
Strings in 9/8 #10

I think this is the final take on this piece. I added some more variety in the theme and the bridge, and more variations. There is one point towards the end when it repeats a time or two too many times, but this take it at least repeats something interesting. There are lots of string chords that glide from one chord to another, like a pedal steel guitar might do. And the bass spring is more defined here.

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Strings in 9/8 – moving forward

This is a work in progress. I added a bridge for a palette cleanser. The main part of the song is in Bb minor on the undertone scale. The bridge moves it up to C minor, D minor, E major, F+ major, G minor, Ab major, Bb minor. In ratios, it’s 7:4, 1:1, 9:8, 5:4, 11:8, 3/2, 13/8, 7/4. The majors use the overtone scale, and the minors use the undertones to the 15 limit.

I think I’m going to have to go back and retune the trombone and oboe. They don’t sound like their are right on the pitches. But this is a good start.Play it here

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Strings in 9/8 – now with percussion

This is a work in progress. I added some balloon drum and shaker percussion parts, and enhanced the deep bass spring. This is the one I wound last month. You can see me in the picture holding the magnetic transducer to the spring in the photo above. I also added the option to trill on some notes of the theme. Also left more things to chance, including the octave played.

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Strings in 9/8

This is a work in progress. Last month I made some long string samples, and bass finger piano samples on a bench, and I’ve started working on a piece that uses them. I also include trombone, and oboe samples from the McGill University collection. The tuning is the undertone series to the 15 limit. The strings sound banjo-like sometimes, and sometimes like a pedal steel. The pedal steel sound is made with a a glissando in Csound using gen06. This subroutine will generate a function comprised of segments of cubic polynomials, spanning specified points three at a time. After a bit of experimenting, I discovered that this is close to the way slide guitarists play. They start their slide slow, speed up in the middle, and slow down at the end as they near their note. And once they get there, the use the slide to make a vibrato. Here’s a picture of the slide:

I also manipulate the choice of samples to deliberately pick one that was made with a lower note, then brought up to the correct pitch by Csound. That’s what gives some of the notes that superbright timbre at the 43 second point in the piece. I’ve heard it referred to as munchkinization.

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Strings in 9/8

This is a work in progress. Last month I made some long string samples on a bench, and I’ve started working on a piece that uses them. I also include trombone, and oboe samples from the McGill University collection. The tuning is the undertone series to the 15 limit. The strings sound banjo-like sometimes, and sometimes like a pedal steel. The pedal steel sound is made with a a glissando in Csound using gen06. This subroutine will generate a function comprised of segments of cubic polynomials, spanning specified points three at a time. After a bit of experimenting, I discovered that this is close to the way slide guitarists play. They start their slide slow, speed up in the middle, and slow down at the end as they near their note. And once they get there, they use the slide to make a vibrato.

Here’s a picture of the function table that generates the slide:

I also manipulate the choice of samples to deliberately pick one that was made with a lower note, then brought up to the correct pitch by Csound. That’s what gives some of the notes that superbright timbre at the 43 second point in the piece. I’ve heard it referred to as munchkinization.

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Making Some Balloon Flute Samples

A Balloon Flute is made of PVC sprinkler pipe with balloons over each end, and a 3/8″ hole drilled into the middle. They are ridiculously simple the make. I made two today, and recorded some samples. One uses 2″ pipe, and the other 1″. The pitch is dependent on the flexibility of the balloons, which is variable by pressing on each end. Glissandi are possible, as are quick switches of pitch. They sound more like a whistle than a flute.

Bass balloon flute A2 25 cents sharp:

Soprano balloon flute B4 6 cents flat.

New String samples from Music wire

I made a new set of string samples on a bench today from G3 to D#6. Here’s the A3, which is 13 cents flat. I place the pickup very close to the end of the string for a brighter sound. I imagine it might have a telecaster feel when I start to use it. Who knows?

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Source code to Drums in 12/8

I send code through a pre-processor to generate Csound code. Here’s the source:

@profile ..\
l; name: drum2 12/28/11 1:15 pm
l; Orchestra:
l; Alto flute, clarinet, finger piano, balloon drums, dry spring, heavy spring,
l-W -G -m2 -+y -o sflib\drum2.wav

l sr = 44100
l ksmps = 10; any higher than 10 and I hear clicks - use 1 for final take
l; typically save 5x processing time by increasing ksmps by 10x
l nchnls = 2
l instr 1
l; p1 is always 1
l; p2 start time
l; p3 duration
l; p4 velocity, 60-80 works best
l; p5 tone - which tone is this note - 1-100 for Partch scale - maxequal in samples.pas 6/15/06
l; p6 Octave
l; p7 voice
l; p8 stereo - pan from left = 0 to right = 16
l; p9 envelope - one of several function tables for envelopes 1 - 16
l; p10 glissando - one of several function tables to modify pitch
l; p11 upsample - use a sample higher (>0) or lower (<256) than normal
l; p12 envelope for right channel - if blank, use the left channel envelope for both channels
l ifunc table p7,1 ; find the location of the sample wave tables
l ioct = p6+1
l iwavchan table p7,2 ; is it mono (iwavchan = 1) or stereo sample file (iwavchan = 2)
l ; or are sustain points in separate table iwavchan=3
l inum = 12*(ioct) + int(p5/6) ; convert from octave/pitch to a MIDI note number to pick ftable (root is 72, 72/12 = 6)
l ifno2 table inum, ifunc ; map midi note number to the correct ftable for that note
l ifno = ifno2 + (p11 < 128 ? p11 : p11-256) ; up or down sample by parameter 11 modulo 256
l iamp = ampdb(p4) ; velocity input is 60-80 - convert to amplitude
l i9 = 298-p9 ; valid envelope table number are 298, 297, 296, 295 etc. - left channel
l i12 = 298-p12 ; valid envelope table number are 298, 297, 296, 295 etc. - right channel
l i10 = 301+p10 ; valid glissando table number are 301, 302, etc
l; kamp_l poscil iamp, 1/p3, i9 ; create a precise long envelope from a function table for left channel
l; kamp_r poscil iamp, 1/p3, i12 ; create a precise long envelope from a function table for right channel
l kamp_l oscil iamp, 1/p3, i9 ; create an envelope from a function table for left channel
l kamp_r oscil iamp, 1/p3, i12 ; create an envelope from a function table for right channel
l kpan_l tablei p8/16, 4, 1,0,1 ; pan with a sine wave using f table #4 - 2st value is reduced to max 1, normalized
l kpan_r tablei 1.0 - p8/16, 4, 1,0,1 ; inverse of kpan_l
l ibasno table ifno-(3+ifunc), 1 + ifunc ; get midi note number the sample was recorded at
l icent table ifno-(3+ifunc), 2 + ifunc ; get cents to flatten each note
l iloop table ifno-(3+ifunc), 3 + ifunc ; get loop or not
l ibasoct = ibasno/12 ; find the base octave
l ibascps = cpsoct(ibasoct+(icent/1200))
l ipitch table p5, 3 ; convert note number 0-71 to oct.fract format - hand made table 3 of fractions
l inote = cpspch(ioct + ipitch) ; note plus the decimal fraction of a note from table - how precise is this?
l ; print p5, p6, p7, p11, ifno, icent
l kcps = cpspch(ioct + ipitch) ; convert oct.fract to Hz
l kcpsm oscili 1, 1/p3, i10 ; create an set of shift multiplicands from table - glissandi
l kcps2 = kcps * kcpsm ; shift the frequency by values in glissando table
l ; Four choices: Mono looping, stereo looping, mono no-loop, stereo no-loop
l if iwavchan = 4 goto akaimono
l if iloop = 0 goto noloops
l ; Stereo with loop
l a3,a4 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps; stereo sample with looping
l goto skipstereo
l noloops:
l ; Stereo without looping
l a3,a4 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps,0,1,2 ; stereo sample without looping - note that 1,2 is bogus workaround
l goto skipstereo
l akaimono:
l if iloop = 0 goto noloopm
l ; Mono with looping
l a3 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps ; mono sampling with loop
l a4 = a3
l goto skipstereo
l noloopm:
l ; Mono without looping
l a3 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps,0,1,2 ; mono AIFF sample without loop
l a4 = a3
l skipstereo:
l ; start comparison sine wave oscillator for fine tuning adjustment testing
l ; ihertz = cpspch(ioct+ipitch) ; what frequency are you trying to make
l ; a1 oscili 1, kcps*8, 500 ; sine wave to compare the sample frequency to
l ; a5 = a1 ; + a3 ; add the sample to the sine wave right
l ; a6 = a4 + a3 ; and left
l ; a3 = a5
l ; a4 = a6
l ; end comparison sine wave oscilator
l ; start of resonant filter for tuning purposes
l ;a1 reson a3,kcps*4,20,2
l ;a2 reson a4,kcps*4,20,2
l a1 = a3 * kamp_l
l a2 = a4 * kamp_r
l outs a1 * kpan_l ,a2 * kpan_r
l endin
l; instr 99
l; kamp poscil 1, 1/p3, 1 ; create an envelope from a function table
l; a6, a7 soundin "sflib/drum2.wav"
l; outs a6 * kamp, a7 * kamp
l; endin

