11.t62x .F+-maj3-f .n3f &glvdn10.t0x .F+-maj4-f .n4f &glvdn9.t9x .F+-maj5-f .n5f &glvdn16.t25x .F+-maj6-f .n6f &glvdn0.t17x .F+-maj7-f .n7f &glvdn14.t39x .F+-maj8-f .n8f &glvdn0.t32x .E--maj1-f .n1f &glvdn12.t34x .E--maj2-f .n2f &glvdn11.t45x .E--maj3-f .n3f &glvdn10.t55x .E--maj4-f .n4f &glvdn9.t64x .E--maj5-f .n5f &glvdn16.t8x .E--maj6-f .n6f &glvdn0.t0x .E--maj7-f .n7f &glvdn14.t22x .E--maj8-f .n8f &glvdn0.t15x .Db-maj1-f .n1f &glvdn12.t19x .Db-maj2-f .n2f &glvdn11.t30x .Db-maj3-f .n3f &glvdn10.t40x .Db-maj4-f .n4f &glvdn9.t49x .Db-maj5-f .n5f &glvdn16.t65x .Db-maj6-f .n6f &glvdn0.t57x .Db-maj7-f .n7f &glvdn14.t7x .Db-maj8-f .n8f &glvdn0.t0x .Fn-min1-f .n1f &glvdn9.t39x .Fn-min2-f .n2f &glvdn10.t49x .Fn-min3-f .n3f &glvdn11.t60x .Fn-min4-f .n4f &glvdn12.t0x .Fn-min5-f .n5f &glvdn14.t14x .Fn-min6-f .n6f &glvdn0.t7x .Fn-min7-f .n7f &glvdn16.t30x .Fn-min8-f .n8f &glvdn0.t22x .A--min1-f .n1f &glvdn9.t62x .A--min2-f .n2f &glvdn10.t0x .A--min3-f .n3f &glvdn11.t11x .A--min4-f 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.B--min6-f .n6f &glvdn0.t40x .B--min7-f .n7f &glvdn16.t63x .B--min8-f .n8f &glvdn0.t55x .Db-min1-f .n1f &glvdn9.t17x .Db-min2-f .n2f &glvdn10.t27x .Db-min3-f .n3f &glvdn11.t38x .Db-min4-f .n4f &glvdn12.t50x .Db-min5-f .n5f &glvdn14.t64x .Db-min6-f .n6f &glvdn0.t57x .Db-min7-f .n7f &glvdn16.t8x .Db-min8-f .n8f &glvdn0.t0x .Eb-min1-f .n1f &glvdn9.t32x .Eb-min2-f .n2f &glvdn10.t42x .Eb-min3-f .n3f &glvdn11.t53x .Eb-min4-f .n4f &glvdn12.t65x .Eb-min5-f .n5f &glvdn14.t7x .Eb-min6-f .n6f &glvdn0.t0x .Eb-min7-f .n7f &glvdn16.t23x .Eb-min8-f .n8f &glvdn0.t15x .Cn-maj1-g .n1g &glvup14.t58x .Cn-maj2-g .n2g &glvup12.t0x .Cn-maj3-g .n3g &glvup11.t12x .Cn-maj4-g .n4g &glvup10.t23x .Cn-maj5-g .n5g &glvup9.t33x .Cn-maj7-g .n7g &glvup16.t42x .Cn-maj6-g .n6g &glvup0.t50x .Cn-maj8-g .n8g &glvup0.t65x .Ab-maj1-g .n1g &glvup14.t35x .Ab-maj2-g .n2g &glvup12.t49x .Ab-maj3-g .n3g &glvup11.t61x .Ab-maj4-g .n4g &glvup10.t0x .Ab-maj5-g .n5g &glvup9.t10x .Ab-maj6-g .n6g &glvup0.t27x .Ab-maj7-g .n7g &glvup16.t19x .Ab-maj8-g .n8g &glvup0.t42x .Fn-maj1-g .n1g &glvup14.t16x .Fn-maj2-g .n2g &glvup12.t30x .Fn-maj3-g .n3g &glvup11.t42x .Fn-maj4-g .n4g &glvup10.t53x .Fn-maj5-g .n5g &glvup9.t63x .Fn-maj6-g .n6g &glvup0.t8x .Fn-maj7-g .n7g &glvup16.t0x .Fn-maj8-g .n8g &glvup0.t23x .D+-maj1-g .n1g &glvup14.t0x .D+-maj2-g .n2g &glvup12.t14x .D+-maj3-g .n3g &glvup11.t26x .D+-maj4-g .n4g &glvup10.t37x .D+-maj5-g .n5g &glvup9.t47x .D+-maj6-g .n6g &glvup0.t64x .D+-maj7-g .n7g &glvup16.t56x .D+-maj8-g .n8g &glvup0.t7x .A+-maj1-g .n1g &glvup14.t46x .A+-maj2-g .n2g &glvup12.t60x .A+-maj3-g .n3g &glvup11.t0x .A+-maj4-g .n4g &glvup10.t11x .A+-maj5-g .n5g &glvup9.t21x .A+-maj6-g .n6g &glvup0.t38x .A+-maj7-g .n7g &glvup16.t30x .A+-maj8-g .n8g &glvup0.t53x .F+-maj1-g .n1g &glvup14.t25x .F+-maj2-g .n2g &glvup12.t39x .F+-maj3-g .n3g &glvup11.t51x .F+-maj4-g .n4g &glvup10.t62x .F+-maj5-g .n5g &glvup9.t0x .F+-maj6-g .n6g &glvup0.t17x .F+-maj7-g .n7g &glvup16.t9x .F+-maj8-g .n8g &glvup0.t32x .E--maj1-g .n1g &glvup14.t8x .E--maj2-g .n2g &glvup12.t22x .E--maj3-g .n3g &glvup11.t34x .E--maj4-g .n4g &glvup10.t45x .E--maj5-g .n5g &glvup9.t55x .E--maj6-g .n6g &glvup0.t0x .E--maj7-g .n7g &glvup16.t64x .E--maj8-g .n8g &glvup0.t15x .Db-maj1-g .n1g &glvup14.t65x .Db-maj2-g .n2g &glvup12.t7x .Db-maj3-g .n3g &glvup11.t19x .Db-maj4-g .n4g &glvup10.t30x .Db-maj5-g .n5g &glvup9.t40x .Db-maj6-g .n6g &glvup0.t57x .Db-maj7-g .n7g &glvup16.t49x .Db-maj8-g .n8g &glvup0.t0x .Fn-min1-g .n1g &glvup16.t14x .Fn-min2-g .n2g &glvup9.t30x .Fn-min3-g .n3g &glvup10.t39x .Fn-min4-g .n4g &glvup11.t49x .Fn-min5-g .n5g &glvup12.t60x .Fn-min6-g .n6g &glvup0.t7x .Fn-min7-g .n7g &glvup14.t0x .Fn-min8-g .n8g &glvup0.t22x .A--min1-g .n1g &glvup16.t37x .A--min2-g .n2g &glvup9.t53x .A--min3-g .n3g &glvup10.t62x .A--min4-g .n4g &glvup11.t0x .A--min5-g .n5g &glvup12.t11x .A--min6-g .n6g &glvup0.t30x .A--min7-g .n7g &glvup14.t23x .A--min8-g .n8g &glvup0.t45x .Cn-min1-g .n1g &glvup16.t56x .Cn-min2-g .n2g &glvup9.t0x .Cn-min3-g .n3g &glvup10.t9x .Cn-min4-g .n4g &glvup11.t19x .Cn-min5-g .n5g &glvup12.t30x .Cn-min6-g .n6g &glvup0.t49x .Cn-min7-g .n7g &glvup14.t42x .Cn-min8-g .n8g &glvup0.t64x .D+-min1-g .n1g &glvup16.t0x .D+-min2-g .n2g &glvup9.t16x .D+-min3-g .n3g &glvup10.t25x .D+-min4-g .n4g &glvup11.t35x .D+-min5-g .n5g &glvup12.t46x .D+-min6-g .n6g &glvup0.t65x .D+-min7-g .n7g &glvup14.t58x .D+-min8-g .n8g &glvup0.t8x .Gn-min1-g .n1g &glvup16.t26x .Gn-min2-g .n2g &glvup9.t42x .Gn-min3-g .n3g &glvup10.t51x .Gn-min4-g .n4g &glvup11.t61x .Gn-min5-g .n5g &glvup12.t0x .Gn-min6-g .n6g &glvup0.t19x .Gn-min7-g .n7g &glvup14.t12x .Gn-min8-g .n8g &glvup0.t34x .B--min1-g .n1g &glvup16.t47x .B--min2-g .n2g &glvup9.t63x .B--min3-g .n3g &glvup10.t0x .B--min4-g .n4g &glvup11.t10x .B--min5-g .n5g &glvup12.t21x .B--min6-g .n6g &glvup0.t40x .B--min7-g .n7g &glvup14.t33x .B--min8-g .n8g &glvup0.t55x .Db-min1-g .n1g &glvup16.t64x .Db-min2-g .n2g &glvup9.t8x .Db-min3-g .n3g &glvup10.t17x .Db-min4-g .n4g &glvup11.t27x .Db-min5-g .n5g &glvup12.t38x .Db-min6-g .n6g &glvup0.t57x .Db-min7-g .n7g &glvup14.t50x .Db-min8-g .n8g &glvup0.t0x .Eb-min1-g .n1g &glvup16.t7x .Eb-min2-g .n2g &glvup9.t23x .Eb-min3-g .n3g &glvup10.t32x .Eb-min4-g .n4g &glvup11.t42x .Eb-min5-g .n5g &glvup12.t53x .Eb-min6-g .n6g &glvup0.t0x .Eb-min7-g .n7g &glvup14.t65x .Eb-min8-g .n8g &glvup0.t15x .Cn-maj1 &Cn-maj1-a.&Cn-maj1-b.&Cn-maj1-c.&Cn-maj1-d.&Cn-maj1-e.&Cn-maj1-f.&Cn-maj1-g. .Cn-maj2 &Cn-maj2-a.&Cn-maj2-b.&Cn-maj2-c.&Cn-maj2-d.&Cn-maj2-e.&Cn-maj2-f.&Cn-maj2-g. .Cn-maj3 &Cn-maj3-a.&Cn-maj3-b.&Cn-maj3-c.&Cn-maj3-d.&Cn-maj3-e.&Cn-maj3-f.&Cn-maj3-g. .Cn-maj4 &Cn-maj4-a.&Cn-maj4-b.&Cn-maj4-c.&Cn-maj4-d.&Cn-maj4-e.&Cn-maj4-f.&Cn-maj4-g. .Cn-maj5 &Cn-maj5-a.&Cn-maj5-b.&Cn-maj5-c.&Cn-maj5-d.&Cn-maj5-e.&Cn-maj5-f.&Cn-maj5-g. .Cn-maj7 &Cn-maj7-a.&Cn-maj7-b.&Cn-maj7-c.&Cn-maj7-d.&Cn-maj7-e.&Cn-maj6-f.&Cn-maj6-g. .Cn-maj6 &Cn-maj6-a.&Cn-maj6-b.&Cn-maj6-c.&Cn-maj6-d.&Cn-maj6-e.&Cn-maj7-f.&Cn-maj7-g. .Cn-maj8 &Cn-maj8-a.&Cn-maj8-b.&Cn-maj8-c.&Cn-maj8-d.&Cn-maj8-e.&Cn-maj8-f.&Cn-maj8-g. .Ab-maj1 &Ab-maj1-a.&Ab-maj1-b.&Ab-maj1-c.&Ab-maj1-d.&Ab-maj1-e.&Ab-maj1-f.&Ab-maj1-g. .Ab-maj2 &Ab-maj2-a.&Ab-maj2-b.&Ab-maj2-c.&Ab-maj2-d.&Ab-maj2-e.&Ab-maj2-f.&Ab-maj2-g. .Ab-maj3 &Ab-maj3-a.&Ab-maj3-b.&Ab-maj3-c.&Ab-maj3-d.&Ab-maj3-e.&Ab-maj3-f.&Ab-maj3-g. .Ab-maj4 &Ab-maj4-a.&Ab-maj4-b.&Ab-maj4-c.&Ab-maj4-d.&Ab-maj4-e.&Ab-maj4-f.&Ab-maj4-g. .Ab-maj5 &Ab-maj5-a.&Ab-maj5-b.&Ab-maj5-c.&Ab-maj5-d.&Ab-maj5-e.&Ab-maj5-f.&Ab-maj5-g. .Ab-maj6 &Ab-maj6-a.&Ab-maj6-b.&Ab-maj6-c.&Ab-maj6-d.&Ab-maj6-e.&Ab-maj6-f.&Ab-maj6-g. .Ab-maj7 &Ab-maj7-a.&Ab-maj7-b.&Ab-maj7-c.&Ab-maj7-d.&Ab-maj7-e.&Ab-maj7-f.&Ab-maj7-g. .Ab-maj8 &Ab-maj8-a.&Ab-maj8-b.&Ab-maj8-c.&Ab-maj8-d.&Ab-maj8-e.&Ab-maj8-f.&Ab-maj8-g. .Fn-maj1 &Fn-maj1-a.&Fn-maj1-b.&Fn-maj1-c.&Fn-maj1-d.&Fn-maj1-e.&Fn-maj1-f.&Fn-maj1-g. .Fn-maj2 &Fn-maj2-a.&Fn-maj2-b.&Fn-maj2-c.&Fn-maj2-d.&Fn-maj2-e.&Fn-maj2-f.&Fn-maj2-g. .Fn-maj3 &Fn-maj3-a.&Fn-maj3-b.&Fn-maj3-c.&Fn-maj3-d.&Fn-maj3-e.&Fn-maj3-f.&Fn-maj3-g. .Fn-maj4 &Fn-maj4-a.&Fn-maj4-b.&Fn-maj4-c.&Fn-maj4-d.&Fn-maj4-e.&Fn-maj4-f.&Fn-maj4-g. .Fn-maj5 &Fn-maj5-a.&Fn-maj5-b.&Fn-maj5-c.&Fn-maj5-d.&Fn-maj5-e.&Fn-maj5-f.&Fn-maj5-g. .Fn-maj6 &Fn-maj6-a.&Fn-maj6-b.&Fn-maj6-c.&Fn-maj6-d.&Fn-maj6-e.&Fn-maj6-f.&Fn-maj6-g. .Fn-maj7 &Fn-maj7-a.&Fn-maj7-b.&Fn-maj7-c.&Fn-maj7-d.&Fn-maj7-e.&Fn-maj7-f.&Fn-maj7-g. .Fn-maj8 &Fn-maj8-a.&Fn-maj8-b.&Fn-maj8-c.&Fn-maj8-d.&Fn-maj8-e.&Fn-maj8-f.&Fn-maj8-g. .D+-maj1 &D+-maj1-a.&D+-maj1-b.&D+-maj1-c.&D+-maj1-d.&D+-maj1-e.&D+-maj1-f.&D+-maj1-g. .D+-maj2 &D+-maj2-a.&D+-maj2-b.&D+-maj2-c.&D+-maj2-d.&D+-maj2-e.&D+-maj2-f.&D+-maj2-g. .D+-maj3 &D+-maj3-a.&D+-maj3-b.&D+-maj3-c.&D+-maj3-d.&D+-maj3-e.&D+-maj3-f.&D+-maj3-g. .D+-maj4 &D+-maj4-a.&D+-maj4-b.&D+-maj4-c.&D+-maj4-d.&D+-maj4-e.&D+-maj4-f.&D+-maj4-g. .D+-maj5 &D+-maj5-a.&D+-maj5-b.&D+-maj5-c.&D+-maj5-d.&D+-maj5-e.&D+-maj5-f.&D+-maj5-g. .D+-maj6 &D+-maj6-a.&D+-maj6-b.&D+-maj6-c.&D+-maj6-d.&D+-maj6-e.&D+-maj6-f.&D+-maj6-g. .D+-maj7 &D+-maj7-a.&D+-maj7-b.&D+-maj7-c.&D+-maj7-d.&D+-maj7-e.&D+-maj7-f.&D+-maj7-g. .D+-maj8 &D+-maj8-a.&D+-maj8-b.&D+-maj8-c.&D+-maj8-d.&D+-maj8-e.&D+-maj8-f.&D+-maj8-g. .A+-maj1 &A+-maj1-a.&A+-maj1-b.&A+-maj1-c.&A+-maj1-d.&A+-maj1-e.&A+-maj1-f.&A+-maj1-g. .A+-maj2 &A+-maj2-a.&A+-maj2-b.&A+-maj2-c.&A+-maj2-d.&A+-maj2-e.&A+-maj2-f.&A+-maj2-g. .A+-maj3 &A+-maj3-a.&A+-maj3-b.&A+-maj3-c.&A+-maj3-d.&A+-maj3-e.&A+-maj3-f.&A+-maj3-g. .A+-maj4 &A+-maj4-a.&A+-maj4-b.