This is a work in progress…
Author: Prent Rodgers
Fixed an octave misplacement in the finger piano arpeggio
The bridge
Fixed some wrong notes in the cello part – oops
Settling down
More Aimless Wandering about the Circle of Fourths
This is a work in progress…
How aimless? How’s this:
17 39 08 30 52 21 43 12 34 03 25
47 16 38 07 29 51 20 42 11 33 02
24 46 15 37 06 28 50 19 41 10 32
Those are the keys in which it wanders, spending only a measure in each. In 53 tone equal temperament, those are all 22 steps, or a perfect fourth apart. You can see we get close to the start, when it hits 16, then 38, which is like the first two chords 17 & 39. After a short while the repetitive chord changes just leave one with a feeling of never ending change. Not a pleasant feeling in my mind.
Cycle of Fourths – Misses by One
A cycle of fourths looks like the chart on the right.
In 53-tone to the octave equal temperament, 22 steps makes a perfect fourth. Start on E, and see what happens after 13 modulations. Instead of coming back to 17, you end up on 16. So what do you do when you don’t come our right? I slide up by one and make up the difference. Otherwise I suppose I could go around again. How many would I have to cycle through? 54. Naturally.