; cents for each step in the scale
; just equivalent to 72 EDO
@lf3 0 128 -2 0
@l 0.001673 0.003362 0.005327 0.007067 0.008447 0.011173 0.011944 0.013857 0.015064 0.016500 0.018240
@l 0.020391 0.021669 0.023117 0.024774 0.026687 0.028921 0.030185 0.031564 0.034248 0.034741 0.036481
@l 0.038631 0.040011 0.041751 0.043508 0.044927 0.047078 0.051955 0.049804 0.051955 0.053338 0.055132
@l 0.056872 0.058251 0.059022 0.061749 0.063662 0.068045 0.056872 0.065318 0.070196 0.059022 0.073338
@l 0.090587 0.077263 0.078249 0.077263 0.081369 0.076492 0.085259 0.086696 0.088436 0.090587 0.091672
@l 0.093313 0.094970 0.096883 0.098331 0.099609 0.101760 0.103500 0.104936 0.106676 0.108827 0.110105
@l 0.111688 0.113341 0.115123 0.117849 0.115123 0.120000
@; 72 EDO
lf3 0 128 -2
l 0 0.0016667 0.0033333 0.0050000 0.0066667 0.0083333 0.0100000 0.0116667 0.0133333 0.0150000 0.0166667
l 0.0183333 0.0200000 0.0216667 0.0233333 0.0250000 0.0266667 0.0283333 0.0300000 0.0316667 0.0333333
l 0.0350000 0.0366667 0.0383333 0.0400000 0.0416667 0.0433333 0.0450000 0.0466667 0.0483333 0.0500000
l 0.0516667 0.0533333 0.0550000 0.0566667 0.0583333 0.0600000 0.0616667 0.0633333 0.0650000 0.0666667
l 0.0683333 0.0700000 0.0716667 0.0733333 0.0750000 0.0766667 0.0783333 0.0800000 0.0816667 0.0833333
l 0.0850000 0.0866667 0.0883333 0.0900000 0.0916667 0.0933333 0.0950000 0.0966667 0.0983333 0.1000000
l 0.1016667 0.1033333 0.1050000 0.1066667 0.1083333 0.1100000 0.1116667 0.1133333 0.1150000 0.1166667
l 0.1183333 0.12
@ 53 EDO
@lf3 0 128 -2
@l 0 0.0022642 0.0045283 0.0067925 0.0090566 0.0113208 0.0135849 0.0158491 0.0181132 0.0203774
@l 0.0226415 0.0249057 0.0271698 0.0294340 0.0316981 0.0339623 0.0362264 0.0384906 0.0407547 0.0430189
@l 0.0452830 0.0475472 0.0498113 0.0520755 0.0543396 0.0566038 0.0588679 0.0611321 0.0633962 0.0656604
@l 0.0679245 0.0701887 0.0724528 0.0747170 0.0769811 0.0792453 0.0815094 0.0837736 0.0860377 0.0883019
@l 0.0905660 0.0928302 0.0950943 0.0973585 0.0996226 0.1018868 0.1041509 0.1064151 0.1086792 0.1109434
@l 0.1132075 0.1154717 0.1177358 0.1200000
@ Just tonality diamond
@ lf3 0 128 -2 0.0 0.0070672 0.0084467 0.0111731 0.0119443 0.0128298 0.0138573 0.0150637 0.0155140 0.0165004
@ l 0.0182404 0.0203910 0.0231174 0.0247741 0.0266871 0.0289210 0.0315641 0.0347408 0.0359472 0.0378602
@ l 0.0386314 0.0417508 0.0427373 0.0435084 0.0454214 0.0470781 0.0498045 0.0536951 0.0551318 0.0563382
@ l 0.0582512 0.0609776 0.0617488 0.0636618 0.0648682 0.0653185 0.0663049 0.0694243 0.0701955 0.0737652
@ l 0.0745786 0.0764916 0.0772627 0.0782492 0.0813686 0.0840528 0.0849383 0.0852592 0.0857095 0.0884359
@ l 0.0910790 0.0925418 0.0933129 0.0952259 0.0968826 0.0996090 0.1017596 0.1034996 0.1049363 0.1061427
@ l 0.1071702 0.1080557 0.1088269 0.1172736 0.1200000
@ old limited diamond - only notes that are in the diamond
@ lf3 0 128 -2 0.0 0.0111731 0.0119443 0.0128298 0.0138573 0.0150637 0.0165004
@ l0.0182404 0.0203910 0.0231174 0.0247741 0.0266871 0.0289210 0.0315641 0.0315641
@ l0.0347408 0.0359472 0.0386314 0.0386314 0.0417508 0.0435084 0.0454214 0.0498045
@ l0.0498045 0.0498045 0.0536951 0.0551318 0.0563382 0.0582512 0.0617488 0.0636618
@ l0.0648682 0.0663049 0.0701955 0.0701955 0.0701955 0.0745786 0.0764916 0.0782492
@ l0.0813686 0.0813686 0.0840528 0.0852592 0.0884359 0.0884359 0.0910790 0.0933129
@ l0.0952259 0.0968826 0.0996090 0.1017596 0.1034996 0.1049363 0.1061427 0.1071702
@ l0.1080557 0.1088269 0.1200000
lf4 0 1025 9 .25 1 0 ;The first quadrant of a sine for panning
lf500 0 256 10 1
@lf9 0 1025 9 1 .5 2 .25 3 .125 4 .125 0 ; a sort of sawtooth sine wave
;lf9 0 256 10 1 ; sine wave
@lf2 0 256 10 1
; c4 = 72 = middle C = 60 is MIDI standard number
; g3 = 67
; something is wrong with function table 300
; 1st take 2nd take 3rd take 4th take 5th take 6th take sum of takes = size of table
; these are useful for taking a note up or down an octave without moving the sample up or down - built in munchkinization
lf301 0 256 -7 1 256 1 ; g0 = no change;
lf302 0 256 -7 1.125 256 1.125 ; g1 up 9/8
lf303 0 256 -7 1.25 256 1.25 ; g2 up 5/4
lf304 0 256 -7 1.3333 256 1.3333 ; g3 up 4/3
lf305 0 256 -7 1.5 256 1.5 ; g4 up 3/2
lf306 0 256 -7 .875 256 .875 ; g5 down 7/8
lf307 0 256 -7 .5 256 .5 ; g6 down 1 octave
lf308 0 256 -7 .25 256 .25 ; g7 down 2 octaves
lf309 0 256 -7 .125 256 .125 ; g8 down 3 octaves
@ minor up and down and back (for example, F G-- D++)
@ f# t size ty s for e t up a ratio for stay there down to stay there end
lf310 0 1024 -7 1 512 1 0 1.125 256 1.125 0 .9000000 256 .9000000 0 ; g9 4 5 3 = A# C Ab
lf311 0 1024 -7 1 512 1 0 1.14285714 256 1.14285714 0 .8888889 256 .8888888 0 ; g10 5 6 4 = 11:8 -> 11:7 -> 11:9
@ slide down for gong
lf312 0 256 -7 1 256 1.0625; g11 glide up 17/16
lf313 0 256 -7 1 256 .9375; g12 glide down 15/16
; Glissando up tables min points mid pts max pts mid pts max pts mid pts min mid max mid min mid max ; glide number Ratio
lf314 0 256 -7 1 48 1 128 1 80 1 ; 1:1 g13 up 0
; Glides optimized for 72 tone stepsize: 1.0096735 0.9904191
lf 315 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0096735 64 1.0096735 ; 104:103 g14 up 1
lf 316 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0194406 64 1.0194406 ; 52:51 g15 up 2
lf 317 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0293022 64 1.0293022 ; 35:34 g16 up 3
lf 318 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0392592 64 1.0392592 ; 26:25 g17 up 4
lf 319 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0493125 64 1.0493125 ; 21:20 g18 up 5
lf 320 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0594631 64 1.0594631 ; 16:15 g19 up 6
lf 321 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0697118 64 1.0697118 ; 15:14 g20 up 7
lf 322 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0800597 64 1.0800597 ; 14:13 g21 up 8
lf 323 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0905077 64 1.0905077 ; 12:11 g22 up 9
lf 324 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1010568 64 1.1010568 ; 11:10 g23 up 10
lf 325 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1117079 64 1.1117079 ; 10:9 g24 up 11
lf 326 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1224620 64 1.1224620 ; 9:8 g25 up 12
lf 327 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1333202 64 1.1333202 ; 17:15 g26 up 13
lf 328 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1442834 64 1.1442834 ; 8:7 g27 up 14
lf 329 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1553527 64 1.1553527 ; 15:13 g28 up 15
lf 330 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1665290 64 1.1665290 ; 7:6 g29 up 16
lf 331 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1778135 64 1.1778135 ; 13:11 g30 up 17
lf 332 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1892071 64 1.1892071 ; 25:21 g31 up 18
lf 333 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2007109 64 1.2007109 ; 6:5 g32 up 19
lf 334 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2123261 64 1.2123261 ; 17:14 g33 up 20
lf 335 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2240535 64 1.2240535 ; 11:9 g34 up 21
lf 336 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2358945 64 1.2358945 ; 21:17 g35 up 22
lf 337 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2478499 64 1.2478499 ; 5:4 g36 up 23
lf 338 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2599210 64 1.2599210 ; 29:23 g37 up 24
lf 339 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2721089 64 1.2721089 ; 14:11 g38 up 25
lf 340 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2844147 64 1.2844147 ; 9:7 g39 up 26
lf 341 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2968396 64 1.2968396 ; 13:10 g40 up 27
lf 342 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3093846 64 1.3093846 ; 55:42 g41 up 28
lf 343 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3220510 64 1.3220510 ; 41:31 g42 up 29
lf 344 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3348399 64 1.3348399 ; 4:3 g43 up 30
lf 345 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3477525 64 1.3477525 ; 31:23 g44 up 31
lf 346 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3607900 64 1.3607900 ; 49:36 g45 up 32
lf 347 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3739536 64 1.3739536 ; 11:8 g46 up 33
lf 348 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3872446 64 1.3872446 ; 43:31 g47 up 34
lf 349 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4006642 64 1.4006642 ; 7:5 g48 up 35
lf 350 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4142136 64 1.4142136 ; 17:12 g49 up 36
lf 351 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4278940 64 1.4278940 ; 10:7 g50 up 37
lf 352 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4417068 64 1.4417068 ; 13:9 g51 up 38
lf 353 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4556532 64 1.4556532 ; 16:11 g52 up 39
lf 354 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4697345 64 1.4697345 ; 25:17 g53 up 40
lf 355 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4839520 64 1.4839520 ; 46:31 g54 up 41
lf 356 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4983071 64 1.4983071 ; 3:2 g55 up 42
lf 357 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5128010 64 1.5128010 ; 59:39 g56 up 43
lf 358 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5274351 64 1.5274351 ; 55:36 g57 up 44
lf 359 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5422108 64 1.5422108 ; 37:24 g58 up 45
lf 360 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5571295 64 1.5571295 ; 14:9 g59 up 46
lf 361 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5721924 64 1.5721924 ; 11:7 g60 up 47
lf 362 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5874011 64 1.5874011 ; 27:17 g61 up 48
lf 363 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6027568 64 1.6027568 ; 8:5 g62 up 49
lf 364 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6182612 64 1.6182612 ; 34:21 g63 up 50
lf 365 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6339155 64 1.6339155 ; 13:8 g64 up 51
lf 366 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6497212 64 1.6497212 ; 33:20 g65 up 52
lf 367 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6656798 64 1.6656798 ; 5:3 g66 up 53
lf 368 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6817928 64 1.6817928 ; 37:22 g67 up 54
lf 369 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6980617 64 1.6980617 ; 73:43 g68 up 55
lf 370 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7144880 64 1.7144880 ; 12:7 g69 up 56
lf 371 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7310731 64 1.7310731 ; 45:26 g70 up 57
lf 372 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7478187 64 1.7478187 ; 7:4 g71 up 58
lf 373 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7647263 64 1.7647263 ; 30:17 g72 up 59
lf 374 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7817974 64 1.7817974 ; 16:9 g73 up 60
lf 375 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7990337 64 1.7990337 ; 9:5 g74 up 61
lf 376 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8164367 64 1.8164367 ; 20:11 g75 up 62
lf 377 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8340081 64 1.8340081 ; 11:6 g76 up 63
lf 378 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8517494 64 1.8517494 ; 24:13 g77 up 64
lf 379 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8696624 64 1.8696624 ; 15:8 g78 up 65
lf 380 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8877486 64 1.8877486 ; 17:9 g79 up 66
lf 381 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9060098 64 1.9060098 ; 61:32 g80 up 67
lf 382 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9244477 64 1.9244477 ; 102:53 g81 up 68
lf 383 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9430639 64 1.9430639 ; 35:18 g82 up 69
lf 384 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9618602 64 1.9618602 ; 51:26 g83 up 70
lf 385 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9808383 64 1.9808383 ; 103:52 g84 up 71
lf 386 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9904191 64 0.9904191 ; 103:104 g85 down 1
lf 387 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9809301 64 0.9809301 ; 51:52 g86 down 2
lf 388 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9715319 64 0.9715319 ; 34:35 g87 down 3
lf 389 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9622238 64 0.9622238 ; 25:26 g88 down 4
lf 390 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9530049 64 0.9530049 ; 20:21 g89 down 5
lf 391 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9438743 64 0.9438743 ; 15:16 g90 down 6
lf 392 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9348312 64 0.9348312 ; 14:15 g91 down 7
lf 393 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9258747 64 0.9258747 ; 13:14 g92 down 8
lf 394 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9170040 64 0.9170040 ; 11:12 g93 down 9
lf 395 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9082184 64 0.9082184 ; 10:11 g94 down 10
lf 396 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8995169 64 0.8995169 ; 9:10 g95 down 11
lf 397 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8908987 64 0.8908987 ; 8:9 g96 down 12
lf 398 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8823631 64 0.8823631 ; 15:17 g97 down 13
lf 399 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8739094 64 0.8739094 ; 7:8 g98 down 14
lf 400 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8655366 64 0.8655366 ; 13:15 g99 down 15
lf 401 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8572440 64 0.8572440 ; 6:7 g100 down 16
lf 402 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8490309 64 0.8490309 ; 11:13 g101 down 17
lf 403 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8408964 64 0.8408964 ; 21:25 g102 down 18
lf 404 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8328399 64 0.8328399 ; 5:6 g103 down 19
lf 405 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8248606 64 0.8248606 ; 14:17 104 down 20
lf 406 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8169577 64 0.8169577 ; 9:11 105 down 21
lf 407 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8091306 64 0.8091306 ; 17:21 106 down 22
lf 408 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8013784 64 0.8013784 ; 4:5 107 down 23
lf 409 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7937005 64 0.7937005 ; 23:29 108 down 24
lf 410 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7860962 64 0.7860962 ; 11:14 109 down 25
lf 411 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7785647 64 0.7785647 ; 7:9 110 down 26
lf 412 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7711054 64 0.7711054 ; 10:13 111 down 27
lf 413 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7637176 64 0.7637176 ; 42:55 112 down 28
lf 414 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7564005 64 0.7564005 ; 31:41 113 down 29
lf 415 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7491535 64 0.7491535 ; 3:4 114 down 30
lf 416 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7419760 64 0.7419760 ; 23:31 115 down 31
lf 417 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7348672 64 0.7348672 ; 36:49 116 down 32
lf 418 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7278266 64 0.7278266 ; 8:11 117 down 33
lf 419 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7208534 64 0.7208534 ; 31:43 118 down 34
lf 420 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7139470 64 0.7139470 ; 5:7 119 down 35
lf 421 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7071068 64 0.7071068 ; 12:17 120 down 36
lf 422 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7003321 64 0.7003321 ; 7:10 121 down 37
lf 423 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6936223 64 0.6936223 ; 9:13 122 down 38
lf 424 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6869768 64 0.6869768 ; 11:16 123 down 39
lf 425 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6803950 64 0.6803950 ; 17:25 124 down 40
lf 426 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6738762 64 0.6738762 ; 31:46 125 down 41
lf 427 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6674199 64 0.6674199 ; 2:3 126 down 42
lf 428 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6610255 64 0.6610255 ; 39:59 127 down 43
lf 429 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6546923 64 0.6546923 ; 36:55 128 down 44
lf 430 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6484198 64 0.6484198 ; 24:37 129 down 45
lf 431 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6422074 64 0.6422074 ; 9:14 130 down 46
lf 432 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6360545 64 0.6360545 ; 7:11 131 down 47
lf 433 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6299605 64 0.6299605 ; 17:27 132 down 48
lf 434 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6239250 64 0.6239250 ; 5:8 133 down 49
lf 435 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6179472 64 0.6179472 ; 21:34 134 down 50
lf 436 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6120268 64 0.6120268 ; 8:13 135 down 51
lf 437 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6061630 64 0.6061630 ; 20:33 136 down 52
lf 438 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6003555 64 0.6003555 ; 3:5 137 down 53
lf 439 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5946036 64 0.5946036 ; 22:37 138 down 54
lf 440 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5889067 64 0.5889067 ; 43:73 139 down 55
lf 441 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5832645 64 0.5832645 ; 7:12 140 down 56
lf 442 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5776763 64 0.5776763 ; 26:45 141 down 57
lf 443 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5721417 64 0.5721417 ; 4:7 142 down 58
lf 444 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5666601 64 0.5666601 ; 17:30 143 down 59
lf 445 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5612310 64 0.5612310 ; 9:16 144 down 60
lf 446 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5558540 64 0.5558540 ; 5:9 145 down 61
lf 447 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5505284 64 0.5505284 ; 11:20 146 down 62
lf 448 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5452539 64 0.5452539 ; 6:11 147 down 63
lf 449 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5400299 64 0.5400299 ; 13:24 148 down 64
lf 450 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5348559 64 0.5348559 ; 8:15 149 down 65
lf 451 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5297315 64 0.5297315 ; 9:17 150 down 66
lf 452 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5246563 64 0.5246563 ; 32:61 151 down 67
lf 453 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5196296 64 0.5196296 ; 53:102 152 down 68
lf 454 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5146511 64 0.5146511 ; 18:35 153 down 69
lf 455 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5097203 64 0.5097203 ; 26:51 154 down 70
lf 456 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5048368 64 0.5048368 ; 52:103 155 down 71
@ end of glissandi
@ get save.txt
@ edit save.txt
l;Trills in 72 EDO
lf 457 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1665290 16 1.1665290 0 1 16 1 0 1.1665290 16 1.1665290
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904
l ; 7:6 156 up & down .trl7:6 g156
lf 458 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1442834 16 1.1442834 0 1 16 1 0 1.1442834 16 1.1442834
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433 0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433 0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433 0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433
l ; 8:7 157 up & down .trl8:7 g157
lf 459 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1224620 16 1.1224620 0 1 16 1 0 1.1224620 16 1.1224620
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048 0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048 0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048 0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048
l ; 9:8 158 up & down .trl9:8 g158
lf 460 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1117079 16 1.1117079 0 1 16 1 0 1.1117079 16 1.1117079
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905 0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905 0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905 0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905
l ; 10:9 159 up & down .trl10:9 g159
lf 461 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1010568 16 1.1010568 0 1 16 1 0 1.1010568 16 1.1010568
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795 0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795 0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795 0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795
l ; 11:10 160 up & down .trl11:10 g160
lf 462 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.0905077 16 1.0905077 0 1 16 1 0 1.0905077 16 1.0905077
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
l ; 12:11 161 up & down .trl12:11 g161
lf 463 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.0905077 16 1.0905077 0 1 16 1 0 1.0905077 16 1.0905077
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
l ; 13:12 162 up & down .trl13:12 g162
lf 464 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.0769231 16 1.0769231 0 1 16 1 0 1.0769231 16 1.0769231
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077 0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077 0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077 0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077
l ; 14:13 163 up & down .trl14:13 g163
lf 465 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.0800597 16 1.0800597 0 1 16 1 0 1.0800597 16 1.0800597
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739 0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739 0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739 0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739
l ; 15:14 164 up & down .trl15:14 g164
lf 466 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.2240535 16 1.2240535 0 1 16 1 0 1.2240535 16 1.2240535
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543 0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543 0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543
l 0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543 0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543
l ; 11 : 9 165 up & down .trl11:9 g165
l; Envelopes
l; autoscale all following tables to 1
l;#7 0 siz
l;#6 0 siz exp min values mid val max vals mid vals min val mid val max
lf298 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 496 1 496 1 15 .5 15 0.0 ; e0 - Attack and sustain with a relatively sharp ending
lf297 0 1025 6 0 1 .9 1 1 486 1 486 1 25 .5 25 0.0 ; e1 - Attack and sustain with a relatively sharp ending
l;#5 0 siz exp start take reach take reach
lf296 0 513 5 1024 512 1 ; e2 - exponential - dead piano
l;#6 0 siz exp min values mid val max val mid val min val mid val max val mid val min
lf295 0 1025 6 0 64 .5 64 1 128 .6 128 .3 128 .5 128 .6 192 .3 192 0 ; e3 big hump, small hump
lf294 0 1025 6 0 64 .15 64 .3 128 .25 128 .2 128 .6 128 1 192 .5 192 0 ; e4 small hump, big hump
lf293 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 447 .99 447 .98 64 0.5 64 0 ;e5 default woodwind envelope
lf292 0 1025 6 0 1 0.50 1 1.00 447 0.60 447 0.20 32 0.21 32 0.22 32 0.11 32 0.00 ; e6 moving away slowly
lf291 0 1025 6 0 1 0.50 1 1.00 128 0.60 128 0.20 256 0.15 254 0.10 128 0.05 128 0.00 ; e7 moving away faster
lf290 0 1025 6 0 2 .5 2 1 501 .6 483 .3 18 .15 18 0 ; e8 hit and drop most
lf289 0 1025 6 0 1 .3 1 .6 479 .8 479 1 32 .5 32 0 ; e34 Start moderately and build, abrupt end
lf288 0 1025 6 0 64 .40 448 1 448 .6 64 0 ; e10 One long hump in the middle
lf287 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 368 .99 368 .98 16 .5 16 0 127 0 127 0 ; e11 hit and sustain 3/4 the normal length
lf286 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 303 .99 303 .98 16 .5 16 0 192 0 192 0 ; e12 hit and sustain 2/3 the normal length
lf285 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 255 .99 255 .98 16 .5 16 0 240 0 240 0 ; e13 hit and sustain 1/2 the normal length
lf284 0 1025 6 0 64 .4 64 1 127 .99 255 .98 16 .5 16 0 240 0 240 0 ; e14 gradual in with 1/2 sustain
lf283 0 1025 6 0 384 .5 384 1 128 .5 128 0 ; e15 one hump towards the end
lf282 0 1025 6 0 2 .2 2 .4 477 .7 479 1 32 .5 32 0 ; e16 sustain piano sound
lf281 0 1025 6 0 1 .1 1 .2 479 .6 479 1 32 .5 32 0 ; e17 sustain guitar sound
lf280 0 1025 6 1 64 .7 64 .4 64 .4 64 .4 384 .7 352 1 16 .5 16 0 ; e18 Sharp attack, then less quiet, build to end
lf279 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1.0 128 .7 228 .4 128 .4 28 .4 128 .5 128 .6 128 .3 126 0 ; e19 Moderate attack, then slightly quiet, build to end
@ 85 170 255 340 425 510 595 680 765 850 935 1024
lf278 0 1025 6 0 85 0.40 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.75 85 1.00 85 0.75 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.8 85 0.4 89 0.0 ; e20 3 humps - biggest in middle
lf277 0 1025 6 0 85 0.50 85 1.00 85 0.75 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.8 85 0.4 89 0.0 ; e21 3 humps - biggest early
lf276 0 1025 6 0 85 0.40 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.75 85 1.0 85 0.5 89 0.0 ; e22 3 humps - biggest late
@ 1 85 169 253 337 421 505 589 673 757 841 1024
lf275 0 1025 6 0 1 0.01 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.75 84 1.00 84 0.75 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.8 84 0.4 183 0.0 ; e23 3 humps - early biggest in middle
lf274 0 1025 6 0 1 0.01 84 1.00 84 0.75 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.8 84 0.4 183 0.0 ; e24 3 humps - early biggest early
lf273 0 1025 6 0 1 0.01 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.75 84 1.0 84 0.5 183 0.0 ; e25 3 humps - early biggest late
@ relatively slow rise, sustain, slow decline
lf272 0 1025 6 0 64 .5 64 1 256 1 512 1 64 .5 64 0 ; e26 slow rise, sustain, slow drop
l; min pts mid pts max pts mid pts min pts mid pts max pts mid pts min
l;p1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ;
lf265 0 1025 6 0 32 0.20 32 0.40 32 0.30 32 0.20 432 0.60 432 1.00 16 0.50 16 0.00 ; e33 channel one moving in gradually
lf264 0 1025 6 0 206 0.03 206 0.06 205 0.06 205 0.05 85 0.53 85 1.00 16 0.50 16 0.00 ; e34 channel 2 moving in at the end
l;#6 0 siz exp min values mid val max val mid val min val mid val max val mid val min
lf263 0 1025 6 0 2 .2 2 .6 4 .4 4 .3 500 .6 500 1 6 .5 7 0 ; e35 low bass piano inverse of h48 and above
lf262 0 1025 6 0 2 .2 2 .6 4 .4 4 .3 500 .32 500 .33 6 .2 7 0 ; e36 low bass piano inverse of h48
@lf261 e37
@lf260 e38
@lf259 e39
@lf258 e40
@lf257 e41
@ higher the number the faster the tempo
@ tempo
@ the last is the final tempo and cannot be a time, must be a tempo
f; This is the post processor that takes as input a function table with volume points and alters the overall volume
f-W -G -m2 -+y -o sflib\drum2a.wav