&A+-maj4-c.&A+-maj4-d.&A+-maj4-e.&A+-maj4-f.&A+-maj4-g. .A+-maj5 &A+-maj5-a.&A+-maj5-b.&A+-maj5-c.&A+-maj5-d.&A+-maj5-e.&A+-maj5-f.&A+-maj5-g. .A+-maj6 &A+-maj6-a.&A+-maj6-b.&A+-maj6-c.&A+-maj6-d.&A+-maj6-e.&A+-maj6-f.&A+-maj6-g. .A+-maj7 &A+-maj7-a.&A+-maj7-b.&A+-maj7-c.&A+-maj7-d.&A+-maj7-e.&A+-maj7-f.&A+-maj7-g. .A+-maj8 &A+-maj8-a.&A+-maj8-b.&A+-maj8-c.&A+-maj8-d.&A+-maj8-e.&A+-maj8-f.&A+-maj8-g. .F+-maj1 &F+-maj1-a.&F+-maj1-b.&F+-maj1-c.&F+-maj1-d.&F+-maj1-e.&F+-maj1-f.&F+-maj1-g. .F+-maj2 &F+-maj2-a.&F+-maj2-b.&F+-maj2-c.&F+-maj2-d.&F+-maj2-e.&F+-maj2-f.&F+-maj2-g. .F+-maj3 &F+-maj3-a.&F+-maj3-b.&F+-maj3-c.&F+-maj3-d.&F+-maj3-e.&F+-maj3-f.&F+-maj3-g. .F+-maj4 &F+-maj4-a.&F+-maj4-b.&F+-maj4-c.&F+-maj4-d.&F+-maj4-e.&F+-maj4-f.&F+-maj4-g. .F+-maj5 &F+-maj5-a.&F+-maj5-b.&F+-maj5-c.&F+-maj5-d.&F+-maj5-e.&F+-maj5-f.&F+-maj5-g. .F+-maj6 &F+-maj6-a.&F+-maj6-b.&F+-maj6-c.&F+-maj6-d.&F+-maj6-e.&F+-maj6-f.&F+-maj6-g. .F+-maj7 &F+-maj7-a.&F+-maj7-b.&F+-maj7-c.&F+-maj7-d.&F+-maj7-e.&F+-maj7-f.&F+-maj7-g. .F+-maj8 &F+-maj8-a.&F+-maj8-b.&F+-maj8-c.&F+-maj8-d.&F+-maj8-e.&F+-maj8-f.&F+-maj8-g. .E--maj1 &E--maj1-a.&E--maj1-b.&E--maj1-c.&E--maj1-d.&E--maj1-e.&E--maj1-f.&E--maj1-g. .E--maj2 &E--maj2-a.&E--maj2-b.&E--maj2-c.&E--maj2-d.&E--maj2-e.&E--maj2-f.&E--maj2-g. .E--maj3 &E--maj3-a.&E--maj3-b.&E--maj3-c.&E--maj3-d.&E--maj3-e.&E--maj3-f.&E--maj3-g. .E--maj4 &E--maj4-a.&E--maj4-b.&E--maj4-c.&E--maj4-d.&E--maj4-e.&E--maj4-f.&E--maj4-g. .E--maj5 &E--maj5-a.&E--maj5-b.&E--maj5-c.&E--maj5-d.&E--maj5-e.&E--maj5-f.&E--maj5-g. .E--maj6 &E--maj6-a.&E--maj6-b.&E--maj6-c.&E--maj6-d.&E--maj6-e.&E--maj6-f.&E--maj6-g. .E--maj7 &E--maj7-a.&E--maj7-b.&E--maj7-c.&E--maj7-d.&E--maj7-e.&E--maj7-f.&E--maj7-g. .E--maj8 &E--maj8-a.&E--maj8-b.&E--maj8-c.&E--maj8-d.&E--maj8-e.&E--maj8-f.&E--maj8-g. .Db-maj1 &Db-maj1-a.&Db-maj1-b.&Db-maj1-c.&Db-maj1-d.&Db-maj1-e.&Db-maj1-f.&Db-maj1-g. .Db-maj2 &Db-maj2-a.&Db-maj2-b.&Db-maj2-c.&Db-maj2-d.&Db-maj2-e.&Db-maj2-f.&Db-maj2-g. .Db-maj3 &Db-maj3-a.&Db-maj3-b.&Db-maj3-c.&Db-maj3-d.&Db-maj3-e.&Db-maj3-f.&Db-maj3-g. .Db-maj4 &Db-maj4-a.&Db-maj4-b.&Db-maj4-c.&Db-maj4-d.&Db-maj4-e.&Db-maj4-f.&Db-maj4-g. .Db-maj5 &Db-maj5-a.&Db-maj5-b.&Db-maj5-c.&Db-maj5-d.&Db-maj5-e.&Db-maj5-f.&Db-maj5-g. .Db-maj6 &Db-maj6-a.&Db-maj6-b.&Db-maj6-c.&Db-maj6-d.&Db-maj6-e.&Db-maj6-f.&Db-maj6-g. .Db-maj7 &Db-maj7-a.&Db-maj7-b.&Db-maj7-c.&Db-maj7-d.&Db-maj7-e.&Db-maj7-f.&Db-maj7-g. .Db-maj8 &Db-maj8-a.&Db-maj8-b.&Db-maj8-c.&Db-maj8-d.&Db-maj8-e.&Db-maj8-f.&Db-maj8-g. .Fn-min1 &Fn-min1-a.&Fn-min1-b.&Fn-min1-c.&Fn-min1-d.&Fn-min1-e.&Fn-min1-f.&Fn-min1-g. .Fn-min2 &Fn-min2-a.&Fn-min2-b.&Fn-min2-c.&Fn-min2-d.&Fn-min2-e.&Fn-min2-f.&Fn-min2-g. .Fn-min3 &Fn-min3-a.&Fn-min3-b.&Fn-min3-c.&Fn-min3-d.&Fn-min3-e.&Fn-min3-f.&Fn-min3-g. .Fn-min4 &Fn-min4-a.&Fn-min4-b.&Fn-min4-c.&Fn-min4-d.&Fn-min4-e.&Fn-min4-f.&Fn-min4-g. .Fn-min5 &Fn-min5-a.&Fn-min5-b.&Fn-min5-c.&Fn-min5-d.&Fn-min5-e.&Fn-min5-f.&Fn-min5-g. .Fn-min6 &Fn-min6-a.&Fn-min6-b.&Fn-min6-c.&Fn-min6-d.&Fn-min6-e.&Fn-min6-f.&Fn-min6-g. .Fn-min7 &Fn-min7-a.&Fn-min7-b.&Fn-min7-c.&Fn-min7-d.&Fn-min7-e.&Fn-min7-f.&Fn-min7-g. .Fn-min8 &Fn-min8-a.&Fn-min8-b.&Fn-min8-c.&Fn-min8-d.&Fn-min8-e.&Fn-min8-f.&Fn-min8-g. .A--min1 &A--min1-a.&A--min1-b.&A--min1-c.&A--min1-d.&A--min1-e.&A--min1-f.&A--min1-g. .A--min2 &A--min2-a.&A--min2-b.&A--min2-c.&A--min2-d.&A--min2-e.&A--min2-f.&A--min2-g. .A--min3 &A--min3-a.&A--min3-b.&A--min3-c.&A--min3-d.&A--min3-e.&A--min3-f.&A--min3-g. .A--min4 &A--min4-a.&A--min4-b.&A--min4-c.&A--min4-d.&A--min4-e.&A--min4-f.&A--min4-g. .A--min5 &A--min5-a.&A--min5-b.&A--min5-c.&A--min5-d.&A--min5-e.&A--min5-f.&A--min5-g. .A--min6 &A--min6-a.&A--min6-b.&A--min6-c.&A--min6-d.&A--min6-e.&A--min6-f.&A--min6-g. .A--min7 &A--min7-a.&A--min7-b.&A--min7-c.&A--min7-d.&A--min7-e.&A--min7-f.&A--min7-g. .A--min8 &A--min8-a.&A--min8-b.&A--min8-c.&A--min8-d.&A--min8-e.&A--min8-f.&A--min8-g. .Cn-min1 &Cn-min1-a.&Cn-min1-b.&Cn-min1-c.&Cn-min1-d.&Cn-min1-e.&Cn-min1-f.&Cn-min1-g. .Cn-min2 &Cn-min2-a.&Cn-min2-b.&Cn-min2-c.&Cn-min2-d.&Cn-min2-e.&Cn-min2-f.&Cn-min2-g. .Cn-min3 &Cn-min3-a.&Cn-min3-b.&Cn-min3-c.&Cn-min3-d.&Cn-min3-e.&Cn-min3-f.&Cn-min3-g. .Cn-min4 &Cn-min4-a.&Cn-min4-b.&Cn-min4-c.&Cn-min4-d.&Cn-min4-e.&Cn-min4-f.&Cn-min4-g. .Cn-min5 &Cn-min5-a.&Cn-min5-b.&Cn-min5-c.&Cn-min5-d.&Cn-min5-e.&Cn-min5-f.&Cn-min5-g. .Cn-min6 &Cn-min6-a.&Cn-min6-b.&Cn-min6-c.&Cn-min6-d.&Cn-min6-e.&Cn-min6-f.&Cn-min6-g. .Cn-min7 &Cn-min7-a.&Cn-min7-b.&Cn-min7-c.&Cn-min7-d.&Cn-min7-e.&Cn-min7-f.&Cn-min7-g. .Cn-min8 &Cn-min8-a.&Cn-min8-b.&Cn-min8-c.&Cn-min8-d.&Cn-min8-e.&Cn-min8-f.&Cn-min8-g. .D+-min1 &D+-min1-a.&D+-min1-b.&D+-min1-c.&D+-min1-d.&D+-min1-e.&D+-min1-f.&D+-min1-g. .D+-min2 &D+-min2-a.&D+-min2-b.&D+-min2-c.&D+-min2-d.&D+-min2-e.&D+-min2-f.&D+-min2-g. .D+-min3 &D+-min3-a.&D+-min3-b.&D+-min3-c.&D+-min3-d.&D+-min3-e.&D+-min3-f.&D+-min3-g. .D+-min4 &D+-min4-a.&D+-min4-b.&D+-min4-c.&D+-min4-d.&D+-min4-e.&D+-min4-f.&D+-min4-g. .D+-min5 &D+-min5-a.&D+-min5-b.&D+-min5-c.&D+-min5-d.&D+-min5-e.&D+-min5-f.&D+-min5-g. .D+-min6 &D+-min6-a.&D+-min6-b.&D+-min6-c.&D+-min6-d.&D+-min6-e.&D+-min6-f.&D+-min6-g. .D+-min7 &D+-min7-a.&D+-min7-b.&D+-min7-c.&D+-min7-d.&D+-min7-e.&D+-min7-f.&D+-min7-g. .D+-min8 &D+-min8-a.&D+-min8-b.&D+-min8-c.&D+-min8-d.&D+-min8-e.&D+-min8-f.&D+-min8-g. .Gn-min1 &Gn-min1-a.&Gn-min1-b.&Gn-min1-c.&Gn-min1-d.&Gn-min1-e.&Gn-min1-f.&Gn-min1-g. .Gn-min2 &Gn-min2-a.&Gn-min2-b.&Gn-min2-c.&Gn-min2-d.&Gn-min2-e.&Gn-min2-f.&Gn-min2-g. .Gn-min3 &Gn-min3-a.&Gn-min3-b.&Gn-min3-c.&Gn-min3-d.&Gn-min3-e.&Gn-min3-f.&Gn-min3-g. .Gn-min4 &Gn-min4-a.&Gn-min4-b.&Gn-min4-c.&Gn-min4-d.&Gn-min4-e.&Gn-min4-f.&Gn-min4-g. .Gn-min5 &Gn-min5-a.&Gn-min5-b.&Gn-min5-c.&Gn-min5-d.&Gn-min5-e.&Gn-min5-f.&Gn-min5-g. .Gn-min6 &Gn-min6-a.&Gn-min6-b.&Gn-min6-c.&Gn-min6-d.&Gn-min6-e.&Gn-min6-f.&Gn-min6-g. .Gn-min7 &Gn-min7-a.&Gn-min7-b.&Gn-min7-c.&Gn-min7-d.&Gn-min7-e.&Gn-min7-f.&Gn-min7-g. .Gn-min8 &Gn-min8-a.&Gn-min8-b.&Gn-min8-c.&Gn-min8-d.&Gn-min8-e.&Gn-min8-f.&Gn-min8-g. .B--min1 &B--min1-a.&B--min1-b.&B--min1-c.&B--min1-d.&B--min1-e.&B--min1-f.&B--min1-g. .B--min2 &B--min2-a.&B--min2-b.&B--min2-c.&B--min2-d.&B--min2-e.&B--min2-f.&B--min2-g. .B--min3 &B--min3-a.&B--min3-b.&B--min3-c.&B--min3-d.&B--min3-e.&B--min3-f.&B--min3-g. .B--min4 &B--min4-a.&B--min4-b.&B--min4-c.&B--min4-d.&B--min4-e.&B--min4-f.&B--min4-g. .B--min5 &B--min5-a.&B--min5-b.&B--min5-c.&B--min5-d.&B--min5-e.&B--min5-f.&B--min5-g. .B--min6 &B--min6-a.&B--min6-b.&B--min6-c.&B--min6-d.&B--min6-e.&B--min6-f.&B--min6-g. .B--min7 &B--min7-a.&B--min7-b.&B--min7-c.&B--min7-d.&B--min7-e.&B--min7-f.&B--min7-g. .B--min8 &B--min8-a.&B--min8-b.&B--min8-c.&B--min8-d.&B--min8-e.&B--min8-f.&B--min8-g. .Db-min1 &Db-min1-a.&Db-min1-b.&Db-min1-c.&Db-min1-d.&Db-min1-e.&Db-min1-f.&Db-min1-g. .Db-min2 &Db-min2-a.&Db-min2-b.&Db-min2-c.&Db-min2-d.&Db-min2-e.&Db-min2-f.&Db-min2-g. .Db-min3 &Db-min3-a.&Db-min3-b.&Db-min3-c.&Db-min3-d.&Db-min3-e.&Db-min3-f.&Db-min3-g. .Db-min4 &Db-min4-a.&Db-min4-b.&Db-min4-c.&Db-min4-d.&Db-min4-e.&Db-min4-f.&Db-min4-g. .Db-min5 &Db-min5-a.&Db-min5-b.&Db-min5-c.&Db-min5-d.&Db-min5-e.&Db-min5-f.&Db-min5-g. .Db-min6 &Db-min6-a.&Db-min6-b.&Db-min6-c.&Db-min6-d.&Db-min6-e.&Db-min6-f.&Db-min6-g. .Db-min7 &Db-min7-a.&Db-min7-b.&Db-min7-c.&Db-min7-d.&Db-min7-e.&Db-min7-f.&Db-min7-g. .Db-min8 &Db-min8-a.&Db-min8-b.&Db-min8-c.&Db-min8-d.&Db-min8-e.&Db-min8-f.&Db-min8-g. .Eb-min1 &Eb-min1-a.&Eb-min1-b.&Eb-min1-c.&Eb-min1-d.&Eb-min1-e.&Eb-min1-f.&Eb-min1-g. .Eb-min2 &Eb-min2-a.&Eb-min2-b.&Eb-min2-c.&Eb-min2-d.&Eb-min2-e.&Eb-min2-f.&Eb-min2-g. .Eb-min3 &Eb-min3-a.&Eb-min3-b.&Eb-min3-c.&Eb-min3-d.&Eb-min3-e.&Eb-min3-f.&Eb-min3-g. .Eb-min4 &Eb-min4-a.&Eb-min4-b.&Eb-min4-c.&Eb-min4-d.&Eb-min4-e.&Eb-min4-f.&Eb-min4-g. .Eb-min5 &Eb-min5-a.&Eb-min5-b.&Eb-min5-c.&Eb-min5-d.&Eb-min5-e.&Eb-min5-f.&Eb-min5-g. .Eb-min6 &Eb-min6-a.&Eb-min6-b.&Eb-min6-c.&Eb-min6-d.&Eb-min6-e.&Eb-min6-f.&Eb-min6-g. .Eb-min7 &Eb-min7-a.&Eb-min7-b.&Eb-min7-c.&Eb-min7-d.&Eb-min7-e.&Eb-min7-f.&Eb-min7-g. .Eb-min8 &Eb-min8-a.&Eb-min8-b.&Eb-min8-c.&Eb-min8-d.&Eb-min8-e.&Eb-min8-f.&Eb-min8-g. .w-Cnmaj xKey Cn-maj .w-Abmaj xKey Ab-maj .w-Fnmaj xKey Fn-maj .w-D+maj xKey D+-maj .w-A+maj xKey A+-maj .w-F+maj xKey F+-maj .w-E-maj xKey E--maj .w-Dbmaj xKey Db-maj .w-Fnmin xKey Fn-min .w-A-min xKey A--min .w-Cnmin xKey Cn-min .w-D+min xKey D+-min .w-Gnmin xKey Gn-min .w-B-min xKey B--min .w-Dbmin xKey Db-min .w-Ebmin xKey Ebmin .Cnmajx &Cn-maj1.&Cn-maj2.&Cn-maj3.&Cn-maj4.&Cn-maj5.