I had a bug in the original code for Tango, which I fixed today. It was occasionally choosing a sample file out of range, and as a result leaving out the notes. Hundreds of them I think. The fix was simple, and here is a new version. The keys are either otonalities (maj) or utonalities (min), chosen by picking one from the list of 33 keys, and moving up and down the list using the Markov Chain Drunkard’s Walk.
- An-maj
- Bn-maj
- An-maj
- G+-maj
- F+-maj
- G+-maj
- An-maj
- Bn-maj
- C#-maj
- Bn-maj
- C#-maj
- Bn-maj
- C#-maj
- E–maj
- G–maj
- A#-maj
- D+-maj
- Fn-maj
- D+-maj
- Fn-maj
- Ab-maj
- Cn-maj
- E+-min
- Cn-maj
- E+-min
- E–min
- E+-min
- Cn-maj
- Ab-maj
- Fn-maj
- Ab-maj
or download here:
Tango #24