f sr = 44100
f ksmps = 2; any higher than 10 and I hear clicks - use 1 for final take
f; typically save 5x processing time by increasing ksmps by 10x
f nchnls = 2
f instr 99
f kamp poscil 1, 1/p3, 1 ; create a set of volume points from a function table that lasts as long as the input file
f a6, a7 soundin "sflib/drum2.wav"
f outs a6 * kamp, a7 * kamp
f endin

@ also change lt0 designator at the same time
@1.31641% 2000 1973.671714
@2.63283% 2000 1947.343428
@3.94924% 2000 1921.015142
@5.26566% 2000 1894.686856
@6.58207% 2000 1868.35857
@7.89849% 2000 1842.030284
@9.21490% 2000 1815.701998
@10.53131% 2000 1789.373712
@11.84773% 2000 1763.045426
@ note names using Sagittal font locations
@ What should I call them? by ratio for now:
@ if this gets bigger than 59, need to modify the samples.pas program to update the "root" variable.
@ McGill University Master Sample Set
@ Instruments available
@65 XYLOPHONE 66 Piano MF 67 Piano FF 68 Oberheim 70 ARCHLUTE 71 BASSOON
@104 gongs
@ 154 sine wave
@ instrument names
@ 1 is velocity and tempo purposes only, no sound
@ HandDrum1
@ finger piano
@ alto flute
@ Bb clarinet
@ instrument definitions
.vel c1a1w0v1s8e0g0h0z0r16&all-pva.&vel-vel*.t0o1
.hnd1 c2a0u0&hnd1-vel*.&sid*.&hnd1-env*.&hnd1-ran*.g0w0&hnd1-z*.&all-pva.&hnd1-oct*.
.hnd2 c3a0u0&hnd1-vel*.&sid*.&hnd1-env*.&hnd1-ran*.g0w0&hnd1-z*.&all-pva.&hnd1-oct*.
.hnd3 c4a0u0&hnd1-vel*.&sid*.&hnd1-env*.&hnd1-ran*.g0w0&hnd1-z*.&all-pva.&hnd1-oct*.
.hnd4 c5a0u0&hnd1-vel*.&sid*.&hnd1-env*.&hnd1-ran*.g0w0&hnd1-z*.&all-pva.&hnd1-oct*.
.hnd5 c6a0u0&hnd1-vel*.&sid*.&hnd1-env*.&hnd1-ran*.g0w0&hnd1-z*.&all-pva.&hnd1-oct*.
.fin1 c7a0u0&fin1-vel*.&sid*.&fin1-env*.&fin1-ran*.g0w0&fin1-z*.&all-pva.&fin1-oct*.
.fin2 c8a0u0&fin2-vel*.&sid*.&fin1-env*.&fin2-ran*.g0w0&fin1-z*.&all-pva.&fin2-oct*.
.flu1 c9a0u0&flu1-vel*.&sid*.&flu1-env*.&flu1-ran*.g0w0&flu1-z*.&all-pva.&flu1-oct*.
.cla1 c10a0u0&cla1-vel*.&sid*.&cla1-env*.&cla1-ran*.g0w0&cla1-z*.&all-pva.&cla1-oct*.
.all-vel v76
.all-pva p16
.cla1-env e1
.cla1-ran r14
.cla1-oct4 o4u0
.cla1-z0 z0
.cla1-vel1 &all-vel.v-10
.flu1-env e1
.flu1-ran r14
@.flu1-oct4 o4u0
.flu1-oct5 o5u0
.flu1-z0 z0
.flu1-vel1 &all-vel.v-3
.fin1-env e1
.fin1-ran r14
.fin2-ran r14
.fin1-oct3a o3u0
.fin1-oct4a o4u0
.fin1-oct4b o4u255
.fin1-oct4c o4u254
.fin2-oct2 o1u0
.fin1-z0 z0
.fin1-vel1 &all-vel.v-4
.fin2-vel1 &all-vel.v+5
.hnd1-env e1
.hnd1-ran r14
.hnd1-oct4 o4u0
.hnd1-z0 z0
.hnd1-z2 z2
.hnd1-z4 z4
.hnd1-z6 z6
.hnd1-z8 z8
.hnd1-vel1 &all-vel.v-2
.vel-vel8 a255
.sido-1 s1
.sido-2 s2
.sido-3 s3
.sido-4 s4
.sido-12 s12
.sido-13 s13
.sido-14 s14
.sido-15 s15
.sidm-8 s8
@ munchkinization factors
@ u3 = most mellow
@ u2 = more mellow
@ u1 = a little more mellow
@ u0 = normal sample
@ u255 = take a sample designed for a lower note and use it for a higher note - munchkinize it
@ u254 = very nasal
@ u253 = Most nasal
@ - limitations: High octaves get in trouble if u > 0
@ - low octaves can't handle u < 0 (255)
@ - can't set it to non-zero if the whole range of a sample is used.
@ extent of repeatability:
@ p0 - try to never repeat
@ p1 - random choice but try to pick something else first
@ p8 - statisticaly random choice (white noise)
@ p16 - lots of repeats, but gradually changes
@ p25 - almost always the same thing
@ p32 - same always.
@ p33 - step through the alternatives one by one forward
@ p34 - step through the alternatives one by one backward
@ deg n/d
@ note names
@ dry spring 1
@ &dsp.d8&awhee.
@ &bark1. &bark2. &bark3.
@ &bassdrum1. &bassdrum2. &bassdrum3. &bassdrum4. &bassdrum5. &bassdrum6.
@ &begood. &brush1. &brush2. &brush3. &brush4. &brush5. &brush6. &brush7. &brush8.
@ &chop1. &chop2. &chipchop1. &crash1. &crash2.
@ &draw1. &rock1. &rock2. &roll1.
@ dry spring 2
@ &ds2.d8
@ &scrape1. &scrape2. &scrape3. &scrape4. &scrape5.
@ &scrape6. &scrape7. &scrape8. &scrape9. &scrape10.
@ &scrape11. &scrape12. &scrape13. &scrape14. &scrape15. &scrape16. &scrape17. &scrape18.
@ &scrape19. &scrape20. &scrape21. &scrape22. &scrape23. &swirl1. &swirl2. &swirl3. &tap1. &tap2.
@ &tom1. &tom2. &cookie1. &cookie2.
@ 130 dry spring
@ give them some names after you calculate the points
@ start playing
@c/ /@ /*m
@.start-dur d0h64
@.mid-dur h64
@.end-dur d64h0
@ 3 4 6 7 9
@c/ /@ /*m
@ moving from one side to another during the note:
@ 745
@ revert
@ pick a tempo. Pick a slow one for the short segments, and a fast one for the long segments
@ could we use the Golden Ratio to set tempi?\
@ a + b = c
@ a:b as c: a
@ a = 3
@ b = 1.618033989
@ a + b = c
@ if c = 1800
@ then a = 1112.46118
@ and b = 687.5388203
@ and so forth:
@ 424.9223595
@ 262.6164608
@ 162.3058988
@ 100.310562
@ 61.99533676
@ 38.31522526
@.tempos1 q768
@.tempos2 q1024
.tempos2 q1152
@.tempos3 q1280
.tempom1 q1080
.tempom2 q1100
.tempof1 q1120
.tempof2 q1140
@ don't forget to comment the following three out!
@.samet q1200
@.tempos &samet.
@.tempom &samet.
@.tempof &samet.
@ c/ /@ /m*
.gls1:1 g13
.gls104:103 g14
.gls52:51 g15
.gls35:34 g16
.gls26:25 g17
.gls21:20 g18
.gls16:15 g19
.gls15:14 g20
.gls14:13 g21
.gls12:11 g22
.gls11:10 g23
.gls10:9 g24
.gls9:8 g25
.gls17:15 g26
.gls8:7 g27
.gls15:13 g28
.gls7:6 g29
.gls13:11 g30
.gls25:21 g31
.gls6:5 g32
.gls17:14 g33
.gls11:9 g34
.gls21:17 g35
.gls5:4 g36
.gls29:23 g37
.gls14:11 g38
.gls9:7 g39
.gls13:10 g40
.gls55:42 g41
.gls41:31 g42
.gls4:3 g43
.gls31:23 g44
.gls49:36 g45
.gls11:8 g46
.gls43:31 g47
.gls7:5 g48
.gls17:12 g49
.gls10:7 g50
.gls13:9 g51
.gls16:11 g52
.gls25:17 g53
.gls46:31 g54
.gls3:2 g55
.gls59:39 g56
.gls55:36 g57
.gls37:24 g58
.gls14:9 g59
.gls11:7 g60
.gls27:17 g61
.gls8:5 g62
.gls34:21 g63
.gls13:8 g64
.gls33:20 g65
.gls5:3 g66
.gls37:22 g67
.gls73:43 g68
.gls12:7 g69
.gls45:26 g70
.gls7:4 g71
.gls30:17 g72
.gls16:9 g73
.gls9:5 g74
.gls20:11 g75
.gls11:6 g76
.gls24:13 g77
.gls15:8 g78
.gls17:9 g79
.gls61:32 g80
.gls102:53 g81
.gls35:18 g82
.gls51:26 g83
.gls103:52 g84
.gls103:104 g85
.gls51:52 g86
.gls34:35 g87
.gls25:26 g88
.gls20:21 g89
.gls15:16 g90
.gls14:15 g91
.gls13:14 g92
.gls11:12 g93
.gls10:11 g94
.gls9:10 g95
.gls8:9 g96
.gls15:17 g97
.gls7:8 g98
.gls13:15 g99
.gls6:7 g100
.gls11:13 g101
.gls21:25 g102
.gls5:6 g103
.gls14:17 g104
.gls9:11 g105
.gls17:21 g106
.gls4:5 g107
.gls23:29 g108
.gls11:14 g109
.gls7:9 g110
.gls10:13 g111
.gls42:55 g112
.gls31:41 g113
.gls3:4 g114
.gls23:31 g115
.gls36:49 g116
.gls8:11 g117
.gls31:43 g118
.gls5:7 g119
.gls12:17 g120
.gls7:10 g121
.gls9:13 g122
.gls11:16 g123
.gls17:25 g124
.gls31:46 g125
.gls2:3 g126
.gls39:59 g127
.gls36:55 g128
.gls24:37 g129
.gls9:14 g130
.gls7:11 g131
.gls17:27 g132
.gls5:8 g133
.gls21:34 g134
.gls8:13 g135
.gls20:33 g136
.gls3:5 g137
.gls22:37 g138
.gls43:73 g139
.gls7:12 g140
.gls26:45 g141
.gls4:7 g142
.gls17:30 g143
.gls9:16 g144
.gls5:9 g145
.gls11:20 g146
.gls6:11 g147
.gls13:24 g148
.gls8:15 g149
.gls9:17 g150
.gls32:61 g151
.gls53:102 g152
.gls18:35 g153
.gls26:51 g154
.gls52:103 g155
@ some other ratios needed that duplicate those above
.gls54:55 g86
.gls77:72 g20
.gls33:28 g30
.gls33:32 g16
.gls21:22 g89
.gls81:88 g93
.gls13:12 g21
.gls11:9 g34
.gls12:13 g92
.gls36:35 g16
.gls25:24 g17
.gls49:48 g15
.gls72:77 g91
.gls35:36 g87
.gls24:25 g88
.gls48:49 g86
.gls32:33 g87
.gls143:144 g14
.gls144:143 g85
@ trills
@ 72 edo steps
.trl3 g110
.trl4 g111
.trl5 g112
.trl6 g113
.trl7 g114
.trl8 g115
.trl9 g116
.trl10 g117
.trl11 g118
.trl12 g119
.trl13 g120
.trl14 g121
.trl7:6 g156
.trl8:7 g157
.trl9:8 g158
.trl10:9 g159
.trl11:10 g160
.trl12:11 g161
@ same for 12:11 and 13:12 - How far do I have to go to make that distinction?
.trl13:12 g162
.trl14:13 g163
.trl15:14 g164
.trl11:9 g165
@ steps in 72 EDO instead of ratios
@ different speeds of movement
@c/ /@ /*m
@ .glup3a g14
@ .glup4a g15
@ .glup5a g16
@ .glup6a g17
@ .glup7a g18
@ .glup8a g19
@ .glup9a g20
@ .glup10a g21
@ .glup11a g22
@ .glup12a g23
@ .glup13a g24
@ .gldown3a g25
@ .gldown4a g26
@ .gldown5a g27
@ .gldown6a g28
@ .gldown7a g29
@ .gldown7a g30
@ .gldown8a g31
@ .gldown9a g32
@ .gldown10a g33
@ .gldown11a g34
@ .gldown12a g35
@ .gldown13a g36
@ .gldown14a g37
@ .glup3b g38
@ .glup4b g39
@ .glup5b g40
@ .glup6b g41
@ .glup7b g42
@ .glup8b g43
@ .glup9b g44
@ .glup10b g45
@ .glup11b g46
@ .glup12b g47
@ .glup13b g48
@ .glup14b g49
@ .gldown3b g50
@ .gldown4b g51
@ .gldown5b g52
@ .gldown6b g53
@ .gldown7b g54
@ .gldown8b g55
@ .gldown9b g56
@ .gldown10b g57
@ .gldown11b g58
@ .gldown12b g59
@ .gldown13b g60
@ .gldown14b g61
.glup3c g62
.glup4c g63
.glup5c g64
.glup6c g65
.glup7c g66
.glup8c g67
.glup9c g68
.glup10c g69
.glup11c g70
.glup12c g71
.glup13c g72
.glup14c g73
.gldown3c g74
.gldown4c g75
.gldown5c g76
.gldown6c g77
.gldown7c g78
.gldown8c g79
.gldown9c g80
.gldown10c g81
.gldown11c g82
.gldown12c g83
.gldown13c g84
.gldown14c g85
@ how long
.fin-hol2a h12
.fin-hol4a h16
.fin-hol2b h8
.fin-hol4b h12
.fin-hol2c h4
.fin-hol4c h8
.fin-hol2d h3
.fin-hol4d h5
.hol2a h3
.hol4a h5
.hol6a h7
.hol8a h9
.hol12a h13
.hol16a h18
.holh24 h24
.hol32a h32
.holh48a h49
.holh48b h44
.holh48c h40
.holh64 h64
.holh72 h72
.holh96a h92
.holh96b h84
.holh96c h80
.holh192 h180
.holh384 h360
@ ideas:
@ e13 is hit and only last 1/2 the hold value. Keeps the vibrato at the same tempo for 16 & 32 holds
@ major scale increments in 72 EDO
.maj1-a1 t+0
.maj1-b2 t+12
.maj1-a3 t+23
.maj1-b4 t+33
.maj1-a5 t+42
.maj1-c6 t+50
.maj1-b7 t+58
.maj1-c8 t+65
.maju-1-1 t+0
.maju-1-2 t+12
.maju-1-3 t+23
.maju-1-4 t+33
.maju-1-5 t+42
.maju-1-6 t+50
.maju-1-7 t+58
.maju-1-8 t+65
.maju-2-1 t+60
.maju-2-2 t+0
.maju-2-3 t+11
.maju-2-4 t+21
.maju-2-5 t+30
.maju-2-6 t+38
.maju-2-7 t+46
.maju-2-8 t+53
.maju-3-1 t+49
.maju-3-2 t+61
.maju-3-3 t+0
.maju-3-4 t+10
.maju-3-5 t+19
.maju-3-6 t+27
.maju-3-7 t+35
.maju-3-8 t+42
.maju-4-1 t+39
.maju-4-2 t+51
.maju-4-3 t+62
.maju-4-4 t+0
.maju-4-5 t+9
.maju-4-6 t+17
.maju-4-7 t+25
.maju-4-8 t+32
.maju-5-1 t+30
.maju-5-2 t+42
.maju-5-3 t+53
.maju-5-4 t+63
.maju-5-5 t+0
.maju-5-6 t+8
.maju-5-7 t+16
.maju-5-8 t+23
.maju-6-1 t+22
.maju-6-2 t+34
.maju-6-3 t+45
.maju-6-4 t+55
.maju-6-5 t+64
.maju-6-6 t+0
.maju-6-7 t+8
.maju-6-8 t+15
.maju-7-1 t+14
.maju-7-2 t+26
.maju-7-3 t+37
.maju-7-4 t+47
.maju-7-5 t+56
.maju-7-6 t+64
.maju-7-7 t+0
