The wolves of Just minor #9

This version uses a D minor just scale. I transposed a C minor just scale into D and ended up with these ratios.

In numpy for python:

edo_12_ratio_strings = np.array(['1', '25/24', '10/9', '32/27', '5/4', '4/3', '25/18', '40/27', '55/36', '5/3', '16/9', '50/27', '2'], dtype='

Or in scala form:

! d_minor_just
Transposition of a c minor just into d

There are some real wolves in this scale, almost enough to get me to go back to one of the tempered ones I've used lately. Victorian Rational Well Temperament is wonderful in most keys. But it has the nasty effect of having prominent beating in others. This d minor just scale that I used for this piece has the interesting characteristic of really celebrating the wolves. They scream out at the top of their lungs when the hit some of the keys.

This piece is based on a synthetic chorale manufactured by TonicNet. It's number 3,640, one of many in D minor. It has a pitch class entropy score of 3.28, which is fairly high, but not extreme, compared to others. I used music21 to determine the triad chords used in the chorale:

b minor (2)
F# major (2)
b minor
F# major
b minor
d minor (finally!)
g minor
D major
g minor
F major (3)
a minor
C major
d minor (4)
F major (2)
Bb major
F major

So even though it's in d minor, according to music21, it starts in b minor and ends in F major. I don't think this is typical of Bach. But the way TonicNet works is it tries at every moment to choose the next triad that Bach would have chosen at that time-step of the piece. It doesn't look back to consider what it did previously, except in a very limited way. It's kind of guaranteed to sound like it's just wandering around aimlessly imitating Bach without duplicating his technique.

Listen here:


Published by

Prent Rodgers

Musician seduced into capitalism.