&Cn-maj6.&Cn-maj7.&Cn-maj8.&w-Cnmaj. .Abmajx &Ab-maj1.&Ab-maj2.&Ab-maj3.&Ab-maj4.&Ab-maj5.&Ab-maj6.&Ab-maj7.&Ab-maj8.&w-Abmaj. .Fnmajx &Fn-maj1.&Fn-maj2.&Fn-maj3.&Fn-maj4.&Fn-maj5.&Fn-maj6.&Fn-maj7.&Fn-maj8.&w-Fnmaj. .D+majx &D+-maj1.&D+-maj2.&D+-maj3.&D+-maj4.&D+-maj5.&D+-maj6.&D+-maj7.&D+-maj8.&w-D+maj. .A+majx &A+-maj1.&A+-maj2.&A+-maj3.&A+-maj4.&A+-maj5.&A+-maj6.&A+-maj7.&A+-maj8.&w-A+maj. .F+majx &F+-maj1.&F+-maj2.&F+-maj3.&F+-maj4.&F+-maj5.&F+-maj6.&F+-maj7.&F+-maj8.&w-F+maj. .E-majx &E--maj1.&E--maj2.&E--maj3.&E--maj4.&E--maj5.&E--maj6.&E--maj7.&E--maj8.&w-E-maj. .Dbmajx &Db-maj1.&Db-maj2.&Db-maj3.&Db-maj4.&Db-maj5.&Db-maj6.&Db-maj7.&Db-maj8.&w-Dbmaj. .Fnminx &Fn-min1.&Fn-min2.&Fn-min3.&Fn-min4.&Fn-min5.&Fn-min6.&Fn-min7.&Fn-min8.&w-Fnmin. .A-minx &A--min1.&A--min2.&A--min3.&A--min4.&A--min5.&A--min6.&A--min7.&A--min8.&w-A-min. .Cnminx &Cn-min1.&Cn-min2.&Cn-min3.&Cn-min4.&Cn-min5.&Cn-min6.&Cn-min7.&Cn-min8.&w-Cnmin. .D+minx &D+-min1.&D+-min2.&D+-min3.&D+-min4.&D+-min5.&D+-min6.&D+-min7.&D+-min8.&w-D+min. .Gnminx &Gn-min1.&Gn-min2.&Gn-min3.&Gn-min4.&Gn-min5.&Gn-min6.&Gn-min7.&Gn-min8.&w-Gnmin. .B-minx &B--min1.&B--min2.&B--min3.&B--min4.&B--min5.&B--min6.&B--min7.&B--min8.&w-B-min. .Dbminx &Db-min1.&Db-min2.&Db-min3.&Db-min4.&Db-min5.&Db-min6.&Db-min7.&Db-min8.&w-Dbmin. .Ebminx &Eb-min1.&Eb-min2.&Eb-min3.&Eb-min4.&Eb-min5.&Eb-min6.&Eb-min7.&Eb-min8.&w-Ebmin. @ @ Pick a key - these are the 16 available tonality diamond otonality and utonality choices. .chor-x-01 &Cnmajx. .chor-x-02 &Abmajx. .chor-x-03 &Fnmajx. .chor-x-04 &D+majx. .chor-x-05 &A+majx. .chor-x-06 &F+majx. .chor-x-07 &E-majx. .chor-x-08 &Dbmajx. .chor-x-09 &Fnminx. .chor-x-10 &A-minx. .chor-x-11 &Cnminx. .chor-x-12 &D+minx. .chor-x-13 &Gnminx. .chor-x-15 &Dbminx. .chor-x-16 &Ebminx. @ a @ @ whole note d96 @ dotted half 72 @ 1/2 note d48 @ 1/4 note d24 @ dotted quarter d36 @ 1/8th note d12 @ 1/16th note d6 @ arrange the scale as fourths .fourths-a-1 &n1a. .fourths-a-4 &n4a. .fourths-a-7 &n7a. .fourths-a-3 &n3a. .fourths-a-6 &n6a. .fourths-a-2 &n2a. .fourths-a-5 &n5a. .fourths-b-1 &n1b. .fourths-b-4 &n4b. .fourths-b-7 &n7b. .fourths-b-3 &n3b. .fourths-b-6 &n6b. .fourths-b-2 &n2b. .fourths-b-5 &n5b. .fourths-c-1 &n1c. .fourths-c-4 &n4c. .fourths-c-7 &n7c. .fourths-c-3 &n3c. .fourths-c-6 &n6c. .fourths-c-2 &n2c. .fourths-c-5 &n5c. .fourths-d-1 &n1d. .fourths-d-4 &n4d. .fourths-d-7 &n7d. .fourths-d-3 &n3d. .fourths-d-6 &n6d. .fourths-d-2 &n2d. .fourths-d-5 &n5d. .fourths-e-1 &n1e. .fourths-e-4 &n4e. .fourths-e-7 &n7e. .fourths-e-3 &n3e. .fourths-e-6 &n6e. .fourths-e-2 &n2e. .fourths-e-5 &n5e. .fourths-f-1 &n1f. .fourths-f-4 &n4f. .fourths-f-7 &n7f. .fourths-f-3 &n3f. .fourths-f-6 &n6f. .fourths-f-2 &n2f. .fourths-f-5 &n5f. .fourths-g-1 &n1g. .fourths-g-4 &n4g. .fourths-g-7 &n7g. .fourths-g-3 &n3g. .fourths-g-6 &n6g. .fourths-g-2 &n2g. .fourths-g-5 &n5g. @ arrange the scale as thirds .thirds-a-1 &n1a. .thirds-a-3 &n3a. .thirds-a-5 &n5a. .thirds-a-7 &n7a. .thirds-a-2 &n2a. .thirds-a-4 &n4a. .thirds-b-1 &n1b. .thirds-b-3 &n3b. .thirds-b-5 &n5b. .thirds-b-7 &n7b. .thirds-b-2 &n2b. .thirds-b-4 &n4b. .thirds-c-1 &n1c. .thirds-c-3 &n3c. .thirds-c-5 &n5c. .thirds-c-7 &n7c. .thirds-c-2 &n2c. .thirds-c-4 &n4c. .thirds-d-1 &n1d. .thirds-d-3 &n3d. .thirds-d-5 &n5d. .thirds-d-7 &n7d. .thirds-d-2 &n2d. .thirds-d-4 &n4d. .thirds-e-1 &n1e. .thirds-e-3 &n3e. .thirds-e-5 &n5e. .thirds-e-7 &n7e. .thirds-e-2 &n2e. .thirds-e-4 &n4e. .thirds-f-1 &n1f. .thirds-f-3 &n3f. .thirds-f-5 &n5f. .thirds-f-7 &n7f. .thirds-f-2 &n2f. .thirds-f-4 &n4f. .thirds-g-1 &n1g. .thirds-g-3 &n3g. .thirds-g-5 &n5g. .thirds-g-7 &n7g. .thirds-g-2 &n2g. .thirds-g-4 &n4g. @ arrange it as a scale .scale-a-1 &n1a. .scale-a-3 &n3a. .scale-a-5 &n5a. .scale-a-7 &n7a. .scale-a-2 &n2a. .scale-a-4 &n4a. .scale-b-1 &n1b. .scale-b-2 &n2b. .scale-b-3 &n3b. .scale-b-4 &n4b. .scale-b-5 &n5b. .scale-b-7 &n7b. .scale-c-1 &n1c. .scale-c-2 &n2c. .scale-c-3 &n3c. .scale-c-4 &n4c. .scale-c-5 &n5c. .scale-c-7 &n7c. .scale-d-1 &n1d. .scale-d-2 &n2d. .scale-d-3 &n3d. .scale-d-4 &n4d. .scale-d-5 &n5d. .scale-d-7 &n7d. .scale-e-1 &n1e. .scale-e-2 &n2e. .scale-e-3 &n3e. .scale-e-4 &n4e. .scale-e-5 &n5e. .scale-e-7 &n7e. .scale-f-1 &n1f. .scale-f-2 &n2f. .scale-f-3 &n3f. .scale-f-4 &n4f. .scale-f-5 &n5f. .scale-f-7 &n7f. .scale-g-1 &n1g. .scale-g-2 &n2g. .scale-g-3 &n3g. .scale-g-4 &n4g. .scale-g-5 &n5g. .scale-g-7 &n7g. @ @ don't need fast because they are always a @ medium speed chose a note and don't care if a, d, or e @ used by &m-notes*. .m-1-a &n1a. .m-1-d &n1d. .m-1-e &n1e. .m-2-a &n2a. .m-2-d &n2d. .m-2-e &n2e. .m-3-a &n3a. .m-3-d &n3d. .m-3-e &n3e. .m-4-a &n4a. .m-4-d &n4d. .m-4-e &n4e. .m-5-a &n5a. .m-5-d &n5d. .m-5-e &n5e. .m-6-a &n6a. .m-6-d &n6d. .m-6-e &n6e. .m-7-a &n7a. .m-7-d &n7d. .m-7-e &n7e. .m-8-a &n8a. .m-8-d &n8d. .m-8-e &n8e. @ slow speed chose a note and don't care if a,d,e,f, or g @ used by &l-notes*. for vibrato strings .l-1-a &n1a. .l-1-d &n1d. .l-1-e &n1e. .l-1-f &n1f. .l-1-g &n1g. .l-2-a &n2a. .l-2-d &n2d. .l-2-e &n2e. .l-2-f &n2f. .l-2-g &n2g. .l-3-a &n3a. .l-3-d &n3d. .l-3-e &n3e. .l-3-f &n3g. .l-3-g &n3f. .l-4-a &n4a. .l-4-d &n4d. .l-4-e &n4g. .l-4-f &n4f. .l-4-g &n4e. .l-5-a &n5a. .l-5-d &n5d. .l-5-e &n5g. .l-5-f &n5f. .l-5-g &n5e. .l-6-a &n6a. .l-6-d &n6d. .l-6-e &n6e. .l-6-f &n6g. .l-6-g &n6f. .l-7-a &n7a. .l-7-d &n7d. .l-7-e &n7e. .l-7-f &n7g. .l-7-g &n7f. .l-8-a &n8a. .l-8-d &n8d. .l-8-e &n8e. .l-8-f &n8g. .l-8-g &n8f. @ used by &c-notes*. for winds .c-1-a &n1a. .c-1-d &n1d. .c-1-e &n1e. .c-1-f &n1c. .c-1-g &n1b. .c-2-a &n2a. .c-2-d &n2d. .c-2-e &n2e. .c-2-f &n2c. .c-2-g &n2b. .c-3-a &n3a. .c-3-d &n3d. .c-3-e &n3e. .c-3-f &n3b. .c-3-g &n3c. .c-4-a &n4a. .c-4-d &n4d. .c-4-e &n4b. .c-4-f &n4c. .c-4-g &n4e. .c-5-a &n5a. .c-5-d &n5d. .c-5-e &n5b. .c-5-f &n5c. .c-5-g &n5e. .c-6-a &n6a. .c-6-d &n6d. .c-6-e &n6e. .c-6-f &n6b. .c-6-g &n6c. .c-7-a &n7a. .c-7-d &n7d. .c-7-e &n7e. .c-7-f &n7b. .c-7-g &n7c. .c-8-a &n8a. .c-8-d &n8d. .c-8-e &n8e. .c-8-f &n8b. .c-8-g &n8c. @ Randomizer functions: @ P35 - Markov Chain Drunkard's Walk: next or previous only @ p32 - repeat the same one every time @ p33 - next one in the series - always @ p34 - previous one in the series - always @ p8 - completely random @ p0 - 7 - try to pick something different from what you just picked @ p9 - 31 - try to pick the same as before, with anything over 25 almost always the same as before @ golden ratio of tempi @ 322 @ 521 @ 843 @ 1,364 @ 2,207 @.tempof1 q521 .tempof1 q650 .tempof2 q640 .tempof3 q620 @.tempof3 q1364 @ &fing. @ &harp. @ next section: @ unison drunkard walk on 1,3,4 step sizes. @ how many steps in the unison part? .silent10 &tempo*.&bari.r0d10 &pian. &harp. &fing. &vel. &vibe. &tuba. &bfin. &dru1. &dru2. &dru3. &dru4. &frnh. &engh. &basn. &flut. .vel-vel4 a180 .vel-vel5 a200 .vel-vel6 a220 .vel-vel7 a240 .vel-vel8 a255 .s-quiea4 .vel-vel4 a180x .s-quiea5 .vel-vel5 a200x .s-quiea6 .vel-vel6 a220x .s-quiea7 .vel-vel7 a240x .s-quiea8 .vel-vel8 a255x @ .s-quiet4 .vel-vel4 a40x .s-quiet5 .vel-vel5 a40x .s-quiet6 .vel-vel6 a40x .s-quiet7 .vel-vel7 a40x .s-quiet8 .vel-vel8 a40x @ .s-quiex4 .vel-vel4 a10x .s-quiex5 .vel-vel5 a10x .s-quiex6 .vel-vel6 a10x .s-quiex7 .vel-vel7 a10x .s-quiex8 .vel-vel8 a10x .quiet &s-quiet4.&s-quiet5.&s-quiet6.&s-quiet7.&s-quiet8. .v-quiet &s-quiex4.&s-quiex5.&s-quiex6.&s-quiex7.&s-quiex8. .n-vel &s-quiea4.&s-quiea5.&s-quiea6.&s-quiea7.&s-quiea8. @c/ /@ /m* @ duration choices fast section total of 6 .s-f-d-06-1a .d-1 d6h8x .s-f-d-06-1b .d-2 d0h0x .s-f-d-06-1c .d-3 d0h0x .s-f-d-06-1d .d-4 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-06-2a .d-1 d2h8x .s-f-d-06-2b .d-2 d2h6x .s-f-d-06-2c .d-3 d2h4x .s-f-d-06-2d .d-4 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-06-3a .d-1 d2h8x .s-f-d-06-3b .d-2 d4h6x .s-f-d-06-3c .d-3 d0h0x .s-f-d-06-3d .d-4 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-06-4a .d-1 d4h8x .s-f-d-06-4b .d-2 d2h4x .s-f-d-06-4c .d-3 d0h0x .s-f-d-06-4d .d-4 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-06-5a .d-1 d4h8x .s-f-d-06-5b .d-2 d2h4x .s-f-d-06-5c .d-3 d0h0x .s-f-d-06-5d .d-4 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-06-6a .d-1 d0h8x .s-f-d-06-6b .d-2 d0h8x .s-f-d-06-6c .d-3 d0h8x .s-f-d-06-6d .d-4 d6h8x @ .f-durs-06-1. &s-f-d-06-1a.&s-f-d-06-1b.&s-f-d-06-1c.&s-f-d-06-1d. .f-durs-06-2. &s-f-d-06-2a.&s-f-d-06-2b.&s-f-d-06-2c.&s-f-d-06-2d. .f-durs-06-3. &s-f-d-06-3a.&s-f-d-06-3b.&s-f-d-06-3c.