.maju-7-8 t+7
.maju-8-1 t+7
.maju-8-2 t+19
.maju-8-3 t+30
.maju-8-4 t+40
.maju-8-5 t+49
.maju-8-6 t+57
.maju-8-7 t+65
.maju-8-8 t+0
.majd-1-1 t-72
.majd-1-2 t-60
.majd-1-3 t-49
.majd-1-4 t-39
.majd-1-5 t-30
.majd-1-6 t-22
.majd-1-7 t-14
.majd-1-8 t-7
.majd-2-1 t-12
.majd-2-2 t-72
.majd-2-3 t-61
.majd-2-4 t-51
.majd-2-5 t-42
.majd-2-6 t-34
.majd-2-7 t-26
.majd-2-8 t-19
.majd-3-1 t-23
.majd-3-2 t-11
.majd-3-3 t-72
.majd-3-4 t-62
.majd-3-5 t-53
.majd-3-6 t-45
.majd-3-7 t-37
.majd-3-8 t-30
.majd-4-1 t-33
.majd-4-2 t-21
.majd-4-3 t-10
.majd-4-4 t-72
.majd-4-5 t-63
.majd-4-6 t-55
.majd-4-7 t-47
.majd-4-8 t-40
.majd-5-1 t-42
.majd-5-2 t-30
.majd-5-3 t-19
.majd-5-4 t-9
.majd-5-5 t-72
.majd-5-6 t-64
.majd-5-7 t-56
.majd-5-8 t-49
.majd-6-1 t-50
.majd-6-2 t-38
.majd-6-3 t-27
.majd-6-4 t-17
.majd-6-5 t-8
.majd-6-6 t-72
.majd-6-7 t-64
.majd-6-8 t-57
.majd-7-1 t-58
.majd-7-2 t-46
.majd-7-3 t-35
.majd-7-4 t-25
.majd-7-5 t-16
.majd-7-6 t-8
.majd-7-7 t-72
.majd-7-8 t-65
.majd-8-1 t-65
.majd-8-2 t-53
.majd-8-3 t-42
.majd-8-4 t-32
.majd-8-5 t-23
.majd-8-6 t-15
.majd-8-7 t-7
.majd-8-8 t-72
.maj3-u-a135 &maj1-a1. &maju-1-3. &maju-3-5.
.maj3-u-a351 &maj1-a3. &maju-3-5. &maju-5-1.
.maj3-u-a513 &maj1-a5. &maju-5-1. &maju-1-3.
.maj3-d-a531 &maj1-a5. &majd-5-3. &majd-3-1.
.maj3-d-a315 &maj1-a3. &majd-3-1. &majd-1-5.
.maj3-d-a153 &maj1-a1. &majd-1-5. &majd-5-3.
.maj3-u-b247 &maj1-b2. &maju-2-4. &maju-4-7.
.maj3-u-b472 &maj1-b4. &maju-4-7. &maju-7-2.
.maj3-u-b724 &maj1-b7. &maju-7-2. &maju-2-4.
.maj3-d-b742 &maj1-b7. &majd-7-4. &majd-4-2.
.maj3-d-b427 &maj1-b4. &majd-4-2. &majd-2-7.
.maj3-d-b274 &maj1-b2. &majd-2-7. &majd-7-4.
.maj4-u-147 &maj1-a1. &maju-1-4. &maju-4-7.
.maj4-u-251 &maj1-b2. &maju-2-5. &maju-5-1.
.maj4-u-362 &maj1-a3. &maju-3-6. &maju-6-2.
.maj4-u-372 &maj1-a3. &maju-3-7. &maju-7-2.
.maj4-u-483 &maj1-b4. &maju-4-8. &maju-8-3.
.maj4-u-473 &maj1-b4. &maju-4-7. &maju-7-3.
.maj4-u-514 &maj1-a5. &maju-5-1. &maju-1-4.
.maj4-u-625 &maj1-c6. &maju-6-2. &maju-2-5.
.maj4-u-725 &maj1-b7. &maju-7-2. &maju-2-5.
.maj4-u-736 &maj1-b7. &maju-7-3. &maju-3-6.
.maj4-u-836 &maj1-c8. &maju-8-3. &maju-3-6.
.maj4-u-147 &maj1-a1. &maju-1-4. &maju-4-7.
.maj4-d-741 &maj1-b7. &majd-7-4. &majd-4-1.
.maj4-d-152 &maj1-a1. &majd-1-5. &majd-5-2.
.maj4-d-273 &maj1-b2. &majd-2-7. &majd-7-3.
.maj4-d-374 &maj1-a3. &majd-3-7. &majd-7-4.
.maj4-d-384 &maj1-a3. &majd-3-8. &majd-8-4.
.maj4-d-415 &maj1-b4. &majd-4-1. &majd-1-5.
.maj4-d-526 &maj1-a5. &majd-5-2. &majd-2-6.
.maj4-d-527 &maj1-a5. &majd-5-2. &majd-2-7.
.maj4-d-637 &maj1-c6. &majd-6-3. &majd-3-7.
.maj4-d-638 &maj1-c6. &majd-6-3. &majd-3-8.
.maj4-d-741 &maj1-b7. &majd-7-4. &majd-4-1.
.slid-maj3-u-a135 &maj1-a1.&gls9:8. &maju-1-3.&gls11:10. &maju-3-5.&gls7:6.
.slid-maj3-u-a351 &maj1-a3.&gls11:10. &maju-3-5.&gls7:6. &maju-5-1.&gls9:8.
.slid-maj3-u-a513 &maj1-a5.&gls7:6. &maju-5-1.&gls9:8. &maju-1-3.&gls11:10.
.slid-maj3-u-b247 &maj1-b2.&gls10:9. &maju-2-4.&gls12:11. &maju-4-7.&gls8:7.
.slid-maj3-u-b472 &maj1-b4.&gls12:11. &maju-4-7.&gls8:7. &maju-7-2.&gls10:9.
.slid-maj3-u-b724 &maj1-b7.&gls8:7. &maju-7-2.&gls10:9. &maju-2-4.&gls12:11.
.slid-maj3-d-a135 &maj1-a1.&gls7:8. &majd-1-3.&gls9:10. &majd-3-5.&gls11:12.
.slid-maj3-d-a351 &maj1-a3.&gls9:10. &majd-3-5.&gls11:12. &majd-5-1.&gls7:8.
.slid-maj3-d-a513 &maj1-a5.&gls11:12. &majd-5-1.&gls7:8. &majd-1-3.&gls9:10.
.slid-maj3-d-b247 &maj1-b2.&gls8:9. &majd-2-4.&gls10:11. &majd-4-7.&gls6:7.
.slid-maj3-d-b472 &maj1-b4.&gls10:11. &majd-4-7.&gls6:7. &majd-7-2.&gls8:9.
.slid-maj3-d-b724 &maj1-b7.&gls6:7. &majd-7-2.&gls8:9. &majd-2-4.&gls10:11.
.tril-maj3-u-a135 &maj1-a1.&trl9:8. &maju-1-3.&trl11:10. &maju-3-5.&trl7:6.
.tril-maj3-u-a351 &maj1-a3.&trl11:10. &maju-3-5.&trl7:6. &maju-5-1.&trl9:8.
.tril-maj3-u-a513 &maj1-a5.&trl7:6. &maju-5-1.&trl9:8. &maju-1-3.&trl11:10.
.tril-maj3-u-b247 &maj1-b2.&trl10:9. &maju-2-4.&trl12:11. &maju-4-7.&trl8:7.
.tril-maj3-u-b472 &maj1-b4.&trl12:11. &maju-4-7.&trl8:7. &maju-7-2.&trl10:9.
.tril-maj3-u-b724 &maj1-b7.&trl8:7. &maju-7-2.&trl10:9. &maju-2-4.&trl12:11.
.tril-maj3-d-a531 &maj1-a5.&trl7:6. &majd-5-3.&trl11:10. &majd-3-1.&trl9:8.
.tril-maj3-d-a315 &maj1-a3.&trl11:10. &majd-3-1.&trl9:8. &majd-1-5.&trl7:6.
.tril-maj3-d-a153 &maj1-a1.&trl9:8. &majd-1-5.&trl7:6. &majd-5-3.&trl11:10.
.tril-maj3-d-b742 &maj1-b7.&trl8:7. &majd-7-4.&trl12:11. &majd-4-2.&trl10:9.
.tril-maj3-d-b427 &maj1-b4.&trl12:11. &majd-4-2.&trl10:9. &majd-2-7.&trl8:7.
.tril-maj3-d-b274 &maj1-b2.&trl10:9. &majd-2-7.&trl8:7. &majd-7-4.&trl12:11.
@ minor scale increments in 72 EDO
.min1-a1 t+0
.min1-b2 t+9
.min1-a3 t+19
.min1-b4 t+30
.min1-a5 t+42
.min1-c6 t+49
.min1-b7 t+56
.min1-c8 t+64
.minu-1-1 t+0
.minu-1-2 t+9
.minu-1-3 t+19
.minu-1-4 t+30
.minu-1-5 t+42
.minu-1-6 t+49
.minu-1-7 t+56
.minu-1-8 t+64
.minu-2-1 t+63
.minu-2-2 t+0
.minu-2-3 t+10
.minu-2-4 t+21
.minu-2-5 t+33
.minu-2-6 t+40
.minu-2-7 t+47
.minu-2-8 t+55
.minu-3-1 t+53
.minu-3-2 t+62
.minu-3-3 t+0
.minu-3-4 t+11
.minu-3-5 t+23
.minu-3-6 t+30
.minu-3-7 t+37
.minu-3-8 t+45
.minu-4-1 t+42
.minu-4-2 t+51
.minu-4-3 t+61
.minu-4-4 t+0
.minu-4-5 t+12
.minu-4-6 t+19
.minu-4-7 t+26
.minu-4-8 t+34
.minu-5-1 t+30
.minu-5-2 t+39
.minu-5-3 t+49
.minu-5-4 t+60
.minu-5-5 t+0
.minu-5-6 t+7
.minu-5-7 t+14
.minu-5-8 t+22
.minu-6-1 t+23
.minu-6-2 t+32
.minu-6-3 t+42
.minu-6-4 t+53
.minu-6-5 t+65
.minu-6-6 t+0
.minu-6-7 t+7
.minu-6-8 t+15
.minu-7-1 t+16
.minu-7-2 t+25
.minu-7-3 t+35
.minu-7-4 t+46
.minu-7-5 t+58
.minu-7-6 t+65
.minu-7-7 t+0
.minu-7-8 t+8
.minu-8-1 t+8
.minu-8-2 t+17
.minu-8-3 t+27
.minu-8-4 t+38
.minu-8-5 t+50
.minu-8-6 t+57
.minu-8-7 t+64
.minu-8-8 t+0
.mind-1-1 t-72
.mind-1-2 t-63
.mind-1-3 t-53
.mind-1-4 t-42
.mind-1-5 t-30
.mind-1-6 t-23
.mind-1-7 t-16
.mind-1-8 t-8
.mind-2-1 t-9
.mind-2-2 t-72
.mind-2-3 t-62
.mind-2-4 t-51
.mind-2-5 t-39
.mind-2-6 t-32
.mind-2-7 t-25
.mind-2-8 t-17
.mind-3-1 t-19
.mind-3-2 t-10
.mind-3-3 t-72
.mind-3-4 t-61
.mind-3-5 t-49
.mind-3-6 t-42
.mind-3-7 t-35
.mind-3-8 t-27
.mind-4-1 t-30
.mind-4-2 t-21
.mind-4-3 t-11
.mind-4-4 t-72
.mind-4-5 t-60
.mind-4-6 t-53
.mind-4-7 t-46
.mind-4-8 t-38
.mind-5-1 t-42
.mind-5-2 t-33
.mind-5-3 t-23
.mind-5-4 t-12
.mind-5-5 t-72
.mind-5-6 t-65
.mind-5-7 t-58
.mind-5-8 t-50
.mind-6-1 t-49
.mind-6-2 t-40
.mind-6-3 t-30
.mind-6-4 t-19
.mind-6-5 t-7
.mind-6-6 t-72
.mind-6-7 t-65
.mind-6-8 t-57
.mind-7-1 t-56
.mind-7-2 t-47
.mind-7-3 t-37
.mind-7-4 t-26
.mind-7-5 t-14
.mind-7-6 t-7
.mind-7-7 t-72
.mind-7-8 t-64
.mind-8-1 t-64
.mind-8-2 t-55
.mind-8-3 t-45
.mind-8-4 t-34
.mind-8-5 t-22
.mind-8-6 t-15
.mind-8-7 t-8
.mind-8-8 t-72
.min3-u-a135 &min1-a1. &minu-1-3. &minu-3-5.
.min3-u-a351 &min1-a3. &minu-3-5. &minu-5-1.
.min3-u-a513 &min1-a5. &minu-5-1. &minu-1-3.
.min3-d-a531 &min1-a5. &mind-5-3. &mind-3-1.
.min3-d-a315 &min1-a3. &mind-3-1. &mind-1-5.
.min3-d-a153 &min1-a1. &mind-1-5. &mind-5-3.
.min3-u-b247 &min1-b2. &minu-2-4. &minu-4-7.
.min3-u-b472 &min1-b4. &minu-4-7. &minu-7-2.
.min3-u-b724 &min1-b7. &minu-7-2. &minu-2-4.
.min3-d-b742 &min1-b7. &mind-7-4. &mind-4-2.
.min3-d-b427 &min1-b4. &mind-4-2. &mind-2-7.
.min3-d-b274 &min1-b2. &mind-2-7. &mind-7-4.
.min4-u-147 &min1-a1. &minu-1-4. &minu-4-7.
.min4-u-148 &min1-a1. &minu-1-4. &minu-4-8.
.min4-u-251 &min1-b2. &minu-2-5. &minu-5-1.
.min4-u-362 &min1-a3. &minu-3-6. &minu-6-2.
.min4-u-473 &min1-b4. &minu-4-7. &minu-7-3.
.min4-u-514 &min1-a5. &minu-5-1. &minu-1-4.
.min4-u-625 &min1-c6. &minu-6-2. &minu-2-5.
.min4-u-736 &min1-b7. &minu-7-3. &minu-3-6.
.min4-u-847 &min1-c8. &minu-8-4. &minu-4-7.
.min4-d-841 &min1-c8. &mind-8-4. &mind-4-1.
.min4-d-152 &min1-a1. &mind-1-5. &mind-5-2.
.min4-d-263 &min1-b2. &mind-2-6. &mind-6-3.
.min4-d-374 &min1-a3. &mind-3-7. &mind-7-4.
.min4-d-415 &min1-b4. &mind-4-1. &mind-1-5.
.min4-d-526 &min1-a5. &mind-5-2. &mind-2-6.
.min4-d-637 &min1-c6. &mind-6-3. &mind-3-7.
.min4-d-748 &min1-b7. &mind-7-4. &mind-4-8.
.min4-d-741 &min1-b7. &mind-7-4. &mind-4-1.
.slid-min3-u-a135 &min1-a1.&gls12:11. &minu-1-3.&gls10:9. &minu-3-5.&gls8:7.
.slid-min3-u-a351 &min1-a3.&gls10:9. &minu-3-5.&gls8:7. &minu-5-1.&gls12:11.
.slid-min3-u-a513 &min1-a5.&gls8:7. &minu-5-1.&gls12:11. &minu-1-3.&gls10:9.
.slid-min3-u-b247 &min1-b2.&gls11:10. &minu-2-4.&gls9:8. &minu-4-7.&gls7:6.
.slid-min3-u-b472 &min1-b4.&gls9:8. &minu-4-7.&gls7:6. &minu-7-2.&gls11:10.
.slid-min3-u-b724 &min1-b7.&gls7:6. &minu-7-2.&gls11:10. &minu-2-4.&gls9:8.
.slid-min3-d-a135 &min1-a1.&gls6:7. &mind-1-3.&gls10:11. &mind-3-5.&gls8:9.
.slid-min3-d-a351 &min1-a3.&gls10:11. &mind-3-5.&gls8:9. &mind-5-1.&gls6:7.
.slid-min3-d-a513 &min1-a5.&gls8:9. &mind-5-1.&gls6:7. &mind-1-3.&gls10:11.
.slid-min3-d-b247 &min1-b2.&gls11:12. &mind-2-4.&gls9:10. &mind-4-7.&gls7:8.
.slid-min3-d-b472 &min1-b4.&gls9:10. &mind-4-7.&gls7:8. &mind-7-2.&gls11:12.
.slid-min3-d-b724 &min1-b7.&gls7:8. &mind-7-2.&gls11:12. &mind-2-4.&gls9:10.
.tril-min3-u-a135 &min1-a1.&trl12:11. &minu-1-3.&trl10:9. &minu-3-5.&trl8:7.
.tril-min3-u-a351 &min1-a3.&trl10:9. &minu-3-5.&trl8:7. &minu-5-1.&trl12:11.
.tril-min3-u-a513 &min1-a5.&trl8:7. &minu-5-1.&trl12:11. &minu-1-3.&trl10:9.
.tril-min3-u-b247 &min1-b2.&trl11:10. &minu-2-4.&trl9:8. &minu-4-7.&trl7:6.
.tril-min3-u-b472 &min1-b4.&trl9:8. &minu-4-7.&trl7:6. &minu-7-2.&trl11:10.
.tril-min3-u-b724 &min1-b7.&trl7:6. &minu-7-2.&trl11:10. &minu-2-4.&trl9:8.
.tril-min3-d-a531 &min1-a5.&trl8:7. &mind-5-3.&trl10:9. &mind-3-1.&trl12:11.
.tril-min3-d-a315 &min1-a3.&trl10:9. &mind-3-1.&trl12:11. &mind-1-5.&trl8:7.
.tril-min3-d-a153 &min1-a1.&trl12:11. &mind-1-5.&trl8:7. &mind-5-3.&trl10:9.
.tril-min3-d-b742 &min1-b7.&trl7:6. &mind-7-4.&trl9:8. &mind-4-2.&trl11:10.
.tril-min3-d-b427 &min1-b4.&trl9:8. &mind-4-2.&trl11:10. &mind-2-7.&trl7:6.
.tril-min3-d-b274 &min1-b2.&trl11:10. &mind-2-7.&trl7:6. &mind-7-4.&trl9:8.
.key o+0
.C1/1 t0
.C13/12 t8
.C15/14 t7
.C28/15 t64
.D10/9 t10
.D11/10 t9
.D12/11 t9
.D14/13 t7
.D15/13 t14
.D16/15 t6
.D8/7 t13
.D9/8 t12
.E11/9 t20
.E13/11 t17
.E16/13 t21
.E5/4 t23
.E6/5 t18
.E7/6 t16
.E9/7 t26
.F10/7 t37
.F11/8 t33
.F13/10 t27
.F14/11 t25
.F15/11 t32
.F18/13 t33
.F4/3 t29
.F4/3 t30
.G11/7 t46
.G13/9 t38
.G16/11 t38
.G20/13 t44
.G22/15 t39
.G3/2 t42
.G7/5 t34
.A12/7 t55
.A13/8 t50
.A14/9 t45
.A18/11 t51
.A22/13 t54
.A5/3 t53
.A8/5 t48
.B11/6 t62
.B13/7 t64
.B15/8 t65
