Regarding hearing the ascending changes… starting at :09, then on :11, :13, etc. is a low G note on the cello, correct? Lower notes seem harder to distinguish when their pitch varies… there is more “room” or allowance for variance and yet remain as that pitch (not to mention there is a lot of sonic clutter there in the piece).
Try hearing a higher reference tone —
At :14, :16, :18, etc, you can hear the D more clearly.. there are 7 of them… sounds to me like the first one at :14 is at 0, the next two are the same at one-53 step higher, then the next two are the same but one more 53-step higher, like this
0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1
It’s very subtle tho. I’m taking an ear training course to develop my perfect (absolute) pitch hearing, so maybe later it will become clearer.
But finally, I must add — there is a VIBRATO on the notes!! So then the pitch is wavering up and down as it is, further muddying the ability to distinguish the pitches =)
Dunno if you programmed the vibratos to re-trigger freshly with each attack, or whether the LFO is already oscillating below, and so each new note “catches” the vibrato at some random place/pitch… in turn randomizing the starting pitch of each new note, coupled with any already programmed pitch bend inherent in the cello patch.
Either way, because of the closeness of pitches in 53-step, a vibrato is therefore much “bigger” in 53 than in 12-tone ET.
First off, thanks for the microtonal posts =)
Regarding hearing the ascending changes… starting at :09, then on :11, :13, etc. is a low G note on the cello, correct? Lower notes seem harder to distinguish when their pitch varies… there is more “room” or allowance for variance and yet remain as that pitch (not to mention there is a lot of sonic clutter there in the piece).
Try hearing a higher reference tone —
At :14, :16, :18, etc, you can hear the D more clearly.. there are 7 of them… sounds to me like the first one at :14 is at 0, the next two are the same at one-53 step higher, then the next two are the same but one more 53-step higher, like this
0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1
It’s very subtle tho. I’m taking an ear training course to develop my perfect (absolute) pitch hearing, so maybe later it will become clearer.
But finally, I must add — there is a VIBRATO on the notes!! So then the pitch is wavering up and down as it is, further muddying the ability to distinguish the pitches =)
Dunno if you programmed the vibratos to re-trigger freshly with each attack, or whether the LFO is already oscillating below, and so each new note “catches” the vibrato at some random place/pitch… in turn randomizing the starting pitch of each new note, coupled with any already programmed pitch bend inherent in the cello patch.
Either way, because of the closeness of pitches in 53-step, a vibrato is therefore much “bigger” in 53 than in 12-tone ET.