&s-f-d-06-3d. .f-durs-06-4. &s-f-d-06-4a.&s-f-d-06-4b.&s-f-d-06-4c.&s-f-d-06-4d. .f-durs-06-5. &s-f-d-06-5a.&s-f-d-06-5b.&s-f-d-06-5c.&s-f-d-06-5d. .f-durs-06-6. &s-f-d-06-6a.&s-f-d-06-6b.&s-f-d-06-6c.&s-f-d-06-6d. @ duration choices fast section total of 8 .s-f-d-08-1a .d-1 d6h10x .s-f-d-08-1b .d-2 d2h4x .s-f-d-08-1c .d-3 d0h0x .s-f-d-08-1d .d-4 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-08-2a .d-1 d2h10x .s-f-d-08-2b .d-2 d2h8x .s-f-d-08-2c .d-3 d2h6x .s-f-d-08-2d .d-4 d2h4x @ .s-f-d-08-3a .d-1 d4h10x .s-f-d-08-3b .d-2 d4h6x .s-f-d-08-3c .d-3 d0h0x .s-f-d-08-3d .d-4 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-08-4a .d-1 d8h10x .s-f-d-08-4b .d-2 d0h0x .s-f-d-08-4c .d-3 d0h0x .s-f-d-08-4d .d-4 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-08-5a .d-1 d4h10x .s-f-d-08-5b .d-2 d2h6x .s-f-d-08-5c .d-3 d2h4x .s-f-d-08-5d .d-4 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-08-6a .d-1 d0h10x .s-f-d-08-6b .d-2 d0h10x .s-f-d-08-6c .d-3 d0h10x .s-f-d-08-6d .d-4 d8h10x @ .f-durs-08-1. &s-f-d-08-1a.&s-f-d-08-1b.&s-f-d-08-1c.&s-f-d-08-1d. .f-durs-08-2. &s-f-d-08-2a.&s-f-d-08-2b.&s-f-d-08-2c.&s-f-d-08-2d. .f-durs-08-3. &s-f-d-08-3a.&s-f-d-08-3b.&s-f-d-08-3c.&s-f-d-08-3d. .f-durs-08-4. &s-f-d-08-4a.&s-f-d-08-4b.&s-f-d-08-4c.&s-f-d-08-4d. .f-durs-08-5. &s-f-d-08-5a.&s-f-d-08-5b.&s-f-d-08-5c.&s-f-d-08-5d. .f-durs-08-6. &s-f-d-08-6a.&s-f-d-08-6b.&s-f-d-08-6c.&s-f-d-08-6d. @ duration choices fast section total of 16 .s-f-d-16-1a .d-1 d6h18x .s-f-d-16-1b .d-2 d2h12x .s-f-d-16-1c .d-3 d6h10x .s-f-d-16-1d .d-4 d2h4g0x .s-f-d-16-1e .d-5 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-1f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-1g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-1h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-16-2a .d-1 d2h18x .s-f-d-16-2b .d-2 d2h16x .s-f-d-16-2c .d-3 d2h14x .s-f-d-16-2d .d-4 d2h12x .s-f-d-16-2e .d-5 d2h10x .s-f-d-16-2f .d-6 d2h8x .s-f-d-16-2g .d-7 d2h6x .s-f-d-16-2h .d-8 d2h4g0x @ .s-f-d-16-3a .d-1 d4h18x .s-f-d-16-3b .d-2 d4h14x .s-f-d-16-3c .d-3 d4h10x .s-f-d-16-3d .d-4 d4h6x .s-f-d-16-3e .d-5 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-3f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-3g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-3h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-16-4a .d-1 d8h18x .s-f-d-16-4b .d-2 d8h10x .s-f-d-16-4c .d-3 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-4d .d-4 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-4e .d-5 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-4f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-4g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-4h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-16-5a .d-1 d4h18x .s-f-d-16-5b .d-2 d2h14x .s-f-d-16-5c .d-3 d4h12x .s-f-d-16-5d .d-4 d2h8x .s-f-d-16-5e .d-5 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-16-5f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-5g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-5h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-16-6a .d-1 d0h18x .s-f-d-16-6b .d-2 d0h18x .s-f-d-16-6c .d-3 d0h18x .s-f-d-16-6d .d-4 d16h18x .s-f-d-16-6e .d-5 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-6f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-6g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-16-6h .d-8 d0h0x @ .f-durs-16-1. &s-f-d-16-1a.&s-f-d-16-1b.&s-f-d-16-1c.&s-f-d-16-1d.&s-f-d-16-1e.&s-f-d-16-1f.&s-f-d-16-1g.&s-f-d-16-1h. .f-durs-16-2. &s-f-d-16-2a.&s-f-d-16-2b.&s-f-d-16-2c.&s-f-d-16-2d.&s-f-d-16-2e.&s-f-d-16-2f.&s-f-d-16-2g.&s-f-d-16-2h. .f-durs-16-3. &s-f-d-16-3a.&s-f-d-16-3b.&s-f-d-16-3c.&s-f-d-16-3d.&s-f-d-16-3e.&s-f-d-16-3f.&s-f-d-16-3g.&s-f-d-16-3h. .f-durs-16-4. &s-f-d-16-4a.&s-f-d-16-4b.&s-f-d-16-4c.&s-f-d-16-4d.&s-f-d-16-4e.&s-f-d-16-4f.&s-f-d-16-4g.&s-f-d-16-4h. .f-durs-16-5. &s-f-d-16-5a.&s-f-d-16-5b.&s-f-d-16-5c.&s-f-d-16-5d.&s-f-d-16-5e.&s-f-d-16-5f.&s-f-d-16-5g.&s-f-d-16-5h. .f-durs-16-6. &s-f-d-16-6a.&s-f-d-16-6b.&s-f-d-16-6c.&s-f-d-16-6d.&s-f-d-16-6e.&s-f-d-16-6f.&s-f-d-16-6g.&s-f-d-16-6h. @ @ duration choices medium slide solo section 32 beats .s-f-d-32-1a .d-1 d12h14x .s-f-d-32-1b .d-2 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-32-1c .d-3 d12h14x .s-f-d-32-1d .d-4 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-32-1e .d-5 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-1f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-1g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-1h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-32-2a .d-1 d18h16x .s-f-d-32-2b .d-2 d2h2g0x .s-f-d-32-2c .d-3 d2h2g0x .s-f-d-32-2d .d-4 d2h2g0x .s-f-d-32-2e .d-5 d2h2g0x .s-f-d-32-2f .d-6 d2h2g0x .s-f-d-32-2g .d-7 d2h2g0x .s-f-d-32-2h .d-8 d2h2g0x @ .s-f-d-32-3a .d-1 d24h9x .s-f-d-32-3b .d-2 d0h10x .s-f-d-32-3c .d-3 d0h10x .s-f-d-32-3d .d-4 d8h9x .s-f-d-32-3e .d-5 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-3f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-3g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-3h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-32-4a .d-1 d16h18x .s-f-d-32-4b .d-2 d16h18x .s-f-d-32-4c .d-3 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-4d .d-4 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-4e .d-5 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-4f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-4g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-4h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-32-5a .d-1 d8h10x .s-f-d-32-5b .d-2 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-32-5c .d-3 d8h10x .s-f-d-32-5d .d-4 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-32-5e .d-5 d8h10x .s-f-d-32-5f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-5g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-5h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-32-6a .d-1 d12h14x .s-f-d-32-6b .d-2 d8h10x .s-f-d-32-6c .d-3 d12h14x .s-f-d-32-6d .d-4 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-6e .d-5 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-6f .d-6 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-6g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-32-6h .d-8 d0h0x @ .f-durs-32-1. &s-f-d-32-1a.&s-f-d-32-1b.&s-f-d-32-1c.&s-f-d-32-1d.&s-f-d-32-1e.&s-f-d-32-1f.&s-f-d-32-1g.&s-f-d-32-1h. @.f-durs-32-2. &s-f-d-32-2a.&s-f-d-32-2b.&s-f-d-32-2c.&s-f-d-32-2d.&s-f-d-32-2e.&s-f-d-32-2f.&s-f-d-32-2g.&s-f-d-32-2h. @.f-durs-32-3. &s-f-d-32-3a.&s-f-d-32-3b.&s-f-d-32-3c.&s-f-d-32-3d.&s-f-d-32-3e.&s-f-d-32-3f.&s-f-d-32-3g.&s-f-d-32-3h. @.f-durs-32-4. &s-f-d-32-4a.&s-f-d-32-4b.&s-f-d-32-4c.&s-f-d-32-4d.&s-f-d-32-4e.&s-f-d-32-4f.&s-f-d-32-4g.&s-f-d-32-4h. @.f-durs-32-5. &s-f-d-32-5a.&s-f-d-32-5b.&s-f-d-32-5c.&s-f-d-32-5d.&s-f-d-32-5e.&s-f-d-32-5f.&s-f-d-32-5g.&s-f-d-32-5h. @.f-durs-32-6. &s-f-d-32-6a.&s-f-d-32-6b.&s-f-d-32-6c.&s-f-d-32-6d.&s-f-d-32-6e.&s-f-d-32-6f.&s-f-d-32-6g.&s-f-d-32-6h. @ @ duration choices fast section total of 24 .s-f-d-24-1a .d-1 d6h26x .s-f-d-24-1b .d-2 d2h20x .s-f-d-24-1c .d-3 d6h18x .s-f-d-24-1d .d-4 d2h12x .s-f-d-24-1e .d-5 d6h10x .s-f-d-24-1f .d-6 d2h4g0x .s-f-d-24-1g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-24-1h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-24-2a .d-1 d2h26x .s-f-d-24-2b .d-2 d4h24x .s-f-d-24-2c .d-3 d2h20x .s-f-d-24-2d .d-4 d4h18x .s-f-d-24-2e .d-5 d6h14x .s-f-d-24-2f .d-6 d6h8x .s-f-d-24-2g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-24-2h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-24-3a .d-1 d4h26x .s-f-d-24-3b .d-2 d4h22x .s-f-d-24-3c .d-3 d4h18x .s-f-d-24-3d .d-4 d4h14x .s-f-d-24-3e .d-5 d4h10x .s-f-d-24-3f .d-6 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-24-3g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-24-3h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-24-4a .d-1 d19h26x .s-f-d-24-4b .d-2 d1h7g0x .s-f-d-24-4c .d-3 d1h6g0x .s-f-d-24-4d .d-4 d1h5g0x .s-f-d-24-4e .d-5 d1h4g0x .s-f-d-24-4f .d-6 d1h3g0x .s-f-d-24-4g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-24-4h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-24-5a .d-1 d6h26x .s-f-d-24-5b .d-2 d6h20x .s-f-d-24-5c .d-3 d4h14x .s-f-d-24-5d .d-4 d2h10x .s-f-d-24-5e .d-5 d4h8g0x .s-f-d-24-5f .d-6 d2h4g0x .s-f-d-24-5g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-24-5h .d-8 d0h0x @ .f-durs-24-1. &s-f-d-24-1a.&s-f-d-24-1b.&s-f-d-24-1c.&s-f-d-24-1d.&s-f-d-24-1e.&s-f-d-24-1f.