.B16/9 t59
.B20/11 t62
.B24/13 t63
.B26/15 t57
.B7/4 t58
.B9/5 t61
@c/ /@ /m*
@ balloon drum parts
.drum-18-a1 &key.&maj1-a*.d6h8 &key.&maj1-a*.d3 &key.&maj1-a*.d6 &key.&maj1-a*.d3
.drum-18-a2 &key.&maj1-a*.d9h8 v-6&key.&maj1-a*.d9
.drum-18-a3 &key.d3h8&maj3-u-b*. &key.&maj1-a*.d9
.drum-18-a4 &key.d3h8&maj3-u-a*. &key.&maj1-b*.d9
.drum-18-a5 r0d10 &hnd1-ran*.v-16s-1&key.d1h8 v+2s-1&maju-1-2. v+2s-1&maju-2-3. v+2s-1&maju-4-5. v+2s-1&key.&maju-5-6. v+2s-1&maju-6-7. v+2s-1&maju-7-8. v+2s-1&maju-8-1.
.drum-18-a6 r0d10 &hnd1-ran*.v-16s+1&key.d1h8 v+2s+1&maju-1-2. v+2s+1&maju-2-3. v+2s+1&maju-4-5. v+2s+1&key.&maju-5-6. v+2s+1&maju-6-7. v+2s+1&maju-7-8. v+2s+1&maju-8-1.
.drum-18-a6 &key.o-1v+6d15h32 v-6d3&majd-1-7.
.drum-18-a8 &key.o-1v+6d12h32 v-6d3&maju-1-2. d3&maju-2-7.
.drum-18-a9 r0d6 &hnd1-ran*.v+6&key.&maju-1-5.o-2d9h32 v-6o+2d3&maju-5-7.
.drum-18-a10 r0d9 &hnd1-ran*.v+6&key.&maju-1-5.o-2d6h32 v-6o+2d3&maju-5-7.
.drum-18-a11 r0d6 &hnd1-ran*.v-3o-1d0h32&key.&nice4-u-*.d6 v+3d6
.drum-18-a12 r0d6 &hnd1-ran*.v-3o-1d0h32&key.&nice4-u-*.d6 v+3d6
.drum-18-b1 d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a1*. &key.&maj3-d-b2*.
.drum-18-b2 d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a3*. &key.&maj3-d-b2*.
.drum-18-b3 d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a5*. &key.&maj3-d-b4*.
.drum-18-c1 v+12&key.d10 v-20s-1&key.d1h8 v+2s-1&maju-1-2. v+2s-1&maju-2-3. v+2s-1&maju-4-5. v+2s-1&key.&maju-5-6. v+2s-1&maju-6-7. v+2s-1&maju-7-8. v+2s-1&maju-8-1.
.drum-18-c2 v+12&key.d10 v-20s+1&key.d1h8 v+2s+1&maju-1-2. v+2s+1&maju-2-3. v+2s+1&maju-4-5. v+2s+1&key.&maju-5-6. v+2s+1&maju-6-7. v+2s+1&maju-7-8. v+2s+1&maju-8-1.
.drum-18-d1 v+12&key.d18o-1
.drum-18-d2 v+12&key.d18o-2
.drum-18-d3 v+12&key.d18o-2
.hnd1-18-a1 &hnd1.&drum-18-a*.
.hnd2-18-a1 &hnd2.&drum-18-a*.
.hnd3-18-a1 &hnd3.&drum-18-a*.
.hnd4-18-a1 &hnd4.&drum-18-a*.
.hnd5-18-a1 &hnd5.&drum-18-a*.
.hnd1-18-b1 &hnd1.&drum-18-b*.
.hnd2-18-b1 &hnd2.&drum-18-b*.
.hnd3-18-b1 &hnd3.&drum-18-b*.
.hnd4-18-b1 &hnd4.&drum-18-b*.
.hnd5-18-b1 &hnd5.&drum-18-b*.
.hnd1-18-c1 &hnd1.&drum-18-c*.
.hnd2-18-c1 &hnd2.&drum-18-c*.
.hnd3-18-c1 &hnd3.&drum-18-c*.
.hnd4-18-c1 &hnd4.&drum-18-c*.
.hnd5-18-c1 &hnd5.&drum-18-c*.
.hnd1-18-d1 &hnd1.&drum-18-d*.
.hnd2-18-d1 &hnd2.&drum-18-d*.
.hnd3-18-d1 &hnd3.&drum-18-d*.
.hnd4-18-d1 &hnd4.&drum-18-d*.
.hnd5-18-d1 &hnd5.&drum-18-d*.
.hnd1-72-a1 &hnd1-18-a*. &hnd1-18-a*. &hnd1-18-a*. &hnd1-18-a*.
.hnd2-72-a1 &hnd2-18-a*. &hnd2-18-a*. &hnd2-18-a*. &hnd2-18-b*.
.hnd3-72-a1 &hnd3-18-a*. &hnd3-18-a*. &hnd3-18-a*. &hnd3-18-a*.
.hnd4-72-a1 &hnd4-18-a*. &hnd4-18-a*. &hnd4-18-a*. &hnd4-18-b*.
.hnd5-72-a1 &hnd5-18-a*. &hnd5-18-a*. &hnd5-18-a*. &hnd5-18-c*.
@ combine
.vel-vel8 a255
&vel.d8&tempos*. &hnd1.d8r0 &hnd2.d8r0 &hnd3.d8r0 &hnd4.d8r0 &hnd5.d8r0 &fin1.d8r0 &fin2.d8r0 &flu1.d8r0 &cla1.d8r0
.key t0
.cla1-ran r14
.flu1-ran r14
.hnd1-ran r12
.fin1-ran r14
.fin2-ran r14
.nice4-u-a &maj4-u-251.
.nice4-u-b &maj4-u-736.
.nice4-u-c &maj4-u-473.
@.nice4-u-d &maj4-u-372.
@.nice4-u-e &maj4-u-725.
@ 736 251 473
.maj-chain7a &maj4-u-736. &key.o+1&maj4-u-251. &key.&maj4-u-473.
.maj-chain7b o+4&maj4-d-374. &key.&maj4-d-152. &key.o-1&maj4-d-637.
.maj-chain7c &maj3-u-a*. &key.&maj3-u-b*. &key.&maj3-u-a*.
.maj-chain7d o+4&maj3-d-a*. &key.o-1&maj3-d-b*. &key.&maj3-d-a*.
.fin1-arp z4
.fin1-18-a1 &fin1.d9r0 d0h7&fin1.&key.&fin1-arp.&nice4-u-*.d9
.fin1-18-a2 &fin1.d0h19&fin1.&key.&fin1-arp.&nice4-u-*.d18
.fin1-18-a3 &fin1.d9r0 &fin1.d1h18o-1&key.&maj-chain7*.
.fin1-18-a4 &fin1.d18r0
.fin1-72-a1 &fin1.d72h72&key.o-1
.fin1-72-a2 &fin1.d72r0
.fin1-72-a3 &fin1-18-a*. &fin1-18-a*. &fin1-18-a*. &fin1-18-a*.
.fin1-72-a4 &fin1.d18r0 &fin1.d6h18o-1&key.&maj-chain7*.
.fin2-18-a1 &fin2.d9h10&key.&maj3-u-a*.d0h0
.fin2-18-a2 &fin2.d6h7e8&key.&maj3-u-a*.d3h4 d3o+1v-6
.fin2-18-a3 &fin2.d18h20&key.v+3
.fin2-18-a4 &fin2.e8d3h4&key.&maj3-u-a*. &key.&maj3-d-b*.
.fin2-18-a5 &fin2.e8d3h4&key.o+1&maj3-d-a*. &key.&maj3-u-b*.
.fin2-72-a1 &fin2.d72h74&key.v+3
.fin2-72-a2 &fin2.d36h37&key.v+3&maj1-b7.&gls8:7.o-1 &key.g0o+1
.fin2-72-a3 &fin2-18-a*. &fin2-18-a*. &fin2-18-a*. &fin2-18-a*.
.fin2-72-a4 &fin2.e8d6h8&key.&maj3-u-a*.d12h13 &key.d6h7&maj3-d-b*.d12h13 &key.d6h7&maj3-u-a*.d12h13
.fin2-72-a5 &fin2.e8d9h10&key.&maj3-u-a*. &key.d9h10&maj3-d-b*. &key.d9h10&maj3-u-a*.d0
.fin2-72-a6 &fin2.d18h19&key.&slid-maj3-*.d36h37
.fin2-72-a7 &fin2.d18h19&key.o+1&slid-maj3-*.d36h37
@ 1894
.cla1-18-a1 &cla1.e8d3h4&key.&maj3-u-a*. &key.&maj3-d-b*.
.cla1-18-a2 &cla1.e8d3h4&key.o+1&maj3-d-a*. &key.&maj3-u-b*.
.cla1-18-a3 &cla1.e8d18h19&key.&maj1-a*.o+1
.cla1-18-a4 &cla1.d9r0 &cla1.e8d9h10&key.&maj1-a*.
.cla1-18-a5 &cla1.d0h19v-6&slid-maj3-*.d18
.cla1-18-a6 &cla1.d0h19v-6&tril-maj3-*.d18
.cla1-18-az &cla1.d18r0
.cla1-18-b1 &cla1.o+1d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a1*. &key.&maj3-d-b7*.
.cla1-18-b2 &cla1.o+1d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a3*. &key.&maj3-d-b2*.
.cla1-18-b3 &cla1.o+1d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a5*. &key.&maj3-d-b4*.
.cla1-72-a1a &cla1-18-a*. &cla1-18-a*. &cla1-18-a*. &cla1-18-a*.
.cla1-72-a1b &cla1-18-a*. &cla1-18-a*. &cla1-18-a*. &cla1-18-a*.
.cla1-72-a2 &cla1.o+2d12h13e8&key.&maj1-a3. d3h4&majd-3-7. &majd-7-4. d12h13&maju-4-1. d3h4&majd-1-5. &majd-5-2. d9h10&maju-2-6. d6h7&majd-6-3. d3h4&majd-3-7. d6h7&maju-7-1. &maju-1-3. &maju-3-5.
.cla1-72-a3 &cla1.d18h19&key.&maj3-u-*.d36h37
.cla1-72-a5 &cla1.d18h19&slid-maj3-*. &cla1-18-a*.
.cla1-72-a6 &cla1.d18h19&tril-maj3-*. &cla1-18-a*.
.flu1-18-a1 &flu1.d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a*. &key.&maj3-d-b*.
.flu1-18-a2 &flu1.d3h4e8&key.o+1&maj3-d-a*. &key.&maj3-u-b*.
.flu1-18-a3 &flu1.e8d18h19&key.&maj1-a*.o+1
.flu1-18-a4 &flu1.d9r0 &flu1.e8d9h10&key.&maj1-a*.
.flu1-18-a5 &flu1.d0h19v-6&slid-maj3-*.d18
.flu1-18-a6 &flu1.d0h19v-6&tril-maj3-*.d18
.flu1-18-az &flu1.d18r0
.flu1-18-b1 &flu1.o+1d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a1*. &key.&maj3-d-b2*.
.flu1-18-b2 &flu1.o+1d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a3*. &key.&maj3-d-b2*.
.flu1-18-b3 &flu1.o+1d3h4e8&key.&maj3-u-a5*. &key.&maj3-d-b4*.
.flu1-72-a1a &flu1-18-a*. &flu1-18-a*. &flu1-18-a*. &flu1-18-a*.
.flu1-72-a1b &flu1-18-a*. &flu1-18-a*. &flu1-18-a*. &flu1-18-a*.
.flu1-72-a2 &flu1.o+2d12h13e8&key.&maj1-a3. d3h4&majd-3-7. &majd-7-4. d12h13&maju-4-1. d3h4&majd-1-5. &majd-5-2. d9h10&maju-2-6. d6h7&majd-6-3. d3h4&majd-3-7. d6h7&maju-7-1. &maju-1-3. &maju-3-5.
.flu1-72-a3 &flu1.d18h19&key.&maj3-u-a*.d36h37
.flu1-72-a5 &flu1.d18h19&slid-maj3-*. &flu1-18-a*.
.flu1-72-a6 &flu1.d18h19&tril-maj3-*. &flu1-18-a*.
.play18 &hnd1-18-a*. &hnd2-18-a*. &hnd3-18-a*. &hnd4-18-a*. &hnd5-18-a*. &fin1-18-a*. &flu1-18-a*. &cla1-18-a*. &fin2-18-a*. &vel.d18
.play72 &hnd1-72-a*. &hnd2-72-a*. &hnd3-72-a*. &hnd4-72-a*. &hnd5-72-a*. &fin1-72-a*. &flu1-72-a*. &cla1-72-a*. &fin2-72-a*. &vel.d72
.play72a &hnd1-72-a*. &hnd2-72-a*. &hnd3-72-a*. &hnd4-72-a*. &hnd5-72-a*. &fin1-72-a4. &flu1-72-a2. &cla1-72-a2. &fin2-72-a4. &vel.d72
.intro18-c &hnd1-18-c*. &hnd2-18-c*. &hnd3-18-c*. &hnd4-18-c*. &hnd5-18-c*. &fin1.r0d18 &flu1.r0d18 &cla1.r0d18 &fin2.r0d18 &vel.d18
.intro18-b &hnd1-18-b*. &hnd2-18-b*. &hnd3-18-b*. &hnd4-18-b*. &hnd5-18-b*. &fin1.r0d18 &flu1-18-b*. &cla1-18-b*. &fin2.r0d18 &vel.d18
.intro18-d &hnd1-18-d*. &hnd2-18-d*. &hnd3-18-d*. &hnd4-18-d*. &hnd5-18-d*. &fin1.r0d18 &flu1.r0d18 &cla1.r0d18 &fin2.r0d18 &vel.d18
.all-pva p34
@ c/ /@ /*m
.vel-vel8 a220
&intro18-d. &intro18-c. &intro18-b. &intro18-b.
&play72a. &play72a. &play72. &play72.
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72a.
.vel-vel8 a255
.all-pva p28
.key &C1/1.
.key &G3/2.
.key &A8/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &G3/2.
.key &E6/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &D12/11.
&play18. &play18.
.key &C1/1.
&play18. &play18. &play18.
.all-pva p16
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
.all-pva p25
&play18. &play18.
.all-pva p28
.key &C1/1.
.key &G3/2.
.key &A8/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &G3/2.
.key &E6/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &D12/11.
&play18. &play18.
.key &C1/1.
&play18. &play18. &play18.
.all-pva p12
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
.all-pva p25
&play18. &play18.
.vel-vel8 a200
.all-pva p28
.key &C1/1.
.key &G3/2.
.key &A8/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &G3/2.
.key &E6/5.
.key &F4/3.
.vel-vel8 a255
.key &D12/11.
&play18. &play18.
.key &C1/1.
&play18. &play18. &play18.
.all-pva p33
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
.all-pva p25
&play18. &play18.
.all-pva p28
.key &C1/1.
.key &G3/2.
.key &A8/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &G3/2.
.key &E6/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &D12/11.
&play18. &play18.
.key &C1/1.
&play18. &play18. &play18.
.all-pva p16
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
.all-pva p25
&play18. &play18.
.all-pva p28
.key &C1/1.
.key &G3/2.
.key &A8/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &G3/2.
.key &E6/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &D12/11.
&play18. &play18.
.key &C1/1.
&play18. &play18. &play18.
.all-pva p2
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
.all-pva p25
.vel-vel8 a180
&play18. &play18.
.all-pva p28
.key &C1/1.
.key &G3/2.
.key &A8/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &G3/2.
.key &E6/5.
.key &F4/3.
.vel-vel8 a255
.key &D12/11.
&play18. &play18.
.key &C1/1.
&play18. &play18. &play18.
.all-pva p20
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
.all-pva p25
&play18. &play18.
.all-pva p28
.key &C1/1.
.key &G3/2.
.key &A8/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &G3/2.
.key &E6/5.
.key &F4/3.
.key &D12/11.
&play18. &play18.
.key &C1/1.
&play18. &play18. &play18.
.all-pva p34
&play72. &play72. &play72. &play72.
&play72a. &play72a. &play72. &play72.
.all-pva p30
.vel-vel8 a255
.vel-vel8 a220
.vel-vel8 a200
.vel-vel8 a150
.vel-vel8 a80
.vel-vel8 a60
.vel-vel8 a50
.vel-vel8 a40
.vel-vel8 a30
.vel-vel8 a20
.vel-vel8 a10
.vel-vel8 a0
@ @ @
@c/ /@ /*m
&vel.d8&tempos*. &hnd1.d8r0 &hnd2.d8r0 &hnd3.d8r0 &hnd4.d8r0 &hnd5.d8r0 &fin1.d8r0 &fin2.d8r0 &flu1.d8r0 &cla1.d8r0

