New Variations

I’ve added some new variations involving many more slides, trills, and shorter repetitions. The piece starts out the same, but by the third measure (about 60 seconds in) the piece gets more sparse. I then goes back and forth between the sparse and dense alternatives. Drunkard’s Walk determines the path. The rhythm is back to a constant one at this point.

Or download here: Jesus, All My Gladness.

A Drunkard’s Walk Through a Golden Ratio Sequence

I can set the tempos that are available to any numbers, and in this case the numbers are in a Golden Ratio:

.tempof1 q2400
.tempof2 q1483
.tempom1 q917
.tempom1 q567
.tempos1 q350

The preprocessor can pick any tempo from those beats per minute, and Csound moves from one to another over time. The effect is to always be speeding up or slowing down to one of those steps.
And it moves to either the next or previous one in the series, like a Markov Chain Drunkard’s Walk algorithm.

Or download here: Jesus, All My Gladness.

Radiant Red #1

This is a work in progress. For the next set of pieces, I’m going back to the Partch Tonality Diamond, approximated by 72-EDO. The advantage of an equal temperament with a just scale is that all the intervals are reduced to a defined set of intervals, in this case multiples of the ratio 1.009673533 or 2^(1/72) which is the 72EDO step. This make it possible to mass produce trills, slides, and other ornamentation with a relatively small number of alternatives. I have 72 upward glissando, and 72 downward ones, and the same with trills. Now, if I want to go up by a 4/3, I just have to know that it’s about 30 72-EDO steps, and call &glv+30. and there I am. Of course, it also makes transpositions easier, but I don’t know if I’ll get to those.
15-limit Diamond approximated in 72-EDO

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Or download here: Radiant Red.