&s-f-d-24-1g.&s-f-d-24-1h. .f-durs-24-2. &s-f-d-24-2a.&s-f-d-24-2b.&s-f-d-24-2c.&s-f-d-24-2d.&s-f-d-24-2e.&s-f-d-24-2f.&s-f-d-24-1g.&s-f-d-24-1h. .f-durs-24-3. &s-f-d-24-3a.&s-f-d-24-3b.&s-f-d-24-3c.&s-f-d-24-3d.&s-f-d-24-3e.&s-f-d-24-3f.&s-f-d-24-1g.&s-f-d-24-1h. .f-durs-24-4. &s-f-d-24-4a.&s-f-d-24-4b.&s-f-d-24-4c.&s-f-d-24-4d.&s-f-d-24-4e.&s-f-d-24-4f.&s-f-d-24-1g.&s-f-d-24-1h. .f-durs-24-5. &s-f-d-24-5a.&s-f-d-24-5b.&s-f-d-24-5c.&s-f-d-24-5d.&s-f-d-24-5e.&s-f-d-24-5f.&s-f-d-24-1g.&s-f-d-24-1h. @ @ duration choices solo section total of 48 .s-f-d-48-1a .d-1 d12h14x .s-f-d-48-1b .d-2 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-48-1c .d-3 d12h14x .s-f-d-48-1d .d-4 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-48-1e .d-5 d12h14x .s-f-d-48-1f .d-6 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-48-1g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-48-1h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-48-2a .d-1 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-48-2b .d-2 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-2c .d-3 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-48-2d .d-4 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-2e .d-5 d12h14x .s-f-d-48-2f .d-6 d12h14x .s-f-d-48-2g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-48-2h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-48-3a .d-1 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-3b .d-2 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-3c .d-3 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-3d .d-4 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-3e .d-5 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-3f .d-6 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-3g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-48-3h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-48-4a .d-1 d38h26x .s-f-d-48-4b .d-2 d2h3g0x .s-f-d-48-4c .d-3 d2h3g0x .s-f-d-48-4d .d-4 d2h3g0x .s-f-d-48-4e .d-5 d2h3g0x .s-f-d-48-4f .d-6 d2h3g0x .s-f-d-48-4g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-48-4h .d-8 d0h0x @ .s-f-d-48-5a .d-1 d12h14x .s-f-d-48-5b .d-2 d12h14x .s-f-d-48-5c .d-3 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-5d .d-4 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-48-5e .d-5 d8h10x .s-f-d-48-5f .d-6 d4h6g0x .s-f-d-48-5g .d-7 d0h0x .s-f-d-48-5h .d-8 d0h0x @ .f-durs-48-1. &s-f-d-48-1a.&s-f-d-48-1b.&s-f-d-48-1c.&s-f-d-48-1d.&s-f-d-48-1e.&s-f-d-48-1f.&s-f-d-48-1g.&s-f-d-48-1h. @.f-durs-48-2. &s-f-d-48-2a.&s-f-d-48-2b.&s-f-d-48-2c.&s-f-d-48-2d.&s-f-d-48-2e.&s-f-d-48-2f.&s-f-d-48-1g.&s-f-d-48-1h. @.f-durs-48-3. &s-f-d-48-3a.&s-f-d-48-3b.&s-f-d-48-3c.&s-f-d-48-3d.&s-f-d-48-3e.&s-f-d-48-3f.&s-f-d-48-1g.&s-f-d-48-1h. @.f-durs-48-4. &s-f-d-48-4a.&s-f-d-48-4b.&s-f-d-48-4c.&s-f-d-48-4d.&s-f-d-48-4e.&s-f-d-48-4f.&s-f-d-48-1g.&s-f-d-48-1h. @.f-durs-48-5. &s-f-d-48-5a.&s-f-d-48-5b.&s-f-d-48-5c.&s-f-d-48-5d.&s-f-d-48-5e.&s-f-d-48-5f.&s-f-d-48-1g.&s-f-d-48-1h. @ @ pick either thirds, seconds, or fourths @ seconds .s-seconds01 .short-1 &scale-a-*.x .s-seconds02 .medium-1 &scale-d-*.x .s-seconds03 .medium-2 &scale-a-*.x .s-seconds04 .medium-3 &scale-e-*.x .s-seconds05 .medium-4 &scale-a-*.x .s-seconds06 .long-1 &scale-a*.x .s-seconds07 .long-2 &scale-f*.x .s-seconds08 .long-3 &scale-a*.x .s-seconds09 .long-4 &scale-d*.x .s-seconds10 .long-5 &scale-a*.x .s-seconds11 .long-6 &scale-g*.x .s-seconds12 .long-7 &scale-a*.x .s-seconds13 .long-8 &scale-e*.x .set-seconds &s-seconds01.&s-seconds02.&s-seconds03.&s-seconds04.&s-seconds05.&s-seconds06.&s-seconds07.&s-seconds08.&s-seconds09.&s-seconds10.&s-seconds11.&s-seconds12.&s-seconds13. @ thirds .s-thirds01 .short-1 &thirds-a-*.x .s-thirds02 .medium-1 &thirds-d-*.x .s-thirds03 .medium-2 &thirds-a-*.x .s-thirds04 .medium-3 &thirds-e-*.x .s-thirds05 .medium-4 &thirds-a-*.x .s-thirds06 .long-1 &thirds-a*.x .s-thirds07 .long-2 &thirds-g*.x .s-thirds08 .long-3 &thirds-a*.x .s-thirds09 .long-4 &thirds-d*.x .s-thirds10 .long-5 &thirds-a*.x .s-thirds11 .long-6 &thirds-f*.x .s-thirds12 .long-7 &thirds-a*.x .s-thirds13 .long-8 &thirds-e*.x .set-thirds &s-thirds01.&s-thirds02.&s-thirds03.&s-thirds04.&s-thirds05.&s-thirds06.&s-thirds07.&s-thirds08.&s-thirds09.&s-thirds10.&s-thirds11.&s-thirds12.&s-thirds13. @ fourths .s-fourths01 .short-1 &fourths-a-*.x .s-fourths02 .medium-1 &fourths-d-*.x .s-fourths03 .medium-2 &fourths-a-*.x .s-fourths04 .medium-3 &fourths-e-*.x .s-fourths05 .medium-4 &fourths-a-*.x .s-fourths06 .long-1 &fourths-a*.x .s-fourths07 .long-2 &fourths-g*.x .s-fourths08 .long-3 &fourths-a*.x .s-fourths09 .long-4 &fourths-d*.x .s-fourths10 .long-5 &fourths-a*.x .s-fourths11 .long-6 &fourths-f*.x .s-fourths12 .long-7 &fourths-a*.x .s-fourths13 .long-8 &fourths-e*.x .set-fourths &s-fourths01.&s-fourths02.&s-fourths03.&s-fourths04.&s-fourths05.&s-fourths06.&s-fourths07.&s-fourths08.&s-fourths09.&s-fourths10.&s-fourths11.&s-fourths12.&s-fourths13. @ note choices for fast section 8 notes .s-f-n-1a .n-1 &n1a.x .s-f-n-1b .n-2 &n3a.x .s-f-n-1c .n-3 &n5a.x .s-f-n-1d .n-4 &n7a.x .s-f-n-1e .n-5 &n2a.x .s-f-n-1f .n-6 &n4a.x .s-f-n-1g .n-7 &n3a.x .s-f-n-1h .n-8 &n5a.x @ .s-f-n-2a .n-1 &n1a.x .s-f-n-2b .n-2 &n2a.x .s-f-n-2c .n-3 &n3a.x .s-f-n-2d .n-4 &n4a.x .s-f-n-2e .n-5 &n5a.x .s-f-n-2f .n-6 &n7a.x .s-f-n-2g .n-7 &n8a.x .s-f-n-2h .n-8 &n6a.x @ .s-f-n-3a .n-1 &n1a.x .s-f-n-3b .n-2 &n7a.x .s-f-n-3c .n-3 &n5a.x .s-f-n-3d .n-4 &n4a.x .s-f-n-3e .n-5 &n3a.x .s-f-n-3f .n-6 &n2a.x .s-f-n-3g .n-7 &n3a.x .s-f-n-3h .n-8 &n4a.x @ .s-f-n-4a .n-1 &n1a.x .s-f-n-4b .n-2 &n4a.x .s-f-n-4c .n-3 &n2a.x .s-f-n-4d .n-4 &n5a.x .s-f-n-4e .n-5 &n3a.x .s-f-n-4f .n-6 &n7a.x .s-f-n-4g .n-7 &n6a.x .s-f-n-4h .n-8 &n8a.x @ .f-notes-1 &s-f-n-1a.&s-f-n-1b.&s-f-n-1c.&s-f-n-1d.&s-f-n-1e.&s-f-n-1f.&s-f-n-1g.&s-f-n-1h. .f-notes-2 &s-f-n-2a.&s-f-n-2b.&s-f-n-2c.&s-f-n-2d.&s-f-n-2e.&s-f-n-2f.&s-f-n-2g.&s-f-n-2h. .f-notes-3 &s-f-n-3a.&s-f-n-3b.&s-f-n-3c.&s-f-n-3d.&s-f-n-3e.&s-f-n-3f.&s-f-n-3g.&s-f-n-3h. .f-notes-4 &s-f-n-4a.&s-f-n-4b.&s-f-n-4c.&s-f-n-4d.&s-f-n-4e.&s-f-n-4f.&s-f-n-4g.&s-f-n-4h. @ @ note choices for medium duration 8 notes- .s-m-n-1a .n-1 &m-1-*.x .s-m-n-1b .n-2 &m-3-*.x .s-m-n-1c .n-3 &m-5-*.x .s-m-n-1d .n-4 &m-7-*.x .s-m-n-1e .n-5 &m-2-*.x .s-m-n-1f .n-6 &m-4-*.x .s-m-n-1g .n-7 &m-3-*.x .s-m-n-1h .n-8 &m-5-*.x @ .s-m-n-2a .n-1 &m-1-*.x .s-m-n-2b .n-2 &m-2-*.x .s-m-n-2c .n-3 &m-3-*.x .s-m-n-2d .n-4 &m-4-*.x .s-m-n-2e .n-5 &m-5-*.x .s-m-n-2f .n-6 &m-7-*.x .s-m-n-2g .n-7 &m-8-*.x .s-m-n-2h .n-8 &m-6-*.x @ .s-m-n-3a .n-1 &m-1-*.x .s-m-n-3b .n-2 &m-7-*.x .s-m-n-3c .n-3 &m-5-*.x .s-m-n-3d .n-4 &m-4-*.x .s-m-n-3e .n-5 &m-3-*.x .s-m-n-3f .n-6 &m-2-*.x .s-m-n-3g .n-7 &m-1-*.x .s-m-n-3h .n-8 &m-7-*.x @ .s-m-n-4a .n-1 &m-1-*.x .s-m-n-4b .n-2 &m-4-*.x .s-m-n-4c .n-3 &m-2-*.x .s-m-n-4d .n-4 &m-5-*.x .s-m-n-4e .n-5 &m-3-*.x .s-m-n-4f .n-6 &m-7-*.x .s-m-n-4g .n-7 &m-6-*.x .s-m-n-4h .n-8 &m-8-*.x @ .m-notes-1 &s-m-n-1a.&s-m-n-1b.&s-m-n-1c.&s-m-n-1d.&s-m-n-1e.&s-m-n-1f.&s-m-n-1g.&s-m-n-1h. .m-notes-2 &s-m-n-2a.&s-m-n-2b.&s-m-n-2c.&s-m-n-2d.&s-m-n-2e.&s-m-n-2f.&s-m-n-2g.&s-m-n-2h. .m-notes-3 &s-m-n-3a.&s-m-n-3b.&s-m-n-3c.&s-m-n-3d.&s-m-n-3e.&s-m-n-3f.&s-m-n-3g.&s-m-n-3h. .m-notes-4 &s-m-n-4a.&s-m-n-4b.&s-m-n-4c.&s-m-n-4d.&s-m-n-4e.&s-m-n-4f.&s-m-n-4g.&s-m-n-4h. @ @ long notes 4 times short duration .s-l-n-1a .n-1 &l-1-*.x .s-l-n-1b .n-2 &l-3-*.x .s-l-n-1c .n-3 &l-5-*.x .s-l-n-1d .n-4 &l-7-*.x .s-l-n-1e .n-5 &l-2-*.x .s-l-n-1f .n-6 &l-4-*.x .s-l-n-1g .n-7 &l-3-*.x .s-l-n-1h .n-8 &l-2-*.x @ .s-l-n-2a .n-1 &l-1-*.x .s-l-n-2b .n-2 &l-2-*.x .s-l-n-2c .n-3 &l-3-*.x .s-l-n-2d .n-4 &l-4-*.x .s-l-n-2e .n-5 &l-5-*.x .s-l-n-2f .n-6 &l-7-*.x .s-l-n-2g .n-7 &l-5-*.x .s-l-n-2h .n-8 &l-4-*.x @ .s-l-n-3a .n-1 &l-1-*.x .s-l-n-3b .n-2 &l-7-*.x .s-l-n-3c .n-3 &l-5-*.x .s-l-n-3d .n-4 &l-4-*.x .s-l-n-3e .n-5 &l-3-*.x .s-l-n-3f .n-6 &l-2-*.x .s-l-n-3g .n-7 &l-3-*.x .s-l-n-3h .n-8 &l-4-*.x @ .s-l-n-4a .n-1 &l-1-*.x .s-l-n-4b .n-2 &l-4-*.x .s-l-n-4c .n-3 &l-2-*.x .s-l-n-4d .n-4 &l-5-*.x .s-l-n-4e .n-5 &l-3-*.x .s-l-n-4f .n-6 &l-7-*.x .s-l-n-4g .n-7 &l-6-*.x .s-l-n-4h .n-8 &l-8-*.x @ .l-notes-1 &s-l-n-1a.&s-l-n-1b.&s-l-n-1c.&s-l-n-1d.&s-l-n-1e.&s-l-n-1f.&s-l-n-1g.&s-l-n-1h. .l-notes-2 &s-l-n-2a.&s-l-n-2b.&s-l-n-2c.&s-l-n-2d.&s-l-n-2e.&s-l-n-2f.&s-l-n-2g.&s-l-n-2h. .l-notes-3 &s-l-n-3a.&s-l-n-3b.&s-l-n-3c.&s-l-n-3d.&s-l-n-3e.&s-l-n-3f.&s-l-n-3g.&s-l-n-3h. .l-notes-4 &s-l-n-4a.&s-l-n-4b.&s-l-n-4c.&s-l-n-4d.&s-l-n-4e.&s-l-n-4f.&s-l-n-4g.