This generates Csound code. Here’s the first few lines of the result:

; name: drum2 12/28/11 1:15 pm 
; name: drum2 12/27/11 2:56 pm
; name: drum2 12/19/11 1:53 pm
; name: drum2 12/16/11 3:15 pm
; name: drum2 12/14/11 8:06 pm
; name: drum1 12/07/11 11:42am
; name: drum1 11/27/11 9:36am
; name: drum1 10/30/11 11:02am
; name: inton 10/29/11 12:09pm
; name: inton 10/23/11 12:09pm
; name: inton 3/01/11 11:19am
; name: inton 11/16/10 11:17am
; name: inton 11/03/10 4:20pm
; name: inton 9/01/10 5:21pm
; Orchestra:
; Alto flute, clarinet, finger piano, balloon drums, dry spring, heavy spring,

-W -G -m2 -+y -o sflib\drum2.wav

sr = 44100
ksmps = 10; any higher than 10 and I hear clicks - use 1 for final take
; typically save 5x processing time by increasing ksmps by 10x
nchnls = 2
instr 1

; p1 is always 1
; p2 start time
; p3 duration
; p4 velocity, 60-80 works best
; p5 tone - which tone is this note - 1-100 for Partch scale - maxequal in samples.pas 6/15/06
; p6 Octave
; p7 voice
; p8 stereo - pan from left = 0 to right = 16
; p9 envelope - one of several function tables for envelopes 1 - 16
; p10 glissando - one of several function tables to modify pitch
; p11 upsample - use a sample higher (>0) or lower (<256) than normal
; p12 envelope for right channel - if blank, use the left channel envelope for both channels
ifunc table p7,1 ; find the location of the sample wave tables
ioct = p6+1
iwavchan table p7,2 ; is it mono (iwavchan = 1) or stereo sample file (iwavchan = 2)
; or are sustain points in separate table iwavchan=3
inum = 12*(ioct) + int(p5/6) ; convert from octave/pitch to a MIDI note number to pick ftable (root is 72, 72/12 = 6)
ifno2 table inum, ifunc ; map midi note number to the correct ftable for that note
ifno = ifno2 + (p11 < 128 ? p11 : p11-256) ; up or down sample by parameter 11 modulo 256
iamp = ampdb(p4) ; velocity input is 60-80 - convert to amplitude
i9 = 298-p9 ; valid envelope table number are 298, 297, 296, 295 etc. - left channel
i12 = 298-p12 ; valid envelope table number are 298, 297, 296, 295 etc. - right channel
i10 = 301+p10 ; valid glissando table number are 301, 302, etc
; kamp_l poscil iamp, 1/p3, i9 ; create a precise long envelope from a function table for left channel
; kamp_r poscil iamp, 1/p3, i12 ; create a precise long envelope from a function table for right channel
kamp_l oscil iamp, 1/p3, i9 ; create an envelope from a function table for left channel
kamp_r oscil iamp, 1/p3, i12 ; create an envelope from a function table for right channel
kpan_l tablei p8/16, 4, 1,0,1 ; pan with a sine wave using f table #4 - 2st value is reduced to max 1, normalized
kpan_r tablei 1.0 - p8/16, 4, 1,0,1 ; inverse of kpan_l
ibasno table ifno-(3+ifunc), 1 + ifunc ; get midi note number the sample was recorded at
icent table ifno-(3+ifunc), 2 + ifunc ; get cents to flatten each note
iloop table ifno-(3+ifunc), 3 + ifunc ; get loop or not
ibasoct = ibasno/12 ; find the base octave
ibascps = cpsoct(ibasoct+(icent/1200))
ipitch table p5, 3 ; convert note number 0-71 to oct.fract format - hand made table 3 of fractions
inote = cpspch(ioct + ipitch) ; note plus the decimal fraction of a note from table - how precise is this?
; print p5, p6, p7, p11, ifno, icent
kcps = cpspch(ioct + ipitch) ; convert oct.fract to Hz
kcpsm oscili 1, 1/p3, i10 ; create an set of shift multiplicands from table - glissandi
kcps2 = kcps * kcpsm ; shift the frequency by values in glissando table
; Four choices: Mono looping, stereo looping, mono no-loop, stereo no-loop
if iwavchan = 4 goto akaimono
if iloop = 0 goto noloops
; Stereo with loop
a3,a4 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps; stereo sample with looping
goto skipstereo
; Stereo without looping
a3,a4 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps,0,1,2 ; stereo sample without looping - note that 1,2 is bogus workaround
goto skipstereo
if iloop = 0 goto noloopm
; Mono with looping
a3 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps ; mono sampling with loop
a4 = a3
goto skipstereo
; Mono without looping
a3 loscil 1, kcps2, ifno, ibascps,0,1,2 ; mono AIFF sample without loop
a4 = a3

; start comparison sine wave oscillator for fine tuning adjustment testing
; ihertz = cpspch(ioct+ipitch) ; what frequency are you trying to make
; a1 oscili 1, kcps*8, 500 ; sine wave to compare the sample frequency to
; a5 = a1 ; + a3 ; add the sample to the sine wave right
; a6 = a4 + a3 ; and left
; a3 = a5
; a4 = a6
; end comparison sine wave oscilator
; start of resonant filter for tuning purposes
;a1 reson a3,kcps*4,20,2
;a2 reson a4,kcps*4,20,2
a1 = a3 * kamp_l
a2 = a4 * kamp_r
outs a1 * kpan_l ,a2 * kpan_r

; instr 99
; kamp poscil 1, 1/p3, 1 ; create an envelope from a function table
; a6, a7 soundin "sflib/drum2.wav"
; outs a6 * kamp, a7 * kamp
; endin

; cents for each step in the scale
; just equivalent to 72 EDO
f3 0 128 -2
0 0.0016667 0.0033333 0.0050000 0.0066667 0.0083333 0.0100000 0.0116667 0.0133333 0.0150000 0.0166667
0.0183333 0.0200000 0.0216667 0.0233333 0.0250000 0.0266667 0.0283333 0.0300000 0.0316667 0.0333333
0.0350000 0.0366667 0.0383333 0.0400000 0.0416667 0.0433333 0.0450000 0.0466667 0.0483333 0.0500000
0.0516667 0.0533333 0.0550000 0.0566667 0.0583333 0.0600000 0.0616667 0.0633333 0.0650000 0.0666667
0.0683333 0.0700000 0.0716667 0.0733333 0.0750000 0.0766667 0.0783333 0.0800000 0.0816667 0.0833333
0.0850000 0.0866667 0.0883333 0.0900000 0.0916667 0.0933333 0.0950000 0.0966667 0.0983333 0.1000000
0.1016667 0.1033333 0.1050000 0.1066667 0.1083333 0.1100000 0.1116667 0.1133333 0.1150000 0.1166667
0.1183333 0.12
f4 0 1025 9 .25 1 0 ;The first quadrant of a sine for panning
f500 0 256 10 1
;lf9 0 256 10 1 ; sine wave
; c4 = 72 = middle C = 60 is MIDI standard number
; g3 = 67
; something is wrong with function table 300
; 1st take 2nd take 3rd take 4th take 5th take 6th take sum of takes = size of table
; these are useful for taking a note up or down an octave without moving the sample up or down - built in munchkinization
f301 0 256 -7 1 256 1 ; g0 = no change;
f302 0 256 -7 1.125 256 1.125 ; g1 up 9/8
f303 0 256 -7 1.25 256 1.25 ; g2 up 5/4
f304 0 256 -7 1.3333 256 1.3333 ; g3 up 4/3
f305 0 256 -7 1.5 256 1.5 ; g4 up 3/2
f306 0 256 -7 .875 256 .875 ; g5 down 7/8
f307 0 256 -7 .5 256 .5 ; g6 down 1 octave
f308 0 256 -7 .25 256 .25 ; g7 down 2 octaves
f309 0 256 -7 .125 256 .125 ; g8 down 3 octaves
f310 0 1024 -7 1 512 1 0 1.125 256 1.125 0 .9000000 256 .9000000 0 ; g9 4 5 3 = A# C Ab
f311 0 1024 -7 1 512 1 0 1.14285714 256 1.14285714 0 .8888889 256 .8888888 0 ; g10 5 6 4 = 11:8 -> 11:7 -> 11:9
f312 0 256 -7 1 256 1.0625; g11 glide up 17/16
f313 0 256 -7 1 256 .9375; g12 glide down 15/16
; Glissando up tables min points mid pts max pts mid pts max pts mid pts min mid max mid min mid max ; glide number Ratio
f314 0 256 -7 1 48 1 128 1 80 1 ; 1:1 g13 up 0
; Glides optimized for 72 tone stepsize: 1.0096735 0.9904191
f 315 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0096735 64 1.0096735 ; 104:103 g14 up 1
f 316 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0194406 64 1.0194406 ; 52:51 g15 up 2
f 317 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0293022 64 1.0293022 ; 35:34 g16 up 3
f 318 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0392592 64 1.0392592 ; 26:25 g17 up 4
f 319 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0493125 64 1.0493125 ; 21:20 g18 up 5
f 320 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0594631 64 1.0594631 ; 16:15 g19 up 6
f 321 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0697118 64 1.0697118 ; 15:14 g20 up 7
f 322 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0800597 64 1.0800597 ; 14:13 g21 up 8
f 323 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.0905077 64 1.0905077 ; 12:11 g22 up 9
f 324 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1010568 64 1.1010568 ; 11:10 g23 up 10
f 325 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1117079 64 1.1117079 ; 10:9 g24 up 11
f 326 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1224620 64 1.1224620 ; 9:8 g25 up 12
f 327 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1333202 64 1.1333202 ; 17:15 g26 up 13
f 328 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1442834 64 1.1442834 ; 8:7 g27 up 14
f 329 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1553527 64 1.1553527 ; 15:13 g28 up 15
f 330 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1665290 64 1.1665290 ; 7:6 g29 up 16
f 331 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1778135 64 1.1778135 ; 13:11 g30 up 17
f 332 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.1892071 64 1.1892071 ; 25:21 g31 up 18
f 333 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2007109 64 1.2007109 ; 6:5 g32 up 19
f 334 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2123261 64 1.2123261 ; 17:14 g33 up 20
f 335 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2240535 64 1.2240535 ; 11:9 g34 up 21
f 336 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2358945 64 1.2358945 ; 21:17 g35 up 22
f 337 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2478499 64 1.2478499 ; 5:4 g36 up 23
f 338 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2599210 64 1.2599210 ; 29:23 g37 up 24
f 339 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2721089 64 1.2721089 ; 14:11 g38 up 25
f 340 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2844147 64 1.2844147 ; 9:7 g39 up 26
f 341 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.2968396 64 1.2968396 ; 13:10 g40 up 27
f 342 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3093846 64 1.3093846 ; 55:42 g41 up 28
f 343 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3220510 64 1.3220510 ; 41:31 g42 up 29
f 344 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3348399 64 1.3348399 ; 4:3 g43 up 30
f 345 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3477525 64 1.3477525 ; 31:23 g44 up 31
f 346 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3607900 64 1.3607900 ; 49:36 g45 up 32
f 347 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3739536 64 1.3739536 ; 11:8 g46 up 33
f 348 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.3872446 64 1.3872446 ; 43:31 g47 up 34
f 349 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4006642 64 1.4006642 ; 7:5 g48 up 35
f 350 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4142136 64 1.4142136 ; 17:12 g49 up 36
f 351 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4278940 64 1.4278940 ; 10:7 g50 up 37
f 352 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4417068 64 1.4417068 ; 13:9 g51 up 38
f 353 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4556532 64 1.4556532 ; 16:11 g52 up 39
f 354 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4697345 64 1.4697345 ; 25:17 g53 up 40
f 355 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4839520 64 1.4839520 ; 46:31 g54 up 41
f 356 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.4983071 64 1.4983071 ; 3:2 g55 up 42
f 357 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5128010 64 1.5128010 ; 59:39 g56 up 43
f 358 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5274351 64 1.5274351 ; 55:36 g57 up 44
f 359 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5422108 64 1.5422108 ; 37:24 g58 up 45
f 360 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5571295 64 1.5571295 ; 14:9 g59 up 46
f 361 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5721924 64 1.5721924 ; 11:7 g60 up 47
f 362 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.5874011 64 1.5874011 ; 27:17 g61 up 48
f 363 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6027568 64 1.6027568 ; 8:5 g62 up 49
f 364 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6182612 64 1.6182612 ; 34:21 g63 up 50
f 365 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6339155 64 1.6339155 ; 13:8 g64 up 51
f 366 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6497212 64 1.6497212 ; 33:20 g65 up 52
f 367 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6656798 64 1.6656798 ; 5:3 g66 up 53
f 368 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6817928 64 1.6817928 ; 37:22 g67 up 54
f 369 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.6980617 64 1.6980617 ; 73:43 g68 up 55
f 370 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7144880 64 1.7144880 ; 12:7 g69 up 56
f 371 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7310731 64 1.7310731 ; 45:26 g70 up 57
f 372 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7478187 64 1.7478187 ; 7:4 g71 up 58
f 373 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7647263 64 1.7647263 ; 30:17 g72 up 59
f 374 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7817974 64 1.7817974 ; 16:9 g73 up 60
f 375 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.7990337 64 1.7990337 ; 9:5 g74 up 61
f 376 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8164367 64 1.8164367 ; 20:11 g75 up 62
f 377 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8340081 64 1.8340081 ; 11:6 g76 up 63
f 378 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8517494 64 1.8517494 ; 24:13 g77 up 64
f 379 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8696624 64 1.8696624 ; 15:8 g78 up 65
f 380 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.8877486 64 1.8877486 ; 17:9 g79 up 66
f 381 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9060098 64 1.9060098 ; 61:32 g80 up 67
f 382 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9244477 64 1.9244477 ; 102:53 g81 up 68
f 383 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9430639 64 1.9430639 ; 35:18 g82 up 69
f 384 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9618602 64 1.9618602 ; 51:26 g83 up 70
f 385 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 1.9808383 64 1.9808383 ; 103:52 g84 up 71
f 386 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9904191 64 0.9904191 ; 103:104 g85 down 1
f 387 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9809301 64 0.9809301 ; 51:52 g86 down 2
f 388 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9715319 64 0.9715319 ; 34:35 g87 down 3
f 389 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9622238 64 0.9622238 ; 25:26 g88 down 4
f 390 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9530049 64 0.9530049 ; 20:21 g89 down 5
f 391 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9438743 64 0.9438743 ; 15:16 g90 down 6
f 392 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9348312 64 0.9348312 ; 14:15 g91 down 7
f 393 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9258747 64 0.9258747 ; 13:14 g92 down 8
f 394 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9170040 64 0.9170040 ; 11:12 g93 down 9
f 395 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.9082184 64 0.9082184 ; 10:11 g94 down 10
f 396 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8995169 64 0.8995169 ; 9:10 g95 down 11
f 397 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8908987 64 0.8908987 ; 8:9 g96 down 12
f 398 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8823631 64 0.8823631 ; 15:17 g97 down 13
f 399 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8739094 64 0.8739094 ; 7:8 g98 down 14
f 400 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8655366 64 0.8655366 ; 13:15 g99 down 15
f 401 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8572440 64 0.8572440 ; 6:7 g100 down 16
f 402 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8490309 64 0.8490309 ; 11:13 g101 down 17
f 403 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8408964 64 0.8408964 ; 21:25 g102 down 18
f 404 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8328399 64 0.8328399 ; 5:6 g103 down 19
f 405 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8248606 64 0.8248606 ; 14:17 104 down 20
f 406 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8169577 64 0.8169577 ; 9:11 105 down 21
f 407 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8091306 64 0.8091306 ; 17:21 106 down 22
f 408 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.8013784 64 0.8013784 ; 4:5 107 down 23
f 409 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7937005 64 0.7937005 ; 23:29 108 down 24
f 410 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7860962 64 0.7860962 ; 11:14 109 down 25
f 411 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7785647 64 0.7785647 ; 7:9 110 down 26
f 412 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7711054 64 0.7711054 ; 10:13 111 down 27
f 413 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7637176 64 0.7637176 ; 42:55 112 down 28
f 414 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7564005 64 0.7564005 ; 31:41 113 down 29
f 415 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7491535 64 0.7491535 ; 3:4 114 down 30
f 416 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7419760 64 0.7419760 ; 23:31 115 down 31
f 417 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7348672 64 0.7348672 ; 36:49 116 down 32
f 418 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7278266 64 0.7278266 ; 8:11 117 down 33
f 419 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7208534 64 0.7208534 ; 31:43 118 down 34
f 420 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7139470 64 0.7139470 ; 5:7 119 down 35
f 421 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7071068 64 0.7071068 ; 12:17 120 down 36
f 422 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.7003321 64 0.7003321 ; 7:10 121 down 37
f 423 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6936223 64 0.6936223 ; 9:13 122 down 38
f 424 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6869768 64 0.6869768 ; 11:16 123 down 39
f 425 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6803950 64 0.6803950 ; 17:25 124 down 40
f 426 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6738762 64 0.6738762 ; 31:46 125 down 41
f 427 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6674199 64 0.6674199 ; 2:3 126 down 42
f 428 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6610255 64 0.6610255 ; 39:59 127 down 43
f 429 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6546923 64 0.6546923 ; 36:55 128 down 44
f 430 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6484198 64 0.6484198 ; 24:37 129 down 45
f 431 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6422074 64 0.6422074 ; 9:14 130 down 46
f 432 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6360545 64 0.6360545 ; 7:11 131 down 47
f 433 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6299605 64 0.6299605 ; 17:27 132 down 48
f 434 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6239250 64 0.6239250 ; 5:8 133 down 49
f 435 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6179472 64 0.6179472 ; 21:34 134 down 50
f 436 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6120268 64 0.6120268 ; 8:13 135 down 51
f 437 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6061630 64 0.6061630 ; 20:33 136 down 52
f 438 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.6003555 64 0.6003555 ; 3:5 137 down 53
f 439 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5946036 64 0.5946036 ; 22:37 138 down 54
f 440 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5889067 64 0.5889067 ; 43:73 139 down 55
f 441 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5832645 64 0.5832645 ; 7:12 140 down 56
f 442 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5776763 64 0.5776763 ; 26:45 141 down 57
f 443 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5721417 64 0.5721417 ; 4:7 142 down 58
f 444 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5666601 64 0.5666601 ; 17:30 143 down 59
f 445 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5612310 64 0.5612310 ; 9:16 144 down 60
f 446 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5558540 64 0.5558540 ; 5:9 145 down 61
f 447 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5505284 64 0.5505284 ; 11:20 146 down 62
f 448 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5452539 64 0.5452539 ; 6:11 147 down 63
f 449 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5400299 64 0.5400299 ; 13:24 148 down 64
f 450 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5348559 64 0.5348559 ; 8:15 149 down 65
f 451 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5297315 64 0.5297315 ; 9:17 150 down 66
f 452 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5246563 64 0.5246563 ; 32:61 151 down 67
f 453 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5196296 64 0.5196296 ; 53:102 152 down 68
f 454 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5146511 64 0.5146511 ; 18:35 153 down 69
f 455 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5097203 64 0.5097203 ; 26:51 154 down 70
f 456 0 256 -7 1 64 1 128 0.5048368 64 0.5048368 ; 52:103 155 down 71
;Trills in 72 EDO
f 457 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1665290 16 1.1665290 0 1 16 1 0 1.1665290 16 1.1665290
0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904
0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904
0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904 0 1 16 1 0 1.16652904 16 1.16652904
; 7:6 156 up & down .trl7:6 g156
f 458 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1442834 16 1.1442834 0 1 16 1 0 1.1442834 16 1.1442834
0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433 0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433
0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433 0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433
0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433 0 1 16 1 0 1.144283433 16 1.144283433
; 8:7 157 up & down .trl8:7 g157
f 459 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1224620 16 1.1224620 0 1 16 1 0 1.1224620 16 1.1224620
0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048 0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048
0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048 0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048
0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048 0 1 16 1 0 1.122462048 16 1.122462048
; 9:8 158 up & down .trl9:8 g158
f 460 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1117079 16 1.1117079 0 1 16 1 0 1.1117079 16 1.1117079
0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905 0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905
0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905 0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905
0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905 0 1 16 1 0 1.111707905 16 1.111707905
; 10:9 159 up & down .trl10:9 g159
f 461 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.1010568 16 1.1010568 0 1 16 1 0 1.1010568 16 1.1010568
0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795 0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795
0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795 0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795
0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795 0 1 16 1 0 1.101056795 16 1.101056795
; 11:10 160 up & down .trl11:10 g160
f 462 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.0905077 16 1.0905077 0 1 16 1 0 1.0905077 16 1.0905077
0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
; 12:11 161 up & down .trl12:11 g161
f 463 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.0905077 16 1.0905077 0 1 16 1 0 1.0905077 16 1.0905077
0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733 0 1 16 1 0 1.090507733 16 1.090507733
; 13:12 162 up & down .trl13:12 g162
f 464 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.0769231 16 1.0769231 0 1 16 1 0 1.0769231 16 1.0769231
0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077 0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077
0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077 0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077
0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077 0 1 16 1 0 1.076923077 16 1.076923077
; 14:13 163 up & down .trl14:13 g163
f 465 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.0800597 16 1.0800597 0 1 16 1 0 1.0800597 16 1.0800597
0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739 0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739
0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739 0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739
0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739 0 1 16 1 0 1.080059739 16 1.080059739
; 15:14 164 up & down .trl15:14 g164
f 466 0 256 -7 1 16 1 0 1.2240535 16 1.2240535 0 1 16 1 0 1.2240535 16 1.2240535
0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543 0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543
0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543 0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543
0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543 0 1 16 1 0 1.224053543 16 1.224053543
; 11 : 9 165 up & down .trl11:9 g165
; Envelopes
; autoscale all following tables to 1
;#7 0 siz
;#6 0 siz exp min values mid val max vals mid vals min val mid val max
f298 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 496 1 496 1 15 .5 15 0.0 ; e0 - Attack and sustain with a relatively sharp ending
f297 0 1025 6 0 1 .9 1 1 486 1 486 1 25 .5 25 0.0 ; e1 - Attack and sustain with a relatively sharp ending
;#5 0 siz exp start take reach take reach
f296 0 513 5 1024 512 1 ; e2 - exponential - dead piano
;#6 0 siz exp min values mid val max val mid val min val mid val max val mid val min
f295 0 1025 6 0 64 .5 64 1 128 .6 128 .3 128 .5 128 .6 192 .3 192 0 ; e3 big hump, small hump
f294 0 1025 6 0 64 .15 64 .3 128 .25 128 .2 128 .6 128 1 192 .5 192 0 ; e4 small hump, big hump
f293 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 447 .99 447 .98 64 0.5 64 0 ;e5 default woodwind envelope
f292 0 1025 6 0 1 0.50 1 1.00 447 0.60 447 0.20 32 0.21 32 0.22 32 0.11 32 0.00 ; e6 moving away slowly
f291 0 1025 6 0 1 0.50 1 1.00 128 0.60 128 0.20 256 0.15 254 0.10 128 0.05 128 0.00 ; e7 moving away faster
f290 0 1025 6 0 2 .5 2 1 501 .6 483 .3 18 .15 18 0 ; e8 hit and drop most
f289 0 1025 6 0 1 .3 1 .6 479 .8 479 1 32 .5 32 0 ; e34 Start moderately and build, abrupt end
f288 0 1025 6 0 64 .40 448 1 448 .6 64 0 ; e10 One long hump in the middle
f287 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 368 .99 368 .98 16 .5 16 0 127 0 127 0 ; e11 hit and sustain 3/4 the normal length
f286 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 303 .99 303 .98 16 .5 16 0 192 0 192 0 ; e12 hit and sustain 2/3 the normal length
f285 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1 255 .99 255 .98 16 .5 16 0 240 0 240 0 ; e13 hit and sustain 1/2 the normal length
f284 0 1025 6 0 64 .4 64 1 127 .99 255 .98 16 .5 16 0 240 0 240 0 ; e14 gradual in with 1/2 sustain
f283 0 1025 6 0 384 .5 384 1 128 .5 128 0 ; e15 one hump towards the end
f282 0 1025 6 0 2 .2 2 .4 477 .7 479 1 32 .5 32 0 ; e16 sustain piano sound
f281 0 1025 6 0 1 .1 1 .2 479 .6 479 1 32 .5 32 0 ; e17 sustain guitar sound
f280 0 1025 6 1 64 .7 64 .4 64 .4 64 .4 384 .7 352 1 16 .5 16 0 ; e18 Sharp attack, then less quiet, build to end
f279 0 1025 6 0 1 .5 1 1.0 128 .7 228 .4 128 .4 28 .4 128 .5 128 .6 128 .3 126 0 ; e19 Moderate attack, then slightly quiet, build to end
f278 0 1025 6 0 85 0.40 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.75 85 1.00 85 0.75 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.8 85 0.4 89 0.0 ; e20 3 humps - biggest in middle
f277 0 1025 6 0 85 0.50 85 1.00 85 0.75 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.8 85 0.4 89 0.0 ; e21 3 humps - biggest early
f276 0 1025 6 0 85 0.40 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.65 85 0.80 85 0.65 85 0.50 85 0.75 85 1.0 85 0.5 89 0.0 ; e22 3 humps - biggest late
f275 0 1025 6 0 1 0.01 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.75 84 1.00 84 0.75 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.8 84 0.4 183 0.0 ; e23 3 humps - early biggest in middle
f274 0 1025 6 0 1 0.01 84 1.00 84 0.75 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.8 84 0.4 183 0.0 ; e24 3 humps - early biggest early
f273 0 1025 6 0 1 0.01 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.65 84 0.80 84 0.65 84 0.50 84 0.75 84 1.0 84 0.5 183 0.0 ; e25 3 humps - early biggest late
f272 0 1025 6 0 64 .5 64 1 256 1 512 1 64 .5 64 0 ; e26 slow rise, sustain, slow drop
; min pts mid pts max pts mid pts min pts mid pts max pts mid pts min
;p1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ;
f265 0 1025 6 0 32 0.20 32 0.40 32 0.30 32 0.20 432 0.60 432 1.00 16 0.50 16 0.00 ; e33 channel one moving in gradually
f264 0 1025 6 0 206 0.03 206 0.06 205 0.06 205 0.05 85 0.53 85 1.00 16 0.50 16 0.00 ; e34 channel 2 moving in at the end
;#6 0 siz exp min values mid val max val mid val min val mid val max val mid val min
f263 0 1025 6 0 2 .2 2 .6 4 .4 4 .3 500 .6 500 1 6 .5 7 0 ; e35 low bass piano inverse of h48 and above
f262 0 1025 6 0 2 .2 2 .6 4 .4 4 .3 500 .32 500 .33 6 .2 7 0 ; e36 low bass piano inverse of h48
f5 0 128 -17 0 9 73 10 75 11 78 12 80 13 82 14 84 15 86 16 88 17 90 18 92 19 94 20 96 21 98 22 127
f6 0 64 -2 0 72 74 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99
f7 0 64 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f8 0 64 -2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
f23 0 128 -17 0 27 127
f24 0 64 -2 0 36
f25 0 64 -2 0 -20
f26 0 64 -2 0 0
f28 0 128 -17 0 32 127
f29 0 64 -2 0 61
f30 0 64 -2 0 -45
f31 0 64 -2 0 0
f33 0 128 -17 0 37 127
f34 0 64 -2 0 61
f35 0 64 -2 0 -45
f36 0 64 -2 0 0
f38 0 128 -17 0 42 127
f39 0 64 -2 0 55
f40 0 64 -2 0 +13
f41 0 64 -2 0 0
f43 0 128 -17 0 47 127
f44 0 64 -2 0 54
f45 0 64 -2 0 +26
f46 0 64 -2 0 0
f48 0 128 -17 0 52 25 53 29 54 32 55 34 56 37 57 39 58 42 59 44 60 46 61 49 62 51 63 53 64 56 65 58 66 61 67 63 68 65 69 66 70 68 71 73 72 75 73 78 74 80 75 82 76 127
f49 0 64 -2 0 24 28 31 33 36 38 41 43 45 48 50 52 55 57 60 62 64 65 67 72 74 77 79 81 84
f50 0 64 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 +1 +1 +1 -4 +4 +1 +2 0 0 +1 +2 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0
f51 0 64 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f77 0 128 -17 0 81 20 82 21 83 23 84 25 85 27 86 32 87 34 88 37 89 39 90 41 91 43 92 46 93 47 94 49 95 51 96 54 97 57 98 59 99 63 100 67 101 70 102 127
f78 0 64 -2 0 19 20 22 24 26 31 33 36 38 40 42 45 46 48 50 53 56 58 62 66 69 74
f79 0 64 -2 0 +3 -37 -24 -13 +7 +18 +22 -13 -38 +14 +17 -32 -4 +14 +46 -32 -1 +41 -10 +0 +32 -41
f80 0 64 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f103 0 128 -17 0 107 69 108 71 109 73 110 75 111 77 112 79 113 81 114 83 115 127
f104 0 64 -2 0 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84
f105 0 64 -2 0 +4 -11 +8 +9 +6 +14 +12 +4 +13
f106 0 64 -2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
f116 0 128 -17 0 120 63 121 65 122 67 123 69 124 71 125 73 126 77 127 79 128 81 129 83 130 85 131 87 132 89 133 91 134 93 135 95 136 97 137 127
f117 0 64 -2 0 62 64 66 68 70 72 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98
f118 0 64 -2 0 -1 +7 +4 +3 +5 -2 -3 -2 -3 +3 +2 -1 0 +1 +5 -1 0 -2
f119 0 64 -2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
f9 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERC4.aif" 0 4 0
f10 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERD4.aif" 0 4 0
f11 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERF4.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f12 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERG4.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f13 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERA4.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f14 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERB4.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f15 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTRC#5.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f16 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTRD#5.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f17 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERF5.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f18 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERG5.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f19 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERA5.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f20 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTERB5.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f21 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTRC#6.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f22 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/FLUTTERFLUTE/FLUTTRD#6.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f27 0 0 1 "samples/Balloon Drums/balloondrum-c2.wav" 0 4 0
f32 0 0 1 "samples/Balloon Drums/HandDrum1.wav" 0 4 0
f37 0 0 1 "samples/Balloon Drums/MediumHandDrum1.wav" 0 4 0
f42 0 0 1 "samples/Balloon Drums/SmallBalloonDrum5.wav" 0 4 0
f47 0 0 1 "samples/Balloon Drums/MediumBalloonDrum2.wav" 0 4 0
f52 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/c1.aif" 0 4 0
f53 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/e1.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f54 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/g1.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f55 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/a1.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f56 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/c2.aif" 0 4 0
f57 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/d2.aif" 0 4 0
f58 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/f2.aif" 0 4 0
f59 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/g2.aif" 0 4 0
f60 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/a2.aif" 0 4 0
f61 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/c3.aif" 0 4 0
f62 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/d3.aif" 0 4 0
f63 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/e3.aif" 0 4 0
f64 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/g3.aif" 0 4 0
f65 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/a3.aif" 0 4 0
f66 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/c4.aif" 0 4 0
f67 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/d4.aif" 0 4 0
f68 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/e4.aif" 0 4 0
f69 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/f4.aif" 0 4 0
f70 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/g4.aif" 0 4 0
f71 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/c5.aif" 0 4 0
f72 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/d5.aif" 0 4 0
f73 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/f5.aif" 0 4 0
f74 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/g5.aif" 0 4 0
f75 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/a5.aif" 0 4 0
f76 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition I/FingerP/c6.aif" 0 4 0
f81 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano0~2.aif" 0 4 0
f82 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano0~3.aif" 0 4 0
f83 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano0~1.aif" 0 4 0
f84 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano1~2.aif" 0 4 0
f85 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano1~3.aif" 0 4 0
f86 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano1~4.aif" 0 4 0
f87 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano1~1.aif" 0 4 0
f88 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano2~3.aif" 0 4 0
f89 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/PI906D~1.aif" 0 4 0
f90 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Pi8D41~1.aif" 0 4 0
f91 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/PiCAC2~1.aif" 0 4 0
f92 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano2~1.aif" 0 4 0
f93 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano2~2.aif" 0 4 0
f94 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano3~2.aif" 0 4 0
f95 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano3~3.aif" 0 4 0
f96 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano3~4.aif" 0 4 0
f97 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Pi0e24~1.aif" 0 4 0
f98 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano3~1.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f99 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano4~2.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f100 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano4~3.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f101 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano4~1.aif" 0 4 0 ; should not be required - uncomment if needed 2-28-2009
f102 0 0 1 "McGill/PARTIT~1/BASSFI~1/Piano5~1.aif" 0 4 0
f107 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/ALTO FLUTE/A.FLUTE G#3.aif" 0 4 0
f108 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/ALTO FLUTE/A.FLUTE A#3.aif" 0 4 0
f109 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/ALTO FLUTE/A.FLUTE C4.aif" 0 4 0
f110 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/ALTO FLUTE/A.FLUTE D4.aif" 0 4 0
f111 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/ALTO FLUTE/A.FLUTE E4.aif" 0 4 0
f112 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/ALTO FLUTE/A.FLUTE F#4.aif" 0 4 0
f113 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/ALTO FLUTE/A.FLUTE G#4.aif" 0 4 0
f114 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/ALTO FLUTE/A.FLUTE A#4.aif" 0 4 0
f115 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition B/ALTO FLUTE/A.FLUTE C5.aif" 0 4 0
f120 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB D3-f.aif" 0 4 0
f121 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB E3-f.aif" 0 4 0
f122 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB F#3-f.aif" 0 4 0
f123 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB G#3-f.aif" 0 4 0
f124 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB A#3-f.aif" 0 4 0
f125 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB C4-f.aif" 0 4 0
f126 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB E4-f.aif" 0 4 0
f127 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB F#4-f.aif" 0 4 0
f128 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB G#4-f.aif" 0 4 0
f129 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB A#4-f.aif" 0 4 0
f130 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB C5-f.aif" 0 4 0
f131 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB D5-f.aif" 0 4 0
f132 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB E5-f.aif" 0 4 0
f133 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB F#5-f.aif" 0 4 0
f134 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB G#5-f.aif" 0 4 0
f135 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB A#5-f.aif" 0 4 0
f136 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB C6-f.aif" 0 4 0
f137 0 0 1 "McGill/Partition A/B- CLARINET/CLARBB D6-f.aif" 0 4 0
f1 0 64 -2 0 5 23 28 33 38 43 48 77 103 116
f2 0 64 -2 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5
;Inst Start Dur Vel Ton Oct Voice Stere Envlp Gliss Upsamp R-Env;Channel
;p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 R-Env;Channel
i1 0.0000000000 8 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 8.0000000000 18 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 26.0000000000 18 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 44.0000000000 18 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 62.0000000000 18 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 80.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 152.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 224.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 296.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 368.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 440.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 512.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 584.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 656.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 728.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 800.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 872.0000000000 72 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 944.0000000000 18 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 962.0000000000 18 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1
i1 980.0000000000 18 1 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 ; 1