&s-l-n-4h. @ long notes 4 times short duration c & b instead of g & f .s-c-n-1a .n-1 &c-1-*.x .s-c-n-1b .n-2 &c-3-*.x .s-c-n-1c .n-3 &c-5-*.x .s-c-n-1d .n-4 &c-7-*.x .s-c-n-1e .n-5 &c-2-*.x .s-c-n-1f .n-6 &c-4-*.x .s-c-n-1g .n-7 &c-3-*.x .s-c-n-1h .n-8 &c-2-*.x @ .s-c-n-2a .n-1 &c-1-*.x .s-c-n-2b .n-2 &c-2-*.x .s-c-n-2c .n-3 &c-3-*.x .s-c-n-2d .n-4 &c-4-*.x .s-c-n-2e .n-5 &c-5-*.x .s-c-n-2f .n-6 &c-7-*.x .s-c-n-2g .n-7 &c-5-*.x .s-c-n-2h .n-8 &c-4-*.x @ .s-c-n-3a .n-1 &c-1-*.x .s-c-n-3b .n-2 &c-7-*.x .s-c-n-3c .n-3 &c-5-*.x .s-c-n-3d .n-4 &c-4-*.x .s-c-n-3e .n-5 &c-3-*.x .s-c-n-3f .n-6 &c-2-*.x .s-c-n-3g .n-7 &c-3-*.x .s-c-n-3h .n-8 &c-4-*.x @ .s-c-n-4a .n-1 &c-1-*.x .s-c-n-4b .n-2 &c-4-*.x .s-c-n-4c .n-3 &c-2-*.x .s-c-n-4d .n-4 &c-5-*.x .s-c-n-4e .n-5 &c-3-*.x .s-c-n-4f .n-6 &c-7-*.x .s-c-n-4g .n-7 &c-6-*.x .s-c-n-4h .n-8 &c-8-*.x @ .c-notes-1 &s-c-n-1a.&s-c-n-1b.&s-c-n-1c.&s-c-n-1d.&s-c-n-1e.&s-c-n-1f.&s-c-n-1g.&s-c-n-1h. .c-notes-2 &s-c-n-2a.&s-c-n-2b.&s-c-n-2c.&s-c-n-2d.&s-c-n-2e.&s-c-n-2f.&s-c-n-2g.&s-c-n-2h. .c-notes-3 &s-c-n-3a.&s-c-n-3b.&s-c-n-3c.&s-c-n-3d.&s-c-n-3e.&s-c-n-3f.&s-c-n-3g.&s-c-n-3h. .c-notes-4 &s-c-n-4a.&s-c-n-4b.&s-c-n-4c.&s-c-n-4d.&s-c-n-4e.&s-c-n-4f.&s-c-n-4g.&s-c-n-4h. @ 10 & 15 - one hump @ 3 & 4 - two humps @ 16 & 17 - soft start, grow to end @ concentrate on the very slow moving textures. @ there is no reason to hardwire the H values in the next section. @ At one point, the h values were absurdly high. But the have been decreased @ maybe they need to be decreased even more @ if they aren't enough for the short parts, then make accomodations there. @ don't screw up the long ones needlessly @ @ start here - new material @ make the English horn quieter. Maybe set &init. or at least v-4 so it matches the flute @ solo flute & english horn unison part .solx-16-a1 &flut.&init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-32-*.e1&d-1.&n-1. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-2.&n-2. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-3.&n-3. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-4.&n-4. &engh.&init. .solx-16-a2 &flut.&init.&d-5.&n-5. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-6.&n-6. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-7.&n-7. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-8.&n-8. &engh.&init. .solo-32-a1 &solx-16-a1. &solx-16-a2. @ .solx-24-a1 &flut.&init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-48-*.e1&d-1.&n-1. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-2.&n-2. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-3.&n-3. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-4.&n-4. &engh.&init. .solx-24-a2 &flut.&init.&d-5.&n-5. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-6.&n-6. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-7.&n-7. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-8.&n-8. &engh.&init. .solo-48-a1 &solx-24-a1. &solx-24-a2. @ .solx-32-a1 &flut.&init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-32-*.e1&d-1.d*2h*2&n-1. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-2.d*2h*2&n-2. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-3.d*2h*2&n-3. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-4.d*2h*2&n-4. &engh.&init. .solx-32-a2 &flut.&init.&d-5.d*2h*2&n-5. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-6.d*2h*2&n-6. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-7.d*2h*2&n-7. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-8.d*2h*2&n-8. &engh.&init. .solo-64-a1 &solx-32-a1. &solx-32-a2. @ .solx-48-a1 &flut.&init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-48-*.e1&d-1.d*2h*2&n-1. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-2.d*2h*2&n-2. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-3.d*2h*2&n-3. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-4.d*2h*2&n-4. &engh.&init. .solx-48-a2 &flut.&init.&d-5.d*2h*2&n-5. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-6.d*2h*2&n-6. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-7.d*2h*2&n-7. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-8.d*2h*2&n-8. &engh.&init. .solo-96-a1 &solx-48-a1. &solx-48-a2. @ .solx-64-a1 &flut.&init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-32-*.e1&d-1.d*4h*4&n-1. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-2.d*4h*4&n-2. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-3.d*4h*4&n-3. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-4.d*4h*4&n-4. &engh.&init. .solx-64-a2 &flut.&init.&d-5.d*4h*4&n-5. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-6.d*4h*4&n-6. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-7.d*4h*4&n-7. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-8.d*4h*4&n-8. &engh.&init. .solo-128-a1 &solx-64-a1. &solx-64-a2. @ .solx-96-a1 &flut.&init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-48-*.e1&d-1.d*4h*4&n-1. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-2.d*4h*4&n-2. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-3.d*4h*4&n-3. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-4.d*4h*4&n-4. &engh.&init. .solx-96-a2 &flut.&init.&d-5.d*4h*4&n-5. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-6.d*4h*4&n-6. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-7.d*4h*4&n-7. &engh.&init. &flut.&init.&d-8.d*4h*4&n-8. &engh.&init. .solo-192-a1 &solx-96-a1. &solx-96-a2. @ @ drum part .drum-06-a1 &init.e1d6h8&n1a. .drum-08-a1 &init.e1d8h10&n1a. .drum-12-a1 &init.e1d12h14&n1a. .drum-16-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.e1h16&d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .drum-24-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.e1h24&d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .drum-32-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.e1h32&d-1.d*2&n-1. &d-2.d*2&n-2. &d-3.d*2&n-3. &d-4.d*2&n-4. &d-5.d*2&n-5. &d-6.d*2&n-6. &d-7.d*2&n-7. &d-8.d*2&n-8. .drum-32-a2 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.e1h32&d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. &d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .drum-32-a3 &drum-16-a*. &drum-16-a*. .drum-48-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.e1h48&d-1.d*2&n-1. &d-2.d*2&n-2. &d-3.d*2&n-3. &d-4.d*2&n-4. &d-5.d*2&n-5. &d-6.d*2&n-6. &d-7.d*2&n-7. &d-8.d*2&n-8. .drum-48-a2 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.e1h48&d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. &d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .drum-48-a3 &drum-24-a*. &drum-24-a*. .drum-64-a2 &drum-32-a*. &drum-32-a*. .drum-96-a2 &drum-48-a*. &drum-48-a*. @ flute, english horn, French horn, bassoon parts .s-horn-env1 e2w8h2 .s-horn-env2 e8w2h2 .m-horn-env1 e10w15 .m-horn-env2 e15w10 .m-horn-env3 e16w17 .l-horn-env1 e3w4 .l-horn-env2 e4w3 .l-horn-env3 e17w16 .horn-02-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&s-horn-env*.d0v-2&n-1. &n-2. &n-3.d2 .horn-02-az d2r0 .horn-04-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&s-horn-env*.d0v-2&n-1. &n-2. &n-3.d4 .horn-04-az d4r0 .horn-06-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&s-horn-env*.d0v-2&n-1. &n-2. &n-3.d6 .horn-06-a2 &horn-02-a*. &horn-02-a*. &horn-02-a*. .horn-06-az d6r0 .horn-08-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&s-horn-env*.d0v-2&n-1. &n-2. &n-3.d8 .horn-08-a2 &horn-04-a*. &horn-04-a*. .horn-08-az d8r0 .horn-12-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&s-horn-env*.d0v-2&n-1. &n-2. &n-3.d12 .horn-12-a2 &horn-06-a*. &horn-06-a*. .horn-16-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.v+5&d-1.&n-1.&s-horn-env*. v-5&d-2.&n-2.&s-horn-env*. &d-3.&n-3.&s-horn-env*. &d-4.&n-4.&s-horn-env*. &d-5.&n-5.&s-horn-env*. &d-6.&n-6.&s-horn-env*. &d-7.&n-7.&s-horn-env*. &d-8.&n-8.&s-horn-env*. .horn-16-a2 &horn-08-a*. &horn-08-a*. .horn-24-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.v+5&d-1.&n-1.&s-horn-env*. v-5&d-2.&n-2.&s-horn-env*. &d-3.&n-3.&s-horn-env*. &d-4.&n-4.&s-horn-env*. &d-5.&n-5.&s-horn-env*. &d-6.&n-6.&s-horn-env*. &d-7.&n-7.&s-horn-env*. &d-8.&n-8.&s-horn-env*. .horn-24-a2 &horn-12-a*. &horn-12-a*. .horn-32-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&m-horn-env*.v+3&d-1.d*2h*2&n-1. v-3&d-2.d*2h*2&n-2. &d-3.d*2h*2&n-3. &d-4.d*2h*2&n-4. &d-5.d*2h*2&n-5. &d-6.d*2h*2&n-6. &d-7.d*2h*2&n-7. &d-8.d*2h*2&n-8. .horn-32-a2 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&m-horn-env*.v+3&d-1.&n-1. v-3&d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. &d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .horn-32-a3 &horn-16-a*. &horn-16-a*. .horn-48-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&m-horn-env*.v+3&d-1.d*2h*2&n-1. v-3&d-2.d*2h*2&n-2. &d-3.d*2h*2&n-3. &d-4.d*2h*2&n-4. &d-5.d*2h*2&n-5. &d-6.d*2h*2&n-6. &d-7.d*2h*2&n-7. &d-8.d*2h*2&n-8. .horn-48-a2 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&m-horn-env*.v+3&d-1.&n-1. v-3&d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. &d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .horn-48-a3 &horn-24-a*. &horn-24-a*. .horn-48-a4 &horn-16-a*. &horn-16-a*. &horn-16-a*. .horn-64-a1 &init.&m-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&m-horn-env*.v-3&n-1.&d-1.d*4h*4 &n-2.&d-2.d*4h*4 &n-3.&d-3.d*4h*4 &n-4.&d-4.d*4h*4 &n-5.&d-5.d*4h*4 &n-6.&d-6.d*4h*4 &n-7.&d-7.d*4h*4 &n-8.&d-8.d*4h*4 .horn-64-a2 &init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&m-horn-env*.v-3&n-1.&d-1.d*4h*4 &n-2.&d-2.d*4h*4 &n-3.&d-3.d*4h*4 &n-4.&d-4.d*4h*4 &n-5.&d-5.d*4h*4 &n-6.&d-6.d*4h*4 &n-7.&d-7.d*4h*4 &n-8.&d-8.d*4h*4 .horn-64-a3 &horn-32-a*. &horn-32-a*. .horn-96-a1 &init.&m-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&m-horn-env*.v-3&n-1.&d-1.d*4h*4 &n-2.&d-2.d*4h*4 &n-3.&d-3.d*4h*4 &n-4.&d-4.d*4h*4 &n-5.&d-5.d*4h*4 &n-6.&d-6.d*4h*4 &n-7.&d-7.d*4h*4 &n-8.&d-8.d*4h*4 .horn-96-a2 &init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&m-horn-env*.v-3&n-1.&d-1.d*4h*4 &n-2.&d-2.d*4h*4 &n-3.&d-3.d*4h*4 &n-4.&d-4.d*4h*4 &n-5.&d-5.d*4h*4 &n-6.&d-6.d*4h*4 &n-7.&d-7.d*4h*4 &n-8.&d-8.d*4h*4 .horn-96-a3 &horn-48-a*. &horn-48-a*. .horn-128-a1 &init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&l-horn-env*.v-5&d-1.d*8h*8&n-1. &d-2.d*8h*8&n-2. &d-3.d*8h*8&n-3. &d-4.d*8h*8&n-4. &d-5.d*8h*8&n-5. &d-6.d*8h*8&n-6. &d-7.d*8h*8&n-7. &d-8.d*8h*8&n-8. .horn-128-a2 &horn-64-a*. &horn-64-a*. .horn-192-a1 &init.&c-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&l-horn-env*.v-5&d-1.d*8h*8&n-1. &d-2.d*8h*8&n-2. &d-3.d*8h*8&n-3. &d-4.d*8h*8&n-4. &d-5.d*8h*8&n-5. &d-6.d*8h*8&n-6. &d-7.d*8h*8&n-7. &d-8.d*8h*8&n-8. .horn-192-a2 &horn-96-a*. &horn-96-a*. @ guitar, piano, vibes, finger piano .hold-16a h24 .hold-24a h32 .hold-32a h48 .hold-48a h64 .hold-64a h64 .hold-96a h96 .hold-128a h128 .hold-192a h192 @ @ tuba part .tuba-envs-1 e1w1 .tuba-envs-2 e2w8 .tuba-envs-3 e16w17 .tuba-envs-4 e17w16 .tuba-envm-1 e10w15 .tuba-envm-1 e15w10 .tuba-envl-1 e3w4 .tuba-envl-1 e4w3 @ .tuba-06-a1 &tuba.&init.&tuba-envs*.&n1a.d6h8 .tuba-06-a4 &tuba.d6r0 .tuba-08-a1 &tuba.&init.&tuba-envs*.&n1a.d8h10 .tuba-08-a4 &tuba.d8r0 .tuba-12-a1 &tuba.&init.&tuba-envs*.&n1a.d12h14 .tuba-12-a4 &tuba.d12r0 .tuba-16-a1 &f-notes*.&tuba.&init.&tuba-envs*.&n-1.d16h18 .tuba-16-a2 &tuba-08-a*. &tuba-08-a*. .tuba-16-az &tuba.d16r0 .tuba-24-a1 &f-notes*.&tuba.&init.&tuba-envs*.&n-1.d24h26 .tuba-24-a2 &tuba-12-a*. &tuba-12-a*. .tuba-24-az &tuba.d24r0 .tuba-32-a1 &f-notes*.&tuba.&init.&tuba-envm*.&n-1.d32h34 .tuba-32-a2 &tuba-16-a*. &tuba-16-a*. .tuba-32-az &tuba.d32r0 .tuba-48-a1 &f-notes*.&tuba.&init.&tuba-envm*.&n-1.d48h50 .tuba-48-a2 &tuba-24-a*. &tuba-24-a*. .tuba-48-az &tuba.d48r0 .tuba-64-a1 &c-notes*.&tuba.&init.&tuba-envl*.&n-1.d64h68 .tuba-64-a2 &tuba-32-a*. &tuba-32-a*. .tuba-64-az &tuba.d64r0 .tuba-96-a1 &c-notes*.&tuba.&init.&tuba-envl*.&n-1.d96h98 .tuba-96-a2 &tuba-48-a*. &tuba-48-a*. .tuba-96-az &tuba.d96r0 @ bass part .bass-env1 e2w8h0 .bass-env2 e8w2h0 @ .bass-06-a1 &init.&bass-env*.d6h8&n1a. .bass-08-a1 &init.&bass-env*.d8h10&n1a. .bass-12-a1 &init.&bass-env*.d12h14&n1a. .bass-16-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&d-1.&n-1.&bass-env*. &d-2.&n-2.&bass-env*. &d-3.&n-3.&bass-env*. &d-4.&n-4.&bass-env*. &d-5.&n-5.&bass-env*. &d-6.&n-6.&bass-env*. &d-7.&n-7.&bass-env*. &d-8.&n-8. .bass-24-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&d-1.&n-1.&bass-env*. &d-2.&n-2.&bass-env*. &d-3.&n-3.&bass-env*. &d-4.&n-4.&bass-env*. &d-5.&n-5.&bass-env*. &d-6.&n-6.&bass-env*. &d-7.&n-7.&bass-env*. &d-8.&n-8. .bass-32-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&d-1.d*2&n-1.&bass-env*. &d-2.d*2&n-2.&bass-env*. &d-3.d*2&n-3.&bass-env*. &d-4.d*2&n-4.&bass-env*. &d-5.d*2&n-5.&bass-env*. &d-6.d*2&n-6.&bass-env*. &d-7.d*2&n-7.&bass-env*. &d-8.d*2&n-8. .bass-48-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&d-1.d*2&n-1.&bass-env*. &d-2.d*2&n-2.&bass-env*. &d-3.d*2&n-3.&bass-env*. &d-4.d*2&n-4.&bass-env*. &d-5.d*2&n-5.&bass-env*. &d-6.d*2&n-6.&bass-env*. &d-7.d*2&n-7.&bass-env*. &d-8.d*2&n-8. .bass-64-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&d-1.d*4&n-1.&bass-env*. &d-2.d*4&n-2.&bass-env*. &d-3.d*4&n-3.&bass-env*. &d-4.d*4&n-4.&bass-env*. &d-5.d*4&n-5.&bass-env*. &d-6.d*4&n-6.&bass-env*. &d-7.d*4&n-7.&bass-env*. &d-8.d*4&n-8. .bass-96-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&d-1.d*4&n-1.&bass-env*. &d-2.d*4&n-2.&bass-env*. &d-3.d*4&n-3.&bass-env*. &d-4.d*4&n-4.&bass-env*. &d-5.d*4&n-5.&bass-env*. &d-6.d*4&n-6.&bass-env*. &d-7.d*4&n-7.&bass-env*. &d-8.d*4&n-8. .all-pva p35 .s-stri-env1 e2w8 .s-stri-env2 e8w2 .m-stri-env1 e1w1 .m-stri-env2 e1w1 .l-stri-env1 e16w17 .l-stri-env2 e17w16 @ .stri-02-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&s-stri-env*.d0h3&n-1. &n-2. &n-3. &n-4.d2 .stri-02-az d2r0 .stri-04-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&s-stri-env*.d0h5&n-1. &n-2. &n-3. &n-4.d4 .stri-04-az d4r0 .stri-06-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-06-*.&s-stri-env*.v+5&d-1.&n-1. v-5&d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. .stri-06-a2 &stri-02-a*. &stri-02-a*. &stri-02-a*. .stri-06-az d6r0 .stri-08-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-08-*.&s-stri-env*.v+5&d-1.&n-1. v-5&d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. .stri-08-a2 &stri-04-a*. &stri-04-a*. .stri-08-az d8r0 .stri-12-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-06-*.&s-stri-env*.v+5&d-1.&n-1.d*2h*2 v-5&d-2.&n-2.d*2h*2 &d-3.&n-3.d*2h*2 &d-4.&n-4.d*2h*2 .stri-12-a2 &stri-06-a*. &stri-06-a*. .stri-16-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&m-stri-env*.v+5&d-1.&n-1. v-5&d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .stri-16-a2 &stri-08-a*. &stri-08-a*. .stri-24-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&m-stri-env*.v+5&d-1.&n-1. v-5&d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .stri-24-a2 &stri-12-a*. &stri-12-a*. .stri-24-a3 &stri-08-a*. &stri-08-a*. &stri-08-a*. .stri-32-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&m-stri-env*.v+5&d-1.d*2h*2&n-1. v-5&d-2.d*2h*2&n-2. &d-3.d*2h*2&n-3. &d-4.d*2h*2&n-4. &d-5.d*2h*2&n-5. &d-6.d*2h*2&n-6. &d-7.d*2h*2&n-7. &d-8.d*2h*2&n-8. .stri-32-a2 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&m-stri-env*.v+5&d-1.&n-1. v-5&d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. &d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .stri-32-a3 &stri-16-a*. &stri-16-a*. .stri-48-a1 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&m-stri-env*.v+5&d-1.d*2h*2&n-1. v-5&d-2.d*2h*2&n-2. &d-3.d*2h*2&n-3. &d-4.d*2h*2&n-4. &d-5.d*2h*2&n-5. &d-6.d*2h*2&n-6. &d-7.d*2h*2&n-7. &d-8.d*2h*2&n-8. .stri-48-a2 &init.&f-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&m-stri-env*.v+5&d-1.&n-1. v-5&d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. &d-1.&n-1. &d-2.&n-2. &d-3.&n-3. &d-4.&n-4. &d-5.&n-5. &d-6.&n-6. &d-7.&n-7. &d-8.&n-8. .stri-48-a3 &stri-24-a*. &stri-24-a*. .stri-48-a4 &stri-16-a*. &stri-16-a*. &stri-16-a*. .stri-64-a1 &init.&m-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&m-stri-env*.v+5&n-1.&d-1.d*4h*4 v-5&n-2.&d-2.d*4h*4 &n-3.&d-3.d*4h*4 &n-4.&d-4.d*4h*4 &n-5.&d-5.d*4h*4 &n-6.&d-6.d*4h*4 &n-7.&d-7.d*4h*4 &n-8.&d-8.d*4h*4 .stri-64-a2 &init.&l-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&m-stri-env*.v+10&n-1.&d-1.d*4h*4 v-5&n-2.&d-2.d*4h*4 &n-3.&d-3.d*4h*4 &n-4.&d-4.d*4h*4 &n-5.&d-5.d*4h*4 &n-6.&d-6.d*4h*4 &n-7.&d-7.d*4h*4 &n-8.&d-8.d*4h*4 .stri-64-a3 &stri-32-a*. &stri-32-a*. .stri-96-a1 &init.&m-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&m-stri-env*.v+5&n-1.&d-1.d*4h*4 v-5&n-2.&d-2.d*4h*4 &n-3.&d-3.d*4h*4 &n-4.&d-4.d*4h*4 &n-5.&d-5.d*4h*4 &n-6.&d-6.d*4h*4 &n-7.&d-7.d*4h*4 &n-8.&d-8.d*4h*4 .stri-96-a2 &init.&l-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&m-stri-env*.v+10&n-1.&d-1.d*4h*4 v-5&n-2.&d-2.d*4h*4 &n-3.&d-3.d*4h*4 &n-4.&d-4.d*4h*4 &n-5.&d-5.d*4h*4 &n-6.&d-6.d*4h*4 &n-7.&d-7.d*4h*4 &n-8.&d-8.d*4h*4 .stri-96-a3 &stri-48-a*. &stri-48-a*. .stri-128-a1 &init.&l-notes*.&f-durs-16-*.&l-stri-env*.v+15&d-1.d*8h*8&n-1. v-5&d-2.d*8h*8&n-2. &d-3.d*8h*8&n-3. &d-4.d*8h*8&n-4. &d-5.d*8h*8&n-5. &d-6.d*8h*8&n-6. &d-7.d*8h*8&n-7. &d-8.d*8h*8&n-8. .stri-128-a2 &stri-64-a*. &stri-64-a*. .stri-192-a1 &init.&l-notes*.&f-durs-24-*.&l-stri-env*.v+15&d-1.d*8h*8&n-1. v-5&d-2.d*8h*8&n-2. &d-3.d*8h*8&n-3. &d-4.d*8h*8&n-4. &d-5.d*8h*8&n-5. &d-6.d*8h*8&n-6. &d-7.d*8h*8&n-7. &d-8.d*8h*8&n-8. .stri-192-a2 &stri-96-a*. &stri-96-a*. @ .bas-dru-06-a &dru1.&drum-06-a*. &dru2.&drum-06-a*. &dru3.&drum-06-a*. &dru4.&drum-06-a*. &bfin.&bass-06-a*. &tuba-06-a*. &vel.d06 .bas-dru-06-b &dru1.&drum-06-a*. &dru2.&drum-06-a*. &dru3.&drum-06-a*. &dru4.&drum-06-a*. &bfin.d6r0 &tuba.d6r0 &vel.d06 .bas-dru-08-a &dru1.&drum-08-a*. &dru2.&drum-08-a*. &dru3.&drum-08-a*. &dru4.&drum-08-a*. &bfin.&bass-08-a*. &tuba-08-a*. &vel.d08 .bas-dru-08-b &dru1.&drum-08-a*. &dru2.&drum-08-a*. &dru3.&drum-08-a*. &dru4.&drum-08-a*. &bfin.d8r0 &tuba.d8r0 &vel.d08 .bas-dru-12-a &dru1.&drum-12-a*. &dru2.&drum-12-a*. &dru3.&drum-12-a*. &dru4.&drum-12-a*. &bfin.&bass-12-a*. &tuba-12-a*. &vel.d12 .bas-dru-12-b &dru1.&drum-12-a*. &dru2.&drum-12-a*. &dru3.&drum-12-a*. &dru4.&drum-12-a*. &bfin.d12r0 &tuba.d12r0 &vel.d12 .bas-dru-16-a &dru1.&drum-16-a*. &dru2.&drum-16-a*. &dru3.&drum-16-a*. &dru4.&drum-16-a*. &bfin.&bass-16-a*. &tuba-16-a*. &vel.d16 .bas-dru-24-a &dru1.&drum-24-a*. &dru2.&drum-24-a*. &dru3.&drum-24-a*. &dru4.&drum-24-a*. &bfin.&bass-24-a*. &tuba-24-a*. &vel.d24 .bas-dru-32-a &dru1.&drum-32-a*. &dru2.&drum-32-a*. &dru3.&drum-32-a*. &dru4.&drum-32-a*. &bfin.&bass-32-a*. &tuba-32-a*. &vel.d32 .bas-dru-32-b &bas-dru-16*. &bas-dru-16*. .bas-dru-48-a &dru1.&drum-48-a*. &dru2.&drum-48-a*. &dru3.&drum-48-a*. &dru4.&drum-48-a*. &bfin.&bass-48-a*. &tuba-48-a*. &vel.d48 .bas-dru-48-b &bas-dru-24*. &bas-dru-24*. .bas-dru-64-a &dru1.&drum-64-a*. &dru2.&drum-64-a*. &dru3.&drum-64-a*. &dru4.&drum-64-a*. &bfin.&bass-64-a*. &tuba-64-a*. &vel.d64 .bas-dru-64-b &bas-dru-32*. &bas-dru-32*. .bas-dru-96-a &dru1.&drum-96-a*. &dru2.&drum-96-a*. &dru3.&drum-96-a*. &dru4.&drum-96-a*. &bfin.&bass-96-a*. &tuba-96-a*. &vel.d96 .bas-dru-96-b &bas-dru-48*. &bas-dru-48*. .bas-dru-128-a &bas-dru-64*. &bas-dru-64*. .bas-dru-192-a &bas-dru-96*. &bas-dru-96*. @ @ .all-horn-06-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-06-a*. &engh.&init.&horn-06-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-06-a*. &flut.&init.v-7&horn-06-a*. .all-horn-08-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-08-a*. &engh.&init.&horn-08-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-08-a*. &flut.&init.v-7&horn-08-a*. .all-horn-12-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-12-a*. &engh.&init.&horn-12-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-12-a*. &flut.&init.v-7&horn-12-a*. .all-horn-16-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-16-a*. &engh.&init.&horn-16-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-16-a*. &flut.&init.v-7&horn-16-a*. .all-horn-24-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-24-a*. &engh.&init.&horn-24-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-24-a*. &flut.&init.v-7&horn-24-a*. .all-horn-32-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-32-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-32-a*. &solo-32-a*. .all-horn-48-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-48-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-48-a*. &solo-48-a*. .all-horn-64-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-64-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-64-a*. &solo-64-a*. .all-horn-96-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-96-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-96-a*. &solo-96-a*. .all-horn-128-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-128-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-128-a*. &solo-128-a*. .all-horn-192-a1 &frnh.&init.&horn-192-a*. &basn.&init.&horn-192-a*. &solo-192-a*. @ .play-all-s06-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-06-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-06-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-06-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-06-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-06-a*. &bas-dru-06-*. &all-horn-06-a*. .play-all-s06-a2 &chor-x*.&bari.d6r0 &fing.d6r0 &harp.d6r0 &pian.d6r0 &vibe.d6r0 &bas-dru-06-b. &all-horn-06-a*. .play-all-s08-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-08-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-08-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-08-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-08-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-08-a*. &bas-dru-08-*. &all-horn-08-a*. .play-all-s08-a2 &chor-x*.&bari.d8r0 &fing.d8r0 &harp.d8r0 &pian.d8r0 &vibe.d8r0 &bas-dru-08-b. &all-horn-08-a*. .play-all-s12-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-12-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-12-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-12-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-12-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-12-a*. &bas-dru-12-*. &all-horn-12-a*. .play-all-s12-a2 &chor-x*.&bari.d12r0 &fing.d12r0 &harp.d12r0 &pian.d12r0 &vibe.d12r0 &bas-dru-12-b. &all-horn-12-a*. .play-all-m16-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-16-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-16-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-16-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-16-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-16-a*. &bas-dru-16-*. &all-horn-16-a*. .play-all-m24-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-24-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-24-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-24-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-24-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-24-a*. &bas-dru-24-*. &all-horn-24-a*. .play-all-m32-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-32-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-32-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-32-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-32-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-32-a*. &bas-dru-32-*. &all-horn-32-a*. .play-all-m48-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-48-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-48-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-48-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-48-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-48-a*. &bas-dru-48-*. &all-horn-48-a*. .play-all-l64-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-64-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-64-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-64-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-64-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-64-a*. &bas-dru-64-*. &all-horn-64-a*. .play-all-l96-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-96-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-96-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-96-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-96-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-96-a*. &bas-dru-96-*. &all-horn-96-a*. .play-all-l128-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-128-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-128-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-128-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-128-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-128-a*. &bas-dru-128-*. &all-horn-128-a*. .play-all-l192-a1 &chor-x*.&bari.&init.&stri-192-a*. &fing.&init.&stri-192-a*. &harp.&init.&stri-192-a*. &pian.&init.&stri-192-a*. &vibe.&init.&stri-192-a*. &bas-dru-192-*. &all-horn-192-a*. .start1 &play-all-m16-a1. .start2 &play-all-m24-a1. .start3 &play-all-s06-a1. @ &silent10. .all-pva p27 &pick-ran15*.&start*. &start*. &start*. &start*. &start*. &start*. .all-pva p35 &pick-ran*.&quartet-1.&n-vel.&play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &pick-ran*.&quartet-2.&n-vel.&play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &pick-ran*.&quartet-3.&n-vel.&play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &pick-ran15*.&duodecet.&play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. &play-all-*. 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