The rest of the 9000+ notes are omitted.

Making some bass finger piano samples

I took the time last week to make a new set of bass finger piano samples from some spring steel inside a plumber’s snake. The material is about 1/4″ wide, and somewhere around 0.40″ thick. One of the least known things about thumb piano tongues is that they have a prominent overtone that is just under an octave above the fundamental. If you add solder to the ends, you can lower the fundamental, without changing the prominent overtone as much. For example, if a 3″ long tongue has a fundamental around C 1, but an overtone around Bb 3, the tongue will sound out of tune. But if you add some rosen core solder to the tip, it will lower the fundamental to around A 1, while the overtone drops only a half step to A 3. If you do it just right, you can end up with the overtone exactly two octaves above the fundamental. Add more solder, or file off the excess until the two notes converge. This sample library has about two dozen notes from G 0 to D 5. Each is a bit out of tune to the 12 TET scale, but by calibrating the cents from 12, Csound is able to tune them back up. These are the samples used in the last complete piece, Drums in 12/8 from last week. Here’s the G 0 four cents sharp from 12 TET.

A picture of the rig. Low notes need more solder than high ones. Once I made the first low note in tune, it was mostly shaving off solder with the file, about three strokes per cent flat for the fundamental.

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Here’s another sample, F# 2